Wiki Ancient to 17th century Flashcards
2000000 to 100000 BC
A skull fragment found in Hathnora in the Narmada Valley in central India indicate that India might have been inhabited in the Middle Pleistoceneera around 250,000 years ago. Anek R. Sankhyan describes it as “debated and conveniently interpreted as ?evolved? Homo erectus or ?archaic?.[1] Tools crafted by proto-humans that have been dated back two million years have been discovered in the northwestern part of the subcontinent.[2][3] The earliest archaeological site in the subcontinent is the palaeolithic hominid site in the Soan River valley.[4] Soanian sites are found in theSivalik region across what are now India, Pakistan, and Nepal.
2000000 to 100000 BC
Some of the Bhimbetka shelters were inhabited by Homo erectus more than 100,000 years ago.
2000000 to 100000 BC
Madrasian Culture is a prehistoric (aka Paleolithic) culture of South India.[10] It flourished in the Lower Paleolithic, the earliest subdivision of theStone Age, about 2.5 million years ago. It is called the Madrasian culture because artifact tools thought to be related to this culture were first found at sites in Attirampakkam (Attrambakkam=13? 13’ 50”, 79? 53’ 20”), which is located near Chennai (formerly known as Madras),Tamil Nadu.[11]Thereafter, tools related to this culture have been found at various other locations in this region. Bifacial handaxes and cleavers are typicalassemblages recovered of this culture.[12] Flake tools, microliths and other chopping tools have also been found. Most of these tools were composed of the metamorphic rock quartzite.[11] The stone tool artifacts in this assemblage have been identified as a part of the second inter-pluvial period in India.[13]
2000000 to 100000 BC
Evidence for presence of Hominins with Acheulean technology 150,000-100,000 BCE in Tamil Nadu.[14]
2000000 to 100000 BC
Paleolithic industries in South India Tamil Nadu 30,000 BCE[15]
9000 BC
Early Neolithic culture with first confirmed semi permanent settlements appeared 9,000 years ago in the Bhimbetka rock shelters in modernMadhya Pradesh, India. Some of the Stone Age rock paintings found among the Bhimbetka rock shelters are approximately 30,000 years old.[16]
9001 BC
The ancient history of the region includes some of South Asia’s oldest settlements[17] and some of its major civilisations.
6000 BC
Stone Age carvings of Edakkal Caves in Kerala.
3300 BC
Phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins. The civilization used an early form of the Indus signs, the so-called Indus script.
3139 BC
Mahabharatha War presumed using planetary positions listed in the Mah?bh?rata.
2600 BC
The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro become large metropolises and the civilization expands to over 2,500 cities and settlements across the whole of Pakistan, much of northern India, and large parts of Afghanistan,[20] covering a region of around one million square miles, which was larger than the land area of its contemporaries Egypt and Mesopotamia combined, and also had superior urban planning and sewage systems. The civilization began using the mature Indus script for its writing system.
2600 BC
End of the Early Dynastic II Period and the beginning of the Early Dynastic IIIa Period in Mesopotamia.
2700 BC
Mesoamericans begin to plant and domesticate corn.
2900 BC to 2334 BC
Mesopotamian wars of the Early Dynastic period.
2600 BC
Mature Harappan phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins. The cities of Harappa, Lothal, Kalibangan, Dholavira, Rakhigarhi and Mohenjo-darobecome large metropolises and the civilization expands to over 2,500 cities and settlements. The civilization began using the mature Indus script
2500 BC
Dravidian Civilization begins in South India.
1800 BC
Adichanallur urn-burial site in Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu. In 2004, a number of skeletons dating from around 3,800 years ago.
1800 BC
Indo-Aryan migration
1500 BC
Early Vedic Period (to 1000 BC)
1300 BC
Cemetery H culture comes to an end
1200 BC
Rigveda (to 1000 BC)
1000 BC
Middle and Late Vedic period (to 500 BC)
1000 BC
Iron Age India
1000 BC
1000 - 300 BCE-Kanchi district, gold mine of Megalithic sites in South India, Tamil Nadu[21]
1000 BC
Iron Age kingdoms rule India? Panchala, Kuru, Kosala, Videha.
877 BC
Birth of Parsvanatha, 23rd Jain Tirthankara (traditional date)
700 BC
The Upanishads, a sacred text of Hinduism, are written.
600 BC
Sixteen Maha Janapadas (“Great Realms” or “Great Kingdoms”) emerge.
