Wine Flashcards
Static pipes at the winery
Injektordusen va hohlkeheldusen grosser Tropfen große weniger Abdrift
Leitbündel Englisj
Vascular bundle
Glue Greek
Wine Art Festigungsgewebe ..
Kolla - Greek
Move apart Latin
Secernere- secret- moved apart Latin => secretion
Sift out maghel
Excretion excernere Latin
Abgabe von Wasser in flüssiger Form
Agrobacterium vitis
Crown gall
the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are more environmentally sound.
Green washing
Pour from bottle into glass
To serve neat
Granit wine style
Bright, fruit focused wines
An igneous (volcanic) rock with a grainy composition, formed by the slow cooling and crystallization of magma below the surface of the earth. The composition can vary but usually includes feldspar, quartz and mica and it can be pink, grey or red in color
Xylem Greek
xulon- wood
Phloem Greek
phloos- bark
Acropetal Greek
Akron- tip, von unten nach oben
Petere- Latin - seek
Basipetal etymology
Von oben nach unten
Basis - Greek - stepping
Marstrahl parenchym
Ray parenchyma
Rhyzodermis etymology
Rhiza- Greek - root
Edaphon etymology
Edaphos- Greek - Erdboden
Kalyptro - Greek - I cover
Kalyptra Wurzelhaube
Root cap
Statoloth - statos- Greek - standing
Specialized form of Amyloplast, involved in graviperception by plant roots, synonym otolith
Rupestris etymology
Latin rupes- rock; rupestris - found on rocks
Riparia etymology
Riparius - Latin - bank, shore
Kämmeechen a small apartment Latin
Causative agent
3 important bacterial diseases in Xylem
Pierce’s disease Xyllela fastidiosa
Bekteriennekrose (Xylophylus ampelinus)
Die Mauke crown gall Agrobacterium vitis
Wie sind Bakterienktankheoten der Rebe übertragen?
Alle propfübertragbar aber PD und Vergilbungskrankheiten auch durch Zikaden
Vergilbungskrankheiten besonders stark betroffene Rebsorten
Riesling, Chardonnaay
Cake or precoat filtration
NaClO Sodium hypochlorite bei pH 4-6.5 Chlorbildung Gegen Bakterien, Bakteriensporen, Viren
Per a tic acid
bei pH 2-3.5
g. Bakterien, Bakteriensporen, Viren, Pilze
Schnell wirksam: mind 2 min Einwirkungszeit für vegetative Keime
Max ein lebender MO in 10 hoch 6 sterilisierten Einheiten des Endprodukts
Arten von Sterilisation
Chemisch, thermisch, durch Strahlung
Thermische Sterilisation
15-20C 110-135C
Formaldehyde CH2O Colorless, strong smelling gas 2-5% als einziges Gas geeignet für Bakterien und Bakteriensporen Krebs erregend Durchdringt PVC und Gummi Denaturierung von Proteinen
Micrometer für Bakterien Hefen
Membrankerzfilter 0.22 Micrometer and 0.45 Micrometer für Bakterien, 0,65 Micrometer für Hefen
Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral. Causes asbestosis and cancer. Was used in filters until 1980s!
Diatomaceous earth - diatomite - kieselgur is a naturally occurring siliceous sedimentary rock. Consists of fossilized remains of diatoms ( a major group of algae
Holger Calciumgehalte => Calciumpxalatkristallen Neben Trübung Gushing bei Bier und Sekt
Depth filter
Thick and fibrous
High dirt holding
Thin single layer film
Low dirt holding
Cartridge filtration
Integrity testable
Much of the removal is not done on the surface but rather in the depth of a membrane filter, it’s not 0.45 defined pore size but rather a matrix,
Membrane filters are absolute since they remove guaranteed particles bigger than their pore size,
Depth filters - nominal, higher holding capacity but lower retention
0.45 micron removes all bacteria in wine and beer - so for our industry it’s sterilizing grade .
In France they don’t do so much membrane filtration when they do they use 0.65-1 micrometer. In Italy, Spain, USA, Australia 0.45
Almost no one can reliably tell the difference between 0.45 vs 0.65 filtered wine.
Brett with how many microns can you filter it out?
1 micron
Dead-end filtration
We’re running the wine at a 90 degree angle against the filter, building a filter cake
Sorbic acid
Against enzymes, mostly against yeasts and molds, only partly against bacteria, doesn’t work against lactic acid bacteria
Lactic acid bacteria can build Sorbinol - Geranienton -Fehler
Vorzugsweise tritt der undissoziierte Säureanteil in die Zelle des MO ein
Zerfallszeit 30C - 1 St, 10C 5St
Weißwein 250mg/l, Rotwein 400mg/l
Zerfällt zu Methanol und CO2
Inaktivierung von Enzmen in Zellinnere mit Imidazol -Gruppen
Mead is an alcoholic beverage created by fermenting honey with water sometimes with various fruits spices grains or hops
3.5-18 ABV
Boiling temp methanol ethanol
Methanol 64.5
Ethanol 78
1 acre
0.4 ha
Crowd-sourced rating
Permanent insectaries
Spray pass
PSM Anzahl?
Wie viel % der Aromaverbindungen in LM sind schwefelhaltig?
Mercury in German
Quecksilber Hg
(R2S)2Cu Mercaptide
Potassium / Kalium prrmanganate