Why People Buy HubSpot & How to Sell It Flashcards
Why do people buy HubSpot?
- The reason why people buy HubSpot and it is so popular is because consolidating data into one platform and then automating strategies off of that data is very valuable
Understanding the prospects data…
- Understanding where the prospects data is being stored today is so fundamental to selling HubSpot
- Pipedrive, MailChimp, Zoho. How are they tracking leads? How do they want to track leads? UNDERSTAND THE GAP
- 80-90% come down to consolidating data and then automating strategies off of that data
Popular Questions
- How do you generate leads today?
- How are those leads being tracked?
- Where does that data go?
- How are they tracking revenue?
You’re probing for different reporting they have and seeing the gaps
Data Segmentation
- So many small businesses are not able to segment data.
If you wanted to create a list of people on a marketing campaign that have spent x amount of dollars, they can’t do that, they have to pull data from an external source.
- Data segmentation is not just about net new, but also customer data segmentation. Being able to segment out of customer data. For example, when was the last time they spoke to a support agent? Show them here is a list of someone who meets this criteria
How do some of the best reps close deals?
- Some of the best reps close big deals by showing filters and sequences.
Segmenting Customer Base
- Segmenting their customer base strictly by how much they pay them every year is an example that got Andrew a huge deal.
- It’s literally just as simple as building a list, filtering that list, and then putting them into a workflow.
- The things we take for granted because we work at HubSpot can be very hard for other people.
- Very rarely do you need to get into the weeds at HubSpot, selling HubSpot is all about high level stuff.
Never box yourself into a conversation.
Even if they fill out a form that says they just wanna talk about Service Hub. Keep it super broad when asking why they booked time.
“What can I help you with today?”
Goal questions
- What are their goals?
- What are their overall strategies?
- What do they want to accomplish next year?
- What tools are they using?
- How hard is it to manage all of their data?
- Everything is siloed. No one can see what the other department is doing.
Every single demo should start at the contact record.
- It allows them to fully understand what a record looks like and understand what their data will look like in HubSpot.
- Half of the demo with big deals for Andrew is spent on the contact record.
- It’s critical they understand who the contact is and what that contact means to them.
- The reason why you go into this in such detail is to allow them to think about their data and think about how all of their contacts are going to exist in HubSpot. Forcing them to think about their data. When you go talk about reporting, you can go back to the contact record and say they can be sure that the data is correct.
What did Andrew call a deal record?
A revenue opportunity.
Workflows are another way to show list segmentation.
- Being able to create an enrollment trigger in a workflow is super important to know and embed into my brain.
- Typical workflow that this guy builds is let’s take everyone in your data base who has not been contacted in the last 60 days, are not currently a customer, and have visited their website. Go to their website, copy and paste their URL and put it in there.
- This is a classic retargeting automation that so many customers of HubSpot do all the time.
The golden moment.
- The moment they start asking you questions about things they need to automate they are bought. They are bought into HubSpot.
Manager feedback.
- Can every single one of you build this workflow on the fly? You need to do that.
- From listening to him speak, Do you think that he thinks this systems works? Our job is to CONVEY CONFIDENCE. The idea is that if they knew what we knew about HubSpot, they would buy. This is how he talks on calls, I’m sure of it.
The biggest thing from a workflow perspective is having something you can go to. Have a comfortable workflow you can build. What mailchimp can’t do is retarget data. Show them something their competitors can’t do!!!
What not to do on a demo…
- Don’t try to build use cases for people on the demo, build something you know. “Ya as long as that data exists we can automate it”. Don’t get into the weeds of their use case.
Being able to show them how to use real automation is so great for people who don’t use it today.
- Something reaches contract sent, we can create a task that goes out to a sales rep and a sales rep boss that says where is this deal?
- You can change data points and properties in this tool, reminders at this stage. That tool has sold him Sales Pro more than anything else in Sales Pro.
- What is your sales process? What do you need to automate in your sales process?
Key points to focus on for demo’s.
- Data consolidation, what it’s going to look like in HubSpot
- How the contact record and deal record look the same.
- Here is how you can automate in HubSpot.
- Pipeline automation. His demo is setup to tell that story.
If you’re ever stuck at explaining the value of HubSpot, do this…
Think about how we use it. Let me show you my email inbox. Let me show you xyz.
My own personal thoughts.
- It’s not about the data, it’s about what we can do with that data when everything is consolidated.