600 BC
Vedic End of vedic period.
600 BC
The capital of the Early Pandyan Kingdom was initially Korkai, allyaround 600 BCE,[22] and was later moved to Koodal (now Madurai) during the reign of Nedunjeliyan I.[23]
599 BC
Mahavira, 24th Tirthankar of Jainism is born (traditional date).
563 BC
Siddh?rtha Gautama, Buddha-to-be, is born in Lumbini into a leading royal family in the republic of the Shakyas, which is now part of Nepal.
543 BC
The odisha based Prince Vijaya (c. 543 BCE) married a daughter of the Pandyan king of ThenMadurai, to whom he was sending rich presents every year. Sinhalese chronicle Mahawamsa mentions this event[24][25]
538 BC
Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire conquers northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent.
527 BC
Nirvana of Mahavira
483 BC
Proposed Mahaparinirvana date of Gautama Buddha at Kushinagar.
400 BC
Siddharta Gautama ‘Buddha’ of the Shakya polity in S. Nepal, founds Buddhism (older date: 563?483 BC)
350 BC
Panini, a resident of Gandhara, describes the grammar and morphology of Sanskrit in the text Ashtadhyayi. Panini’s standardized Sanskrit is known as Classical Sanskrit.
333 BC
Persian rule in the northwest ends after Darius III is defeated by Alexander the Great, who establishes the Macedonian Empire after inheriting the Persian Achaemenid Empire.
326 BC
Ambhi king of Takshasheela surrenders to Alexander.
326 BC
Porus who ruled parts of the Punjab, fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.
321 BC
Mauryan Empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya in Magadha after he defeats the Nanda dynasty and Macedonian Seleucid Empire. Mauryan capital city is Pataliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar)
305 BC
Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid Empire.
304 BC
Seleucus gives up his territories in the subcontinent (Afghanistan/Baluchistan) to Chandragupta in exchange for 500 elephants. Seleucus offers his daughter in marriage to Chandragupta to seal their friendship.
273 BC
Ashoka the Great regarded as the greatest ancient Indian emperor, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, ascends as emperor of the Mauryan Empire.
266 BC
Ashoka conquers and unifies most of South Asia, along with most of Afghanistan and Balochistan.[26]
265 BC
Kalinga War takes place between Ashoka and the kingdom of Kalinga.
265 BC
After conquering Kalinga, Ashoka reportedly regrets what he had done, leading him to adopt Buddhism, which then became the quasi-official state religion of the Mauryan Empire.
261 BC
Conquest of Kalinga
260 BC
Ashoka begins displaying religious tolerance, grants animal rights, builds hospitals for people and animals, treats his subjects as equals regardless of caste or creed, and promotes non-violence and republicanism.
260 BC
Ashoka inscribes the Edicts of Ashoka, written down using Brahmi script.
232 BC
Ashoka dies and is succeeded by Kunala.
230 BC
Simuka declares independence from Mauryan rule and establishes the Satavahana Empire.
200 BC
Kuninda Kingdom is established.
200 BC
Tholkappiyam describes the grammar and morphology of Tamil; it is the oldest existing Tamil grammar (dates vary between 200 BCE and 100 CE). (to 100 BC)
184 BC
The Mauryan Empire, which shrunk considerably, collapses after its emperor Brihadrata is assassinated by his general Pushyamitra Shunga. Pushyamitra Shunga then establishes the Shunga dynasty.
180 BC
Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom.
80 BC
Establishment of the Indo-Scythian kingdom.
65 BC
The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.
57 BC
Beginning of Vikram Era
Establishment of the Indo-Parthian kingdom.
Western Satraps formed.
Establishment of the Kushan empire by Kujula Kadphises.
Gautamiputra Satkarni becomes Satavahana emperor and starts Shalivahana era calendar after defeating Scythian king Maues.
Sung jae has established kingdom.
Sri-Gupta starts the Gupta Empire in Magadha, with its capital in Pataliputra
Chandragupta I ascends the Gupta throne.
Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the empire.
Chandragupta II, Samudragupta’s son becomes the Gupta Emperor.
Invasions by the Huna.
Collapse of Gupta Empire after the death of skandagupta.
Harshavardhana crowned Monarch.
