Wilson and the labour governments Flashcards
Info that is on the specification
How did Wilson identify politically during the Bevan and Gaitskell era?
- Bevanite
- left of labour
What is ironic about Wilson’s beliefs?
even though he was a Bevanite he also served in Gaitskell’s cabinet
How was there tension between Wilson and Gaitskell?
Wilson challenged Gaitskell in 1961 for leadership
What was the outcome of the Wilson Gaitskell issues?
Wilson lost however this put him as a front runner for a future candidate as labour leader
How are some of Wilson’s ideologies more right wing?
he supported Britain’s nuclear deterrent
What were 4 Wilson’s key policies?
- to strengthen the economy through improving balance of payments
- development of welfare state
- working with trade unions
- modernisation of Britain through using technology
What speech did Wilson give in regards to modernisation?
White Heat Speech
What cycle of economy was Britain trapped in?
stop-go economics
How was Britain trapped in this type of economy?
there were bursts of prosperity which then lead to inflation and then runs on the pound and then balance of payments crisis’
How does this type of economy relate to Wilson’s economic aims?
breaking out of this cycle was a main aim
What set labour off to a negative start in regards to their economy?
they inherited a £800 million deficit from the conservatives
Why was devaluation the last case scenario for the labour party?
- make Britain look weak
- labour party may gain the reputation as the party of devaluation after Attlee in 1949
What department was set up to attempt to prevent devaluation?
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
Who was in charge of the DEA?
George Brown
Why was this department abandoned?
forced into devaluation in 1967
What element of the post-war consensus was still causing issues for Wilson?
trade unions
What was the relationship like between trade unions and industry?
in 1966 and 1967 industrial relations with trade unions began to deteriorate
How is this failing relationship demonstrated within society?
What type of people began to strike during this time?
seamen and dockers
What type of strikes were breaking out?
wildcat strikes
What is a wildcat strike?
sudden, unofficial, local disputes in reference to national leadership
Who was put in charge to reduce the number of strikes?
Barbara Castle
What was Castle’s policy?
In Place of Strife - 1969
Why was there no attention given to domestic policies?
domestic issues were overshadowed by economic issues
Why were there no new domestic policies?
the labour government lacked the expertise needed
What were the internal labour divisions like?
Wilson’s own paranoia of internal overthrowing’s
Who was Wilson least trustful towards due to his paranoia?
- James Callaghan (Chancellor of the Exchequer)
- Roy Jenkins (Callaghan’s replacement as chancellor)
- George Brown (previously opposed Wilson as labour leader)
What was the troubles in Ireland based on?
Religion - Protestants vs. Catholics
How are the protestants described?
unionists / loyalists
What is the belief of unionists?
those who support the union with the UK
How were Catholics described?
What did nationalists want?
a united Ireland
How did unrest in Ireland start off?
civil rights marches (1968) to protest discrimination
What was the basis of this discrimination?
Catholics in Northern Ireland were being discriminated against in employment, housing, and electoral boundaries had been made to prevent any Catholics in power
What was the largest instance of trouble?
Battle of Bogside
How did Britain become involved?
Northern Ireland is apart of the UK so Britain sent some army troops to try and keep the peace
Why was the post-war consensus abandoned?
- economic issues remained unsolved
- trade unions worsened
- social issues remained
What was the result of the 1970 election?
Conservative win
What are some of the reasons behind this conservative win?
new and fresh ideas are needed due to breaking down of the post-war consensus
What was labour reaction to this result?