Wk8a mOrPhOlOgY allomorphy Flashcards
What is Allomorphy?
Allomorphy is the phenomenon that a single morpheme has different realizations
The plural morpheme -s in English is pronounced in three
different ways:
– [s]
– [z]
– [əz]
How do you make plural words that end in [s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ]….what sound do you add?
[əz] is used after sibilant consonants
How do you make plural words that end in voiceless, non-sibilant consonants– [p t k f θ], what sound do you add?
what sound do you add after after voiced, non-sibilant consonants and vowels
– [m n ŋ b d g v ð l r]
– [ɑː ɔː uː ə iː eɪ aɪ ɔɪ aʊ əʊ ɪə]
… or elsewhere to make plurals?
[s], [z], [əz] are ______ of the plural morpheme
What is complementary distribution?
The mutually exclusive relationship between two phonetically similar segments. It exists when one segment occurs in an environment where the other segment never occurs.
What are phonological allomorphs?
Different pronunciation of the same morpheme
Not all allomorphs are phonologically similar, what’s this called?
suppletive allomorphs
Give examples of suppletive allomorphs
go- went……good- better
Give examples of weak suppletive allomorphs
buy- bought…..tell- told
What are weak suppletive allomorphs?
Allomorphs exhibit some
similarity, but this cannot be
described by phonological rules
When allomorphs exhibit no similarity
at all, it’s called..?
Strong suppletive
New word forms can belong to the same lexeme as the original root (_________)
New word forms can result in new lexemes (_______)
The addition of prefixes, suffixes, infixes and circumfixes to a
morphemes are strung together in a linear
roots are modified without stringing
morphemes together
Each affix has its own ______ _______:
– -able attaches to verbal roots to derive adjectives
read ⟶ read-able, suit ⟶ suitable, window ⟶ *windowable,
clever ⟶ *cleverable
combinatory potential
________ is when a root or part of a root is copied and attached to the root itself
____ ________ is change in the pronunciation of part of a root with or without the
addition of affixes
Base modification eg. woman- women
______ is when new lexemes are derived without any modification of the root.
Conversion eg. water- to water, guess- a guess, rich- the rich