WISC Flashcards
What is the WISC-V used for?
- A comprehensive assessment of general intellectual functioning
- Identifying intellectual giftedness and disability
- Identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses
What does Figure Weights measure?
FW measures quantitative fluid reasoning/intelligence and induction, inductive and deductive logic.
What does Picture Span measure?
PS measures visual working memory, working memory capacity. It also involves attention, visual processing, visual immediate memory and response inhibition.
What does Picture Concepts measure?
PC measures fluid and inductive reasoning, visual-perceptual recognition and processing, and conceptual thinking.
What are the 5 Composite Scores/Indexes derived from the WISC-V subtests?
- Verbal Comprehension Index
- Visual Spatial Index
- Fluid Reasoning Index
- Working Memory Index
- Processing Speed Index
What are the 5 ancillary Index scores?
- Quantitative Reasoning Index
- Auditory Working Memory Index
- Nonverbal Index
- General Ability Index
- Cognitive Proficiency Index
What is some feedback you could give to maintain rapport while completing the WISC-V?
- You’re working hard, I like the way you keep trying your best.
- That was a hard one, but this next one might be easier.
- Just try your best.
- I want to see how well you can do it.
What is a percentile rank?
Percentile ranks = the percentage of children in the normative sample scoring below that score. With a percentile rank of 15, the individual performs better than 15% of the other children the same age.
What does the Verbal Comprehension Index measure?
- Ability to access and apply acquired word knowledge.
- Application involves verbal concept formation, reasoning and expression.
What does the Visual Spatial Index measure?
- Ability to evaluate visual details and to understand visual spatial relationships to construct geometric designs frm a model.
- Visual spatial reasoning, integration and synthesis of part-whole relationships, attentiveness to visual detail and visual-motor integration.
What does the Fluid Reasoning Index measure?
- The ability to detect the underlying conceptual relationship among visual objects and to use reasoning to identify and apply rules.
- Identification and application of conceptual relationships requires inductive and quantitative reasoning, broad visual intelligence, simultaneous processing and abstract thinking.
What does the Working Memory Index measure?
- Ability to register, maintain and manipulate visual and auditory information in conscious awareness.
- Attention, auditory and visual discrimination and concentration.
- Maintenance = process of keeping information active in conscious awareness using phonological loops or visual sketchpads.
- Manipulation = mental resequencing of information based on the application of a specific rule.
What does the Processing Speed Index measure?
- Speed and accuracy of visual identification, decision making and decision implementation.
- Visual scanning, visual discrimination, short-term visual memory, visuomotor coordination and concentration.
Why is it imporant to consider the two subtest Scales Scores that contribute to an Index individually?
Significant discrpenacy between the two subtest Scaled Scores that contribute to a Primary Index indicates inconsistency in the expression of the abilities measured by the Index. The Index may not be the most useful way to summarise that particular cognitive domain.
What is the GAI comprised of?
- Verbal Comprehension Index
- Visual Spatial Index
- Fluid Reasoning Index
What is the Cognitive Proficiency Index?
The CPI is based on the Working Memory Index and Processing Speed Index.
It provides an estimate of the efficiency in which information is processed in service of learning, problem solving and higher order reasoning.
When should the FSIQ not be used?
If the differences between Indexes is significant (23 points or more/1.5SD) the FSIQ should be interpreted with caution or not interpreted as it is not the best representation of someone’s cognitive ability.
When should the GAI not be used?
The GAI is not clinically relevant when the difference between the VCI, FRI and/or VSI is significant (23 points of difference or more/1.5SD)
What would you do if there was a significant difference between subtest scores on an Index?
If the subtest Scale Scores are significantly different (5 points or more/1.5SDs), then the Index is nonunitary and not interpretable as a unitary construct.
How are base rates used?
BR provides a basis for estimating how common or rare a particular score difference was among other children of similar ability in the WISC-V normative sample.
For example, a base rate of =10% for say an 11.8 point difference between WSI and MIS (VSI
If someone scored the following on a WISC: FSIQ = 85 VCI = 72 VSI = 115 FRI = 90 PSI = 62 WMI = 86 Should the GAI or FSIQ be used?
VSI-VCI= 115-72=43 –> therefore the visual spatial score is inflating the FSIQ, everything else is below average.
For GAI, VSI and VCI would be included and therefore the different is still significant at 43 points (>23/1.5SD)
For Cognitive Proficiency Index, processing speed versus working memory = 86-62 = 24 = still significant difference and therefore not representative
Therefore you would repor index scores and interpret separately (unless they are non-unitary
How would you know if you could interpret an index score?
If the index score is unitary it can be interpreted. But if two scales within the score are significantly different (1.5SD/5 points or more) then they are non unitary.
Which subtests comprise the FSIQ?
Similarities Vocabulary Block Design Matrix Reasoning Figue Weights Digit Span Coding
When would you use the WPPSI not the WISC?
- If you were concerned about an intellectual disability/cognitive delay, you would administer the WPPSI to a 6yo rather than the WISC.
- If you had a 6yo who you suspected was gifted you would use the WISC.
What is the reverse rule?
If someone does not get a perfect score on one of the first two items = administer previous items in a reverse order until 2 perfect scores are obtained.
If you adminster block design to a 9 year old and they get the first trial for their age wrong (item 3), what do you do?
Administer trial 2 (as you always adminster the two trials on an item).
If the score was imperfect (i.e. the first or second trial was incorrect) then you reverse to item 2, and then item 1. If these are both correct then progress to item 4.
If you administer block design to a 9yo and they get both trials correct for item 3 (their first item), but get item 4 wrong, what do you do?
Reverse to item 2 as the person has not achieved 2 perfect scores on the first 2 items.
When completing similarities with a 10 yo, starting at item 5, the child scores item 5 perfectly, but item 6 only gets a 1 point answer (not full points/correct), what do you do?
You correct that one because it’s the first one wrong so you are allowed to correct it to a two point response, and then you reverse.
You can correct the first 2 items administered.
When completing block design with a 10yo, they produce the correct design for item 9, 2 seconds after the time limit. How do you score it and what do you do next?
You score it as 0 and make a note that he made it correctly after the time limit.
You’re doing block design item 5 and they get the correct design but it’s rotated more tahn 30 degrees, what do you do?
You correct it after they finish (as it’s the first correction), but still score is as incorrect and make a note that the design was rotated
What is the age range for the WISC-V?