Why did the USA emerge as a world power and what was the impact on international relations? #4 Flashcards
When dis USA get independence and get recognized independence?
- 1776: Declaration of
independence from
Britain - 1783: USA recognized as
independent nation
When and what was the Columbian Exhibition?
- Held in 1893 as “Coming of Age”
celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s voyage to America - Frederick Jackson Turner “The
significance of the Frontier in American
What happens to American culture when the frontier is “closed”?
- Shift in Identity(symbolizing opportunity, individualism, and the spirit of adventure.)
- Urbanization
- Cultural Expression
- Expansion of Nationalism
- Social Issues: such as labor rights, immigration, and the treatment of Native Americans
What was the economic depression of 1893?
- Also know as The Panic of 1893
- severe financial panic with a run on currency, and banks closing, and businesses and manufacturers not being able to open because they had not cash to pay workers or buy materials.
Effects of the economic depression of 1893
- Unemployment
- Demonstrations and strikes
threatening revolution - Rapid growth of cities
- Unique social problems
- Slums
How did the USA try try to safeguard against drastic fluctuations?
- Safeguard traditional markets:
- South America
- Domestic Market
- Open new markets in China and
What was the book written by Captain Alfred Mahan about? + When was it published?
- Published in 1890
- Argued that:
- The US must give up “continentalist
strategy” - Instead, it needs to build a large Military AND Merchant Navy
This will allow: - Competition for world trade
- Access to Raw materials and bases
What were the outcomes of the USA’s naval development?
- By 1912, USA is a major world trading
power - National wealth doubles between 1900
and 1912 - Investments overseas rise from
$700,000,000 to 3,500,000,000 by 1914 - USA is now a leader in technology and
What were the Reasons for Spanish American War?
- America’s support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule
- the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor
Why did the USA intervene in the war between Spain and Cuba?
-Sensationalist reports in the “yellow press”
-Deliberate US shift in policy to be more assertive and
far reaching in its influence
- US- owned estates, mines, and ranches threatened
-Rivalry between US political parties
- Maine explosion(Blamed on Spain, though likely internal
problem, ”Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain” )
what did it mean when __ said the USA it must act to create order in its own “backyard” ?
-typically refers to the idea that the U.S. should take responsibility for stability and influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- emphasizing a perceived duty to maintain stability and protect American interests in the region.
What amendment specifically prohibits US from annexing Cuba?
Teller Amendment
Impacts of the Spanish-American war
- Territories (from Philippine-American War, cuba, puertro rico, guam)
- Columbia and Panama (involvement in the construction of the Panama Canal.
- Liberia
Impact of annexation of Philippines
-Becomes more powerful in Pacific and East Asia
-As a result, they are able to negotiate between Japan and Russia in 1905
-Gets Treaty of Portsmouth
-Didn’t want Japan or Russia to come out overly powerful
-Wants to keep Japan from being able to threaten Hawaii and Philippines
Theodore Roosevelt in this matter
-Theodore Roosevelt is first US president to get involved in European affairs
-Negotiates dispute between Germany and France over Morocco (1905)
-Algeciras Conference
-This was requested by Kaiser Wilhelm
Roosevelt negotiates it in favor of France
President Woodrow Wilson in this matter
-Campaigned on anti-imperialist platform
-Yet when troubles developed in -Caribbean, he sent in troops
-When Civil war erupts in Mexico, he initially sends some troops in before backing down due to concerns over Germany 1916
-Wins reelection on the slogan “he kept us out of the war”
- However joins war in 1917
Impact on USA’s International Standing
- Colonial Expansion
- Military Recognition
- Change in Global Perception: Previously regional power, now recognized as a player in global politics, capable of projecting power far beyond its borders.
Initial attitude towards the WW1: Mixed reviews
- Most Americans relieved that USA is not involved
- Woodrow Wilson and Elites in favor of Allies
- German Americans support Germany
- Irish Americans don’t trust Britain
- Jewish Americans hate anti-semitic Russia
What are the Economic links between USA and Allies and why does it matter?
- Britain buying supplies from USA
- Britain Blockade preventing USA trade
with Central Powers - US banks loan millions of dollars to
Britain - In May, 1916: $10 Million new loans
per day - USA needs Allies to win in order to get
paid back
What was the (German U-boats) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
- Sinking of all merchant ships(Allied or neutral) carrying goods to or from Allied states
- Germany essentially sets up invisible blockade of Britain
- Some tactical problems
What happened with Lusitania and when
- May 7, 1915
British cruise liner sunk, killing 1198 people (including 128 Americans) - Changing public opinion in the USA against Germany
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Pt.2?
- German high command pushes for a
return of USW - The hope was to knock Britain out of
the war quickly - US ships are inevitably hit
this pushes the US closer to war
What was the Zimmerman telegram?
- Secret diplomatic communication sent by the German Empire to Mexico on January 16, 1917
- Intercepted and decoded by British intelligence
- Germany’s proposal for a military alliance with Mexico against the USA, promising the return of territories lost during the Mexican-American War( New Mexico, Arizona and Texas)
- This was perceived as a direct threat to US national security.
- It was named after German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann, who authored the message.
Summary of Wilson’s 14 points
a visionary attempt to address the root causes of conflict and promote a more equitable and peaceful world order.
Outcome of USA joining WW1
- Russia left the war in 1917 (Bolschevik revolution)
- Germany now attempts major push on Western Front
- March, 1918
US troops help halt the advance in 2nd battle of Marne - By Sept, 1 million+ American troops in France
- Battle of Argonne (Sept 26-Nov 11) major victory that sped up end of war
Relations between USA and Russia
- February revolution had eliminated Tsarist regime
- Provisional Gov’t promises to fight “a people’s war” against Germany
Wilson welcomes this and promises $450 million in aid
Bolsheviks seize power in October 1917 - Lenin signs treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- US throws support behind “White Russians” who hope to overthrow the Bolscheviks
This is unsuccessful and Bolscheviks have won the civil war by 1920