Wills Flashcards
Intestacy rule for determining surviving spouse’s share: SS and has shared kids
SS take 100%
Intestacy rule for determining surviving spouse’s share: SS and surviving parent
SS take 300k and 75%
Intestacy rule for determining surviving spouse’s share: SS and has shared kids and own kids
SS take 225k and 50%
Intestacy rule for determining surviving spouse’s share: SS, and nonspousal kids
SS take 150k and 50%
Surviving spouse definition
(a) must be legally married and
(b) survive T to inherit.
Surviving spouse: marriage requirement
legal marriage or good faith belief in invalid marriage. © cohabitants
Surviving spouse: “survival” requirement
C/L-survive for any length of time.
USDA/UPC—must survive T by 120 hours, prove clear and convincing evidence. If insufficient, skip.
Issue definition
Issue: there must be a parent-child relationship
Inheritance right of an adopted child–right to inherit from genetic parents
No inheritance right from genetic parent
© If adopted by stepparent, retains inheritance right from genetic parent.
Inheritance right of a nonmarital child
Common Law vs. UPC
can’t inherit from father unless
(1) father subsequent marriage,
(2) father held child out as his own,
(3) paternity proven after death, or
(4) paternity adjudicated during father’s life.
UPC—requires proof of paternity. Presumption if held child out as own
Inheritance right of a posthumous child:
If born within 280 days of death, rebuttable presumption of parentage
Per stirpes:
First divide by total # of D’s children (1) living or (2) left issue.
Second, divide by representation (surviving issue stand in place of deceased person).
Per capita with representation
First go to a generation where a member survives D, divide by the # of people (1) living or (2) left issue.
Second divide by representation (surviving issue stand in place of deceased person.
Per capital at each generation (UPC):
First go to a generation where a member survives D, divide by # of people (1) living or (2) left issue.
Second, pool the shares for dead members and divide equally among the issues left.
Valid will is executed when
∑ (a) writing signed by testator
(b) 2+ witnesses
(c) present testamentary intent
Testamentary intent:
(a) understood he was executing a will and
(b) intended it to have testamentary effect.
Testator capacity:
T must be 18+ and have a sound mind (ability to know Who What Why How)
Location of T’s signature must be:
C/L—At the end
UPC—anywhere, but portion thereafter invalid
W’s presence required when T is signing
C/L—T must sign in 2 Ws’ joint presence.
UPC—T can sign in one W’s presence (joint presence not required) or T can acknowledge his signature to W.
T’s presence required when W is signing
C/L—A W must sign in T’s presence (2Ws need not sign at the same time).
UPC—W can sign within reasonable time after witnessing T sign or acknowledge will.
The meaning of “presence” as a requirement for a valid will:
“line of sight” (traditional)—each must observe or have the opportunity to observe each other signing;
“conscious presence” (modern)—each must be aware that the other is signing.
Witness interested party doctrine:
C/L—if direct financial interest, W not competent, will is invalid unless 2+ disinterested Ws;
Purge theory—if direct financial interest, will is valid, but purge any gain in excess of what W would take under intestate.
Compliance with will formalities:
C/L—strict compliance;
UPC—will is valid if T has intent to make it a will and substantial compliance with formalities.
Handwritten will requirement:
(a) writing, directly signed by T,
(b) witness not required,
(c) testamentary intent