Wk 1 HPE Flashcards
What is embodiment?
Being associated with body both in how ones dispositions are played out through the body (How one Demonstrates being a girl through how one dresses and talks
Is everything that we internalise (Conversations practices, experiences) That shapes is all in different ways which has an affect on us by what we believe, how we act, our pedagogy, etc.
What is emotional health?
How people recognise understand and effectively manage emotions.
It also refers to how people choose to use this knowledge when they think feel and act.
How people manage their emotions shapes their interactions with others, their understanding of themselves and their emotional health
What is mental health?
Mental health refers to a persons cognitive and thinking processes
The capacity to think coherently, express thoughts and feelings and respond constructively to situations.
It includes factors including a sense of autonomy resilience, connectedness, self efficacy and optimism.
What does social health refer too?
Social health refers to how people react and behave in relationships with others and the community. It includes:
Empathy trust feelings of belonging Compassion Caring Peer relationship Mutual obligation
What is embodied learning
Involves that whole body
Learning through moving
The mind and body are not seen as separate objects but rather as a whole in regard to learning
Catering Dualism
What does Spiritual health refer too?
It refers to a Positive sense of belonging, meaning and purpose in life.
It include values and beliefs that determine the way people live.
What is health literacy
The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
What is Cartesian Dualism and how might it occur in the classroom
Cartesian Dualism is an idea where the body and the mind are to seperate entities The body + mind are made of extended diversible substance while the mind is not Thus the mind will persist in existing even when the material body does not
What is physical literacy
A fundamental and valuable human capability that can be described as a disposition acquired by human individuals encompassing the motivation confidence physical competence knowledge and understanding that establishes purposeful physical pursuits as an integral part of their lifestyle