Foreign Travellers Flashcards
When and During Whose rule did Megasthenes (Greek) and travel to India as Ambassador Whose?
What was the name of the books he wrote accounting His Visit?
- 5years (302-298 BC) in 3-4th Century
- ambassador of Selecus I of Syria
- came to court of Sandrokattes ( Mauryan Chandragupta ) - - Described Social and administrative conditions under the Mauryas in book Entitled “INDIKA”

When and during whose rule did FA HIEN travel to India?
What was the name of the books he wrote accounting his visit?
- Visited India during Chandragupta II “Vikramaditya”
- visit to Lumbini,** the birth place of **Buddha
- journey described in his travelogue described as ‘Record of Buddhist kingdoms’
- Travelled India in 4-5th Century(399 and 414 CE,
He indicates clearly the importance of the seven precious substances for Buddhist worship, the widespread practice of stupa veneration, and his aquaintance with several of the jataka tales about the previous lives of the Buddha Sakyamuni, tales which are illustrated in the paintings at the Dunhuang caves.

HIUEN TSANG (Chinese) [629-645]
- Visited the court of Harshavardhana - Came through Tashkent and Swat Valley -his book Si-yu-ki or the ‘Records of Western World
AL BERUNI (Persian) [1000-1025]
- Came along with Mahmud of Ghazni -First Muslim scholar to study India - Known as Founder of Indology - Wrote Tarikh al Hind
IBN BATTUTA (Morrocan) [1333]
- Ibn Battuta was appointed a Qadi, or judge, by Muhammad bin Tughluq.
MARCO POLO (Italian) [b.1254-d.1324]
- Visited the Kakatiya state under Rudrmadevi.-well known European travellor who visited many eastern countries
NICOLO CONTI (Italian) [1420-1421]
- Came during the rule of Devaraya I of Sangam dynasty of Vijayanagar empire.
ABDUL RAZZAK (Persian) [1442-1445]
- Ambassador of Shahrukh of Timurid Dynasty - Came during the rule of Devaraya II of Sangam dynasty of Vijayanagar empire.
AFANASY NIKITIN (Russian) [1469-1472]
- A Russian merchant who documented his Indian visit in a narrative, ‘The Journey beyond Three Seas’. - He had visited the Bahmani Sultanate.
DOMINGO PAES (Portuguese) [1520-1522]
- Came during the rule of Krishnadeva Raya (1509-1529) of Tuluv Dynasty of Vijayanagar empire.
FERNAO NUNES (Portuguese) [1535-1537]
- He was a chronicler and horse trader. - Came during the rule of Achutya Deva Raya (1529-1542) of Tuluv Dynasty of Vijayanagar empire.
WILLIAM HAWKINS (British) [1609-1611]
- He was an ambassador of King James I. - Visited the court of Jahangir
THOMAS ROE (British) [1615]
- He was the ambassador of King James I. - Arrived at Jahangir’s court. By 1618, he succeeded in obtaining two farmans confirming free trade.
PIETRO DELLA VALLE (Italian)[1623-1624]
- Pietro Della Valle visited the King Vekatappa Nayaka of Keladi in India.
- He was the Company’s ambassador to the Mughal Empire. - Visited during Aurangzeb’s reign.