why had international peace collapsed by 1939? (Pullan) Flashcards
pg. 77 finish up
between which years did Hitler rise to power?
why did Mussolini’s philosophy clash with the LoN? why would his beliefs be appealing to others?
he believed in fascism, which discards peace, emphasises the importance of war and struggle, revolves around authority and self-sacrifice. this clashed with the LoN because it describes war as noble and promotes it.
it would have been appealing to others, who were desperate and it gave people a reason to be angry
who is Mussolini?
Benito Mussolini was a fascist who founded the Italian fascist party in 1919. he inspired Hitler. he was initially a socialist. he ruled as prime minister from 1922-25 and as dictator from 1925-1943
what are some of the things Hitler states in Mein Kampf?
- blames Jewish people for the war and its consequences which could affect his future policy by having deep prejudices against Jewish people
- set on overturning treaty of versailles
- his aim is to secure more land for the German people - believes Germans are a superior race (Lebensraum)
- nationalism will only succeed when Jewish people are exterminated
- the Bolsheviks are bad and are a tyrannous regine
how did the outcome of WW1 shape Hitler’s plan?
Hitler was enraged when Germany surrendered and blamed Jewish people
How did Germany’s economy impact HItler’s political popularity?
As people became more desperate they turned to Hitler’s radical ideas, which gave them someone to blame
The Wall Street crash in 1929 also left 6 million unemployed and the great depression in 1930 also played a part in Hitler being able to garner favour
when was Hitler released from Prison?
20th December 1924
what is dolchstoss? how does it relate to Hitler?
it is a German word for stab in the back relating to the myth that the German army was undefeated in WW1, but betrayed by politicians, giving the German people someone to blame
what did Hitler do in Feb 1936?
organised the Bamberg conference to reunify the party which was effective and in 1936 he reconstructed the party to be more efficient
what was the new framework of Germany in the 30s?
Germany was divided into sections called the Gaue, which had its own Gaueleiter. The Gaue had its own sections called the Kreise which also had a Kreisleiter
how did the Nazis aim to garner support in the 30s?
by infiltrating existing social structures like children and doctors to gain supporters, as well as advertising legitimately (propaganda).
The propaganda was aimed to exploit people’s fear of uncertainty and instability. The Jews and communists were featured as enemies of the German people. it was aimed at the working class.
Joe Goebbels manipulated the media to spread the relevance of the Nazi party and portrayed Hitler as strong and stable
how was the ban on the Nazi party removed?
Hitler convinced the