UBE Family Law Flashcards
Premarital agreements
valid ks that address the rights of the parties upon divorce or death
Child custody and supports in premarital agreements
never bind the court
some jx deem them as void, against public policy
other jx say they are subject to judicial review
Requirements for valid premarital agreement
- signed writing - SoF
- voluntary (w/o fraud or duress)
- full and fair disclosure of party’s assets
- no unconscionable
- some courts consider whether the economic provisions are fair and reasonable
Choice of law involving premarital agreements
governed by law of state where it was executed OR state with most significant relationship to the parties
General requirements for valid marriage
- license
- ceremony w/ authorized officiant
- no legal impediments (not too closely related, bigamy, etc.)
- capacity to consent
Requirements for valid common law marriage
- consent to marry
- cohabitation
- couple holding themselves out to be spouses
Req. for court to have jurisdiction over divorce
only 1 of the parties needs to be domiciled in jx (resident w/ intent to remain); usualy minimum residency period req.
to determined financial issues, court just have jx over the D
Do other courts recognize divorce decree?
Yes, under full faith and credit clause of constitution as long as 1 was domiciled in state granting divorce
Types of divorce
No fault and fault-based divorce
grounds for no fault divorce
requires showing that:
- both spouses agree that there are irreconcilable differences
- they have lived apart for specified time
- they are incompatible
grounds for fault divorce
adultery (filing spouse presents circumstantial evidence of opportunity + inclination; corroboration is often required)
willful desertion or abandonment (unjustified departure from marital home for specified amount of time w/ no intent to return)
extreme physical or mental abuse
drug or alcohol addition
Defense to no fault divorce
deny the existence of any of the 3 requirements
could argue restarting the clock based on reconciliation
defenses to fault-based divorce
- collusion - agreement by both spouses to allow what would normally be grounds for divorce
- connivance - willing consent of other’s actions (usually adultery)
- condonation - forgiveness with full knowledge of the wrongs + resumption of marital relationship after
- recrimination - party seeking divorce is also guilty of misconduct
legal separation/divorce from bed and board
doesn’t terminate marriage but rights are adjudicated
after acquired property is separate property
approaches to property division
- community property: property acquired during marriage; entitled to 1/2; separate property = property brought into marriage or gift
- Equitable division of all property: court divides all property owned by either spouse regardless of when acquired
- equitable division of marital property: court only divides property acquired during marriage (not necessarily 1/2)
process for property division
- classification of marital and separate property
2. equitable division of marital estate
Property classification - how separate property can become marital property (2 ways)
- commingling: separate property inextricably intertwined
2. transmutation: separate property treated in a way that evidences an intention to be marital property
improvement of separate property during marriage
if marital funds or efforts of spouse, the property remains separate but other spouse receives reimbursement for value added
property acquired before marriage but paid for after - 2 views
majority view: separated according to the proportion of type of funds used to pay for it
pensions during marriage
portion earned during marriage is marital property
professional license or degree during marriage
most jx: separate property but other spouse can be compensated for support provided
factors considered during equitable division (lots)
age, education, earning capacity, duration of marriage, standard of living during marriage, current financial situation, health, needs of parties, child custody provisions, contribution as a homemaker
Alimony/spousal support
paid to economically dependent spouse
some courts consider marital fault
Types of alimony
- Permanent periodic spousal support
- lump sume
- rehabilitative spousal support
- reimbursement spousal support