Wintaaa Flashcards
What is are the first and second row of the f block elements called?
First row is called Lanthnoids and second row are called actinoids.
what are the properties of lantanoids?
Pm is radioactive and synthetic
react with oxygen at room temp and are paramagnetic
what are the properties of actinoids
All radioactive and synthetic
which group do Lu and Lr prefer to be in
Group 3 as they show the same trends as group 4 in electronegativity, melting point and Atomic radius
What is meant by primary and secondry valencies
oxidation and coordination number.
What are lewis acids and bases
lewis acids are e acceptors and lewis bases are e donors
when can a ligand be classed as an L ligand
Ligands with a lone pair eg CO (lp on C), NH3. H2O
when can a ligand be classed as an X ligand
With an odd number of electrons in their neutral form eg Cl. to check add a H and see if it makes a suitable compound.
Which TM only have 1 4s electron in their configuration
Cr and Cu
What is the oxidation state of [CoCl(NH3)5]2+
and how would you work it out
What does the Cyrstal field assume?
The metal is a point of positive charge and the ligand is a point of negative charge
describe the splitting in an octahedral complex
The three orbitals at the bottom are -0.4 and the two top are +0.6

describe the splitting in tetrahedral
The botton is -0.6 and the top are +0.4

When is there a paring energy?
Low spin d4 (p) and d5 (2p).
Low spin d6 (2p) and low spin d7 (p)
What is the origin of colour in complexes
Splitting of D orbitals. The energy difference between the d orbitals is proportional to a particular wavelenght of light
Why are octahedral complex weakly coloured
Octahedral complexes are symmetrical and so are subjected to the laporte rule, so the only transitions which are allowed are p-d. this causes weak absorbtion of light.
Why are tetrahedral complexes such as MnO4- brightly coloured
Due to charge transfer transitions. Electron transfer from the metal to ligand. This gives rise to strong absorbtion of UV light.
How does magnetism effect metals
its affects the dsitribution of electrons. Diamagentic effects are smaller than paramagentic effects. Para swamps the diamagnetic effects.
What affects delta Oct
Charge- greater the charge the greater the splitting and therefore greater value of delta Oct.
Ligands - strong field ligands produce high values of delta oct and weak field ligands produce low values.
Oxidations states- higher oxidation states the higher delta oct
Delta oct increases down a group
what is linkage isomerism
When the donor atom of at least one the ligands is different eg NO2 and SCN-
what is coordination isomers
The interchange of ligands
What is solvate isomerism
Water ligands go from being in the inner coordination sphere (bonded to metal) to the being in the outer coordination sphere
what isomers are a and b

a is cis and b is trans
what is mer and fac isomers
mer is when the ligands are not in the same plane
fac is when they are in the same plane
Can octahedral complexes show optical isomerism?
yes with bidentate ligands
give an example of bidentate ligands
en , ox2-, acetate and bipy
What kind of ligand is dien
tridentate ligand
How do strong field ligands give rise to low spin complexes
strong field ligands are low in electronegativity and produce high values of delta oct which is greater that the paring energy
How do you get high spin complexes
Weak field ligands produce low values of delta oct which is lower than the pairing energy