Why was imperialism a significant force for late nineteenth century Europe? #1 Flashcards
The policy of acquiring and controlling dependent territories carried out by the state
New Imperialism
Period of extensive colonization by the European powers
- Taxes on imported goods
- Beneficial because it helps promote a country’s own economy
Free trade
take between nations unimpeded by tariffs
Economic Motives of Imperialism
- profitable to invest in new trading companies
- potential wealth of new colonies
- having colonies was cheaper (due to tariffs) so they could access vital raw minerals
Political Motives of Imperialism
- control strategic locations
- power
- nationalism
- social policy
- Britain occupation of Egypt to safeguard Suez canal
Dr David Livingstone
a Scottish missionary and explorer of Africa
Henry Morton Stanley
- A Welsh-American explorer
- Famous for his exploration of central Africa
King Leopold
king of Belgium and founder of Congo free state
Pierre Brazza
a French explorer of Italian extraction
title used by governor and ruler of Egypt and Sudan
Social Imperialism
A policy aimed at uniting all social classes behind plans for creating and expanding an empire
joint control over a territory by two states
Benjamin Disraeli
- Conservative UK prime minister
- Believed that patriotism and nationalism could overcome class divisions
Cecil Rhodes
British businessman and prime minister of cape colony and founder of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia)
Britains Original Interests in Africa
to protect its Indian ocean trading routes
Britains Other Motives in Africa
- golds, diamonds and valuable minirals
- to stop other European countries from getting this
3 British Colonies in Africa
- Egypt
- the Sudan
- British East Africa
Examples of German Colonies in Africa
- Kamerun (Cameroon)
- German east Africa
- German South West Africa
Main Belgium Colony in Africa
The Congo Basin
What natural resources did the Congo Basin have?
Raw rubber
Why did the French move inland in the late 19th century?
- Search of raw materials, palm oil and timber
- New markets for Frances industrial output
What event motivated French politicians to see a large overseas empire as essential?
Benefits of Imperialism
- Jobs
- Technology-Communication
- Railways
- Medicine-Health
- Education
- Water/Toilets
Consequences of Imperialism to Africa
- Loss of land/resources
- Loss of control
- Tribal conflict
- Culture
- war
Sir George Goldie
founder of the royal Niger company
British South African Company
formed by the amalgamation of two companies: the central search association and the exploring company ltd
Boer War
1899-1902 fought between the two Boer states of transvaal and the orange free state and the British empire
- initiated by Kruger
referring to a fundamentalist islamic reform movement founded by Muhammed Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab
- Arabic word meaning redeemer of Islam
- The Sudanese seikh, Muhammed Ahmad, claimed to be the mahdi
Power Vacuum
territories left undominated by another state after the withdrawal or collapse of the original ruling power
General Gordon
British general and governor general of the Sudan
Lord Salisbury
conservative leader and three times British prime minister
Charles Darwin
- English geologist and biologist
- In his ‘On the origin of species’, argued that evolution was the result of natural selection or the survival of the fittest
General, Lord Kitchener
- defeated the mahdi in the Sudan and played a key role in the Boer war
- Secretary of state for war in 1914 -16
Concentration camp Scandal
In order to defeat the Guerrilla tactics of the Boers, the British relocated the civilian population in concentration camps where a large number of people died of disease.
any empire og the Germans or Germany
the location of the traumatic defeat of the french by the Prussians
Pressure Groups
associations formed to promote a particular interest by influencing government policy
Jules Ferry
French politician and prime minister and strong supported of french colonial expansion
a supporter of anarchism (small self-governing societies)
Navy League
a german pressure group which agitated for a large german Navy
Pan-German League
a German political society that believed that Germany should extend its frontiers to include all Germans in Poland, Switzerland and Austria
- geographic area in south-eastern Europe
- principal states in 1913 were: Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece
General George Von Capri
German general and chancellor, 1890-94
Schlieffen Plan
envisaged a two front war against France and Russia. France was to be defeated within a moth by a flanking movement through Belgium, holland & Luxembourg and then the mass of the german army would move eastwards to deal with Russia. the plan was later revised to omit holland
a territory that is controlled and protected by another state
South Salves
formed the main ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovnia, which Austria occupied in 1878
Legation Quater
the area in Beijing where foreign diplomats, businessman, etc and their families lived
n 1897 the germans seized Kiaochow in revenge for the murder of two missionaries. they also secured mining rights in the neighbouring province of shantung
descendants of dutch settlers who had originally colonised South Africa
William Gladstone
liberal politician, who served four terms as prime minister
Paul Kruger
president of the transvaal, 1833-1900
a form of resolving disputes through mediation by a third party
when was the Berlin West Africa conference
when was the Fashoda crisis
what year did the “scramble for Africa” begin?
what year did the Franco-Purssian war take place?