wk2+3 Flashcards
genetic complement, coded in DNA that we inherit from our parents
outward manifestation of the individual
proportion of the phenotypic variance that is due to the genetic differences
environmental influences
family environment
shared environment
non shared environment
shared environment
Children raised in the same home will be more similar
non-shared environment
Even children raised in the same home will have different experiences growing up
galton (1865)
demonstrated consistent intellectual and creative leadership
- relationship between eminence and families
- also looked for an environmental explanation
- Intelligence is genetically determined and fixed at birth
Family studies
investigates the similarity of family members in respect of intelligence
1st degree relatives
Parents, siblings, children (50% genetic similarity)
2nd degree relatives
Grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces (25% genetic similarity)
3rd degree relatives
Great grandparents, great aunt, great uncles, first cousins (12.5% genetic similarity)
twin types
MZ - Identical genotype 100% genetic similarity
DZ - Genetically no more alike than other siblings 50% genetic similarity
twin studies
- if the environment is the most important factor MZ and DZ twins will be equally similar
- if genetics and most important MZ will be more similar than DZ
twin studies correlation
- MZ - 0.87
- DZ - 0.53
The Burt affair
twins separated at birth more genetically similar
minnesota study
100 sets of DZ and MZ twins separated at early life. reunited as adults
g = influenced by genetics
MZ - 0.7
twin studies ✖️
- some MZ found to be living in different branches of the same family
- participants difficult to recruit
- selective placement (placing children in an environment as similar to their birth one as possible)
- pre natal environment has an impact
- mainly focused on middle class
- twins may not be representative of general population
virtual twins
reared in same environment with no genetic link
21 pairs of virtual twins tested
correlation 0.17 lower than MZ, DZ and siblings