Trade Unions Flashcards
What was the situation of labour rights in 1865?
- Trade unions were small and limited to skilled workers
- No legal obligation to recognise unions
- Mainly closed shop unions
- Industrialisation ed to an increase in semi/unskilled workers
What was the impact of industrialisation?
- Immigration
- Technology
- East vs West - industrialisation quicker in the East
- Rural vs Urban work
What were the issues for workers during industrialisation?
- Children working in mines
- 12 hour shifts
- Dangerous conditions
- Health and safety expensive and opposed by employers
What were the aims, methods, effectiveness of the AFL? (American Federation of Labour) Date?
Aims: Link all unions, reform through legislation, stand up to large corporations
Methods: Harnessed bargaining power of skilled workers, concentrated on practical goals of raising wages and reducing hours, used boycotts and strikes
Effectiveness: 2 million members by 1914, some unions retained a degree of independence, AFL played a part in labour relations until 1992
Date: 1886
What were the aims, methods, effectiveness of the Wobblies? Date?
Aims: Defended rights of poor and illiterate workers such as immigrants
Methods: Use of violence and sabotage
Effectiveness: Employers had suspicions, divisions within leadership , membership peaked at 100,000, arrests and persecution
Date: 1905
What were the aims, methods of the NLU? (National Labour Union) Date?
Aims: To form a single association that wold cross craft lines and draw mass membership- also promoted cause of working women
Methods: Campaigned for 8 hour days, currency and banking reform, the end of convict labour, a fed labour department and immigration restrictions, opposed strikes
Date: 1866
What were the aims, methods, effectiveness of the Knights of Labour? Date?
Aims: 8 hour day, end to child labour, equal pay for equal work
Methods: Strikes
Effectiveness: Success in 1884 and 1885 but Haymarket Affair reduced influence
Date: 1869
What was the impact of Great Depression on Labour Rights?
- Total collapse of the economy led to factory closures and bankruptcy for businesses
- Unemployment rose to 25% in 1933 amounted to 13million
- Incidents of strikes and sit ins increased
- Employers called in the police or their own strike breakers to end industrial action
- Only 10% of workforce unionised in 1933
- Employers had the right to sack striking workers
What were the major Alphabet Agencies affecting Trade Unions and what did they do?
- National Recovery Administration (NRA): Encouraged minimum wage, abolition of child labour
- Social Security Act (SSA): Pensions and benefits for disabled
- Farm Security Administration (FSA): Lent money to sharecroppers
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): Employed 2.5million young men, tree planting/flood control/conservation of national parks
What was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)? When was it passed?
- Passed in June 1933
- Agreed codes of practice about issues such as production levels, wage rates, working hours, prices and TU rights
- Gave workers the right to organise TUs
- Positive effects limited
- Henry Ford refused to sign code
- Under fire by Supreme Court
What was the National Labour Act (Wagner Act)? When was it passed?
- Passed in 1935
- Promotes trade unionism
- Aimed to regulate and reduce labour disputes by providing a structure for bargaining
- Aimed to reduce picket line violence and disruption to production caused by strikes
What was the significance of the Wagner Act?
- First legislation to recognise rights of workers to elect their own reps
- Supreme Court declared act constitutional in 1937 - this support was crucial
- Spies on shop floors banned
- Set up National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) which could bargain on behalf of workers
- Expansion of TU membership from 3.7 million in 1933 to 9 million in 1938
How effective was the Wagner Act in extending TUs?
- TU membership increased but disputes continued to occur
- Divisions within TU movement continued to deprive unskilled workers of their rights
- 1937 - Congress of Industrial Organisations (CIO) formed from 8 unions within the AFL
- Split weakens the labour movement until it reformed in 1955
What was the Congress of Industrial Organisations (CIO) and its aims?
- Attempted to organise labour in mass production industries
- Established closed shop and was resisted by employees
- Sit ins and sit downs became the new form of protest - used against car industry Win 1937
- Supported women and AA labour rights
What did the New Deal do for disadvantaged workers?
- Positive impact on unionisation - extending rights
- Supported skilled workers
- Still no leadership/limited support for unskilled/domestic workers
- AAs were also limited - agricultural policies did not support them but FEPC tried to help
- Women were on minimum wage but upheld different pay levels
- Still conflict between state and federal govt. with welfare support