Women Flashcards
How are women discriminated in in and uk
Opportunity to be promoted is limited
Prevented from entering the army
Being considered physically weak
Not feeling safe going out at night, alone
How are women discriminated globally
Income/pay gap
Forced into marriages
Laws around what women /can’t wear
Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female doctor
The married women’s property act allows women to own their own property
Women over 30 are allowed to vote in Britain
Nancy Astor becomes the first female MP
The matrimonial causes act makes ground for divorce the same for women and men previously only men could file divorce
Women age 21 or over are allowed to vote
Abortion is made legal in the UK and the contraceptive pill becomes available through family planning clinics
Equal pay act means it’s illegal to pay women lower rates than men for the same work
The sex discrimination act makes it illegal to discriminate against women in work education and training
The Royal Air Force allowed women to pilot combat aircraft
Patriarchal society
A society shaped and ruled by men were only men’s voices were heard
What is the Catholic Church stance on women in leadership roles
Women are not suitable to represent the male figure of Christ
Old Testament priesthood was reserved for men alone when Jesus came he chose only men apostles
Women can play rules, but not leading ones
Women are too emotional. They may be moody due to feminine hormonal changes they can be too compassionate and allow emotions to get in the way of reason and logic.
Priest as a father, the role people want to go to their father, not a woman
Allowing woman priest may be distracting/men in the congregation may hit on female priest
Women priest may not be taken seriously by the congregation
They generally have a less powerful commanding voice, which is necessary for preaching hard truths
They don’t have as much physical stamina so taxing duties may be perform less gracefully
Women tend to be more gossipy and talkative they give away the secrets of the confession
They are concerned about their appearance and may be influenced by flattery
her safety may be an issue as she may be alone with men who are stronger than she is
What is the stance of the Church of England on women having leadership roles
The Church of England supports women in leadership roles, including as priests and bishops, based on its commitment to gender equality and the belief that both men and women are equally called by God to serve.