Will's Questions Flashcards
What are the responsibilities of the Tactical Controller?
- Maintain a listening watch and conduct standard RTF communications with aircraft and remain at the operational position
- Conduct Controller Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC) with suitably equipped aircraft
- Acknowledge any magenta boxes as appropriate
- Issue instructions to ensure that when aircraft exit the sector airspace it is in accordance with the terms of a Standing Agreement, coordination or release. When aircraft cannot comply with defined procedures for transfer of control to adjacent sectors or units, ensure that coordination is effected.
- Maintain an up to date set of TDL’s which should at all times reflect all clearance instructions issued, all communications received and amendments made to coordination by the Tactical.
- Respond to, and clear if necessary any CPDLC timeout/unable/standby/fail/reject indications.
- When workload permits monitor the actions of the Planner and assist as required
- Agree coordination when requested by the Planner
- If necessary, and in consultation with the Planner, vary or suspend Standing Agreements for a limited period
- Alert the GS when there is a requirement to vary or suspend a Standing Agreement for an extended period or to reduce tactically the number of aircraft entering the designated airspace.
What are the responsibilities of the Planner?
- Coordinate the passage of aircraft which are not operating under the terms of a Standing Agreement into and out of the sector.
- Ensure that separation exists at the time of acceptance between the NFL of aircraft entering the sector and:
(1) The NFLs or SFLs, if these have been input, of all previously accepted aircraft and
(2) The allocated XFLs of all previously accepted aircraft
Note: It can be assumed that separation will exist between aircraft from the same adjacent AC sector, including previously coordinated traffic
Where less than PRS exists, except between aircraft entering from the same AC sector, agree coordination with the Tactical
- Ensure that separation exists at the time of allocation between the XFLs of aircraft leaving the sector and:
(1) The NFLs or SFLs, if these have been input, of all previously accepted aircraft and
(2) The allocated XFLs of all previously accepted aircraft
Note: It can be assumed that separation will exist between aircraft from the same adjacent AC sector, including previously coordinated traffic
Where less than the specified separation exists agree coordination with the Tactical
- Ensure that any coordination conditions applying to an aircraft, or to be applied to an aircraft are notified to the Tactical
- Maintain an accurate electronic display of NFL and XFL data known the the Planner on all sector traffic unless the offering sector Tactical determines this to be unnecessary
- Issue joining clearances and crossing clearances in consultation with the Tactical
- Ensure that crossing clearances, joining clearances, releases and any changes to coordination are reflected in the coordination tools as necessary and that any such changes to coordination are notified to the Tactical
- The Planner should monitor the RTF when primary duties permit in order to facilitate efficient operation of the sector
- The Planner should monitor CPDLC dialogues for any alerts that require specific action to be taken, as well as any requests received from aircraft
- If necessary, and in consultation with the Tactical vary or suspend Standing Agreements for a limited period
- Ensure that the Local Area Assistant has carried out appropriate FDE amendments
- When necessary alert the GS when there is a requirement to vary or suspend a Standing Agreement for an extended period or to reduce tactically the number of aircraft entering the designated airspace.
What happens when an ATCO is suddenly incapacitated?
Only qualified ATCO’s may operate on the sector that they are valid for. However in exceptional circumstances of ATCO incapacitation where the GS believes there to be immediate and substantial risk to safety of life, a non-sector valid ATCO may take over.
Once the risk has been mitigated the ATCO will make a broadcast to announce ATC services have been terminated, though efforts should be made to replace the non-valid ATCO with a valid ATCO.
Non-licensed ATCO’s (including trainees and support staff) shall not in any circumstances be included in this.
What are the categories of disruptive passenger?
Level 1 - Disruptive (suspicious or verbally threatening) behaviour
Level 2 - Physically abusive behaviour
Level 3 - Life-threatening behaviour
Level 4 - Attempted or actual breach of the flight crew compartment.
Information should be relayed to Swanwick Mil (West) Supervisor.
What do you do in the event of a Mode C failure?
Inform the pilot that you have lost Mode C. Ask them to recycle the box.
If that fails ask them to switch to box two.
If that fails inform adjacent sectors that Mode C is defective. Consider whether to inform the appropriate Swanwick Mil Supervisor.
What are Quiet Hours Procedures?
Core periods for Quiet Hours are 1700-0800 UTC (Winter) and 1600 - 0700 UTC (Summer). During this time traffic operating outside the route structure at FL195+ may be granted “On Route Status” for shortcuts. Individual requests outside of these hours may be granted on an ad hoc basis. Direct routeings should take into account Danger Area activity.
During Quiet Hours Procedures what is one restriction related to Off Route East?
When “Off Route East” is granted PC East will not accept any aircraft off route between FL200 and FL240 inclusive.
What are the details of the HON hold?
146 degree right hand hold from FL200+. When FL190 and below switches to a left hand hold. If giving a descent clearance into TC remind pilot to switch direction.
You must inform the following sectors if holding at HON at the following levels:
FL200/FL210 - TC Mids
FL250 - S23
FL310+ - S24
Recommend leave a level or two free to accommodate Manchester departures and other London TMA airfield inbounds.
If for tactical reasons it is more prudent to hold left hand at FL200 and above what considerations should you give iFACTS?
iFACTS hold volumes are built for right hand, if you choose to hold left hand you will lose iFACTS protection. You can mitigate this by selecting the turn direction in iFACTS to protect against this.
What are the details of the LOGAN hold?
289 degrees left hand hold. FL220 - FL240 in S14 and FL250+ in S13. Recommended not to use FL220 in S14 due to other inbounds.
Standing agreement between S14 and S13 of AMS/BRU departures FL290+ is immediately suspended. Recommend not to use FL260/FL270 of S13 hold to allow for these departures. Anything FL370+ must be coordinated with S2 due to hold track.
Standing agreement between S10 and S13/14 for all LTMA inbounds is to be immediately suspended.
What are the Westcott Corridor dimensions?
8nm wide centreline between Brize Norton and Marham TACANS. On the western edge it turns right to avoid S23 airspace. Available at FL230/FL240.
Only the eastern part of the corridor is in Daventry’s airspace. The western part is in S25’s and Daventry will assume it is permanently active.
When is an aircraft considered to be in the Westcott Corridor?
Only when on the centreline and maintaing FL230/FL240. Any other time the aircraft is deemed to be taking 5.
When will the corridor activation be suspended?
If a Royal Flight or a GAT aircraft is in emergency and needs to transit.
When the Mil want to use the Westcott Corridor tactically what is the process?
Dty Planner will receive a CFP (pink strip) on the aircraft wishing to transit. They will point the traffic out to the Tac, who will INCOMM the aircraft to show acceptance. The Planner can then accept the strips. If no clearance is forthcoming the Military can take the corridor from 5 minutes after submitting the request (begins the countdown).
When the Mil want to activate the Westcott Corridor TFN what is the process?
Mil will ring Dty Planner to request activation TFN (min 5 minutes notice). Electronic Flight Strips will not be produced for traffic, so Dty Planner to create blocking strip for levels (FL230/FL240) . Recommend turning on the red boundary lines on radar. Mil will ring when finished with corridor. Mil can still create CFP’s for other traffic not wishing to transit the corridor.