Wk2- how much evidence is needed Flashcards
types of clinical questions
intervention- effectiveness of treatment
diagnostic- diagnostic tests, or presence/absence of signs and symptoms
prognostic- asking about the future
patient experiences/concerns- qualitative research to understand the why and how
what is “just in case” information
information that is pushed out to you. usually when you’re not needed the information
just in time information
creating a question and filtering through results to acquire information
steps to creating an answerable question 4
- identify a knowledge gap/ information need
- classify the need for information as either intervention, diagnostic, prognostic or patients experience/concern.
- clearly articulate required components from the PICO framework.
- review question, seek feedback from others and refine work
comparison in PICO is not used it what kind of questions?
qualitative research
inductive reasoning, where we move from specific –> general. focuses on the how and why of peoples actions
quantitative research
deductive reasoning, general –> specific. typically the more reliable data, numerical.
hierarchies of evidence
quality of evidence improves from the bottom to top
bottom areas, unfiltered information
top areas, filtered information
list the hierarchy of evidence pyramid worst to best (7)
systematic reviews
critically appraised topics
critically appraised articles
cohort study
case control study
background information/ expert opinion
level 1 evidence (best evidence) for intervention, diagnosis and prognosis?
a systemic review of level 2 studies
i: systematic review of RCT
d: systematic review of a study of test accuracy with
- an indecent blinded comparison
- a valid reference standard
-and defined clinical presentation
p: systematic review of a prospective cohort study
level 2 evidence for intervention?
randomized controlled trial
level 2 evidence for diagnosis
a study of test accuracy with an indecent blinded comparison. with a valid reference standard, amount consecutive persons with a defined clinical presentation
level 2 evidence for prognosis
prospective cohort study
list the hierarchies of studies strongest to weakest 6
- randomized controlled trial (experimental) - analytical
- cohort study (observational) - analytical
- case-control study “ -analytical
- cross sectional study “ -descriptive
- ecological study “ -descriptive
- case reports/series “ -descriptive
case report/case series
-observational studies
-no comparison group
-no assigned exposure
report: description of a single patient/presentation that is unusual
series: combines multiple cases (people)
lower end of pyramid because its subject to opinion and bias