Badami Chalukya power at its peak. Pulakeshin II pushes north up to the Narmada and defeats the invading Harshavardhana of Kanauj
According to the Qissa-i Sanjan, the immigrants Parsi are granted permission to stay by the local ruler Jadi Rana
First Muslim, Muhammad Bin Qasim defeats Raja Dahir
Delhi is re-established by Bilan Deo Tomar also known as Anangpal Tomar
Establishment of Rashtrakuta Kingdom of Manyakhet by Danti Durga by defeating Chalukyas of Badami
Birth of Adi Shankaracharya
Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I becomes Rashtrakuta emperor. Kannada literature flourishes.
Gurjara-Pratihara (to 910)
Rajaraja Chola ascends to the throne of Chola empire. He expands the empire to Sri Lanka and to the north to include Kalinga kingdom
Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni
Rajendra Chola I became the king of Chola empire after his father Rajaraja Chola. During his reign, he extended the influences of the already vast Chola empire up to the banks of the river Ganges in the north and across the ocean. Rajendra?s territories extended coastal Burma, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives, conquered the kings of Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and Malay Peninsula in South East Asia) and Peguislands with his fleet of ships. He defeated Mahipala, the Pala king of Bengal and Bihar, and to commemorate his victory he built a new capital called Gangaikonda Cholapuram. The Cholas became one of the most powerful dynasties in Asia during his reign. The Tamil Chola armies exacted tribute from Thailand and the Khmer kingdom of Cambodia. Rajendra Chola I was the first Indian king to take his armies overseas and make conquests of these territories, even though there is epigraphical evidence of Pallava presence in these very areas.
Mahmud Ghazni defeats Tarnochalpal and annexes Punjab
Last invasion of Mahmud Ghazni, sacked and destroyed temple of Somnath
Alberuni arrives in India; death of Mahmud of Ghazni
Sumra Dynasty ends the Arab domination and establishes its own rule over Sindh.
Kalyani Chalukyas power at its peak. Vikramaditya VI ushers in Vikrama Chalukya era.
Life of Basaveshwara, philosopher and social reformer. (to 1196)
The Kalachuris under Bijjala II capture Kalyani
Mohammed Ghauri invades India.[27]
“Victory of Prithviraj Chauhan”. First battle of Tarain between Mohammed Ghori and Prithviraj III. Ghauri is defeated by Prithivi Raj Chauhan III.
“Victory of Mohammed Ghauri”. Second battle of Tarain fought between Ghauri and Prithivi Raj Chauhan III. Prithvi Raj Chauhan III is defeated by Mhammed Ghori.
Battle of Chandawar fought between Ghauri and Jaichand of Kannauj. Ghauri defeated Jayachandra and killed him.
Gakhars kill Muhammad Ghori during a raid on his camp on the Jhelum River
Qutb-ud-din Aibak establishes slave Dynasty later to be known as Delhi Sultanate
Qutb-ud-din Aibak died while playing polo.
Genghis Khan invades Punjab
Sri Madhwaharya born in Pajaka near Udupi, Karnataka
Murder of Razia Sultan by Turkish nobles.
The Mahanubhava philosophy established by Chakradhar Swami.
Birth of Saint Dyaneshwara.
Murder of Muiz ud din Qaiqabad.
Ala-ud-din Khilji’s army under Malik Kafur occupies Devagiri ending the Seuna Yadava Kingdom
Ulugh Khan defeats Prataparudra II ending the Kakatiya dynasty
Vijayanagara Empire established by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I
Veera Ballala III was killed at the Battle of Madurai.
Governor Hasan Gangu revolts against Muhammad bin Tughluq founding the Bahmani Sultanate
Samma Dynasty assumes rule over Sindh
Bukka, the Vijayanagara ruler and his son Kumara Kamapna capture the entire Tamil speaking parts.
Timur plunders Lahore
Dilawar Khan establishes the Malwa Sultanate in present-day northern India
Zafar Khan: governor of Gujarat, declares himself as Sultan Muzaffar Shah founding the Gujarat Sultanate/Muzaffarid dynasty
Khizr Khan, deputized by Timur to be the governor of Multan takes over Delhi founding the Sayyid dynasty
Deva Raya II succeeded his father Veera Vijaya Bukka Raya as monarch of the Vijayanagara Empire
Abdur Razzaq visits India
Mallikarjuna Raya succeeds his father Deva Raya II
Bahlul Khan Lodhi ascends the throne of the Delhi sultanate starting the Lodhi dynasty
Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism is born
Birth of Babur in Andijan, Fergana Valley in Central Asia
Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya drives out Praudha Raya ending the Sangama Dynasty
Advent of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and leader of the world’s first civil disobedience movement, in Navadwip, West Bengal
Ahmadnagar declares independence, followed by Bijapur and Berar in the same year thus breaking up the Bahmani Sultanate.
Babur becomes the King [[ ]]
Vasco de Gama’s first voyage from Europe to India and back (to 1499)
Kingdom of Kochi is taken over by the Portuguese creating the first European settlement in India.
The Christian-Islamic power struggle in Europe and the Middle East. Spills over into the Indian Ocean as Battle of Chaul during the Portuguese-Mamluk War
Battle of Diu marks the beginning of the dominance of the Europeans in the Asian naval theater.
Portuguese India (to 1961)
Portuguese land on the Coromandel Coast
Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, of the Delhi Sultanate, angers local nobles, who respond by inviting Babur, the Mughal ruler of Kabul, to invade Delhi and Agra. The local population, plus the possession of artillery, assists Babur in killing the Sultan (whose soldiers desert him) at the Battle of Panipat.
Babur bribes Mewar general Silhadi promising Silhadi a kingdom, if Silhadi betrays Mewar King Rana Sanga in Battle of Khanwa, thus leading to the annexation of Mewar.
Babur completes his Baburnama, reflecting on society, politics, economics, history, geography, nature, flora and fauna, which to this day is a standard textbook in 25 countries. Babur dies, and is succeeded by his son Humayun.
Battle of Chausa fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri in which Humayun defeated.
Guru Angad Dev becomes second guru of Sikhs.
Battle of Kannauj fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri and Humayun was completely defeated. Humayun lost the Mughal empire to Afghans (Suri Dynasty), and passed 12 years in exile.
Birth of Maharana Pratap Singh of Mewar ( son of Maharana Udai Singh II )
Death of Sher Shah Suri and succeeded by Islam Shah Suri.
Guru Amar Das becomes third Guru of Sikhs.
Death of Islam Shah Suri.
Humayun regained the throne of Delhi from the hands of weak successors of Sher Shah.
Humayun converts from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam, to gain the alliance of the Shah of Persia. Humayun dies, and is succeeded by his son Akbar.
Hindu king Hemu establishes ‘Hindu Raj’ in North India and bestowed with title of “Vikramaditya”; Second Battle of Panipat fought between Hemu and Akbar’s forces in which Hemu is killed.
Battle of Talikota results in the rout of Vijayanagara empire.
Akbar the Great annexes Gujarat, also shifts the Mughal capital to Fatehpur Sikri where a new township and citadel containing buildings of a unique all-India character?inspired by the architecture of Bengal, Gujarat, Malwa, Kashmir as well as the Timurid world?is born.
Guru Ram Das becomes fourth Guru of Sikhs.
Akbar annexes Bengal.
Guru Arjan Dev becomes fifth Guru of Sikhs.
Akbar annexes Kashmir.
East India company is formed in England. Gets exclusive trading rights with India.
Akbar dies, and is succeeded by his son Jahangir.
Guru Hargobind becomes sixth guru of Sikhs.
British India (to 1947)
East India Company (to 1757)
Jehangir announces “Chain of Justice” outside his palace that anyone can ring the bell and get a personal hearing with the emperor. Jehangir dies, and is succeeded by his son Shah Jahan.
Birth of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Guru Har Rai becomes seventh guru of Sikhs
Shivaji takes oath of Independence at Raireshwar.
Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, and Red Fort. Imperial treasuries drained by architectural and military overexpenditures. Shah Jahan dies, and is succeeded by his son Aurangzeb.
Shivaji’s ill-equipped and small Maratha army defeat mighty Adilshahi troops at the Battle of Pratapgarh in a major upset in Indian history. Shivaji personally kills Adilshahi commander Afzal Khan (general).
Guru Har Krishan becomes eight guru of Sikhs.
Guru Tegh Bahadur becomes ninth Guru of Sikhs.
Forces led by Shivaji defeat Aurangzeb’s troops, and establishes Maratha Empire.
Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is executed in Delhi by the order of Aurangzeb for his support for the Kashmiri Hindus to practice their religion.Guru Gobind Singh becomes tenth Guru of Sikhs.
Shivaji dies of fever at Raigad.
Sambhaji becomes 2nd Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire
Aurangzeb invades the Deccan
Chatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj dies.
Danish India (to 1869)
Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhs creates Khalsa, the saint-soldier at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab.
Rajaram Chhatrapati dies