Why Leicester? Flashcards


Why Leicester?


-Integrated teaching method - teaching scientific knowledge alongside clinical training. I’m a hands-on learner, so I feel like this teaching method will really suit my learning style. Because of this teaching method you’re exposed to a clinical environmentearly into the course. Read from med student forums that this early exposure has been super beneficial with building up confidence+ no pressure to get anything right first try as you’ve got a lot of time to improve your skills

-Provides opportunities to do elective placements, help gain/develop more experience/skills that future employers will appreciate

-Offers cadaveric dissection, soemthignI’d really like the opportunity to do, seen as the gold standard for learning anatomy as it allows you to appreciate the nuances of the human body

–More social aspect - a lot of societies and clubs to join, I think especially as a med student it’s good to have a good social circle, and something you can do to relax. From the forums I’ve read, studying medicine can be quite an isolating course to study sometimes, because of how difficult and content heavy it is. Talking to medical students, they’ve told me that a lot of their friends have gotten burnt out easily because of this.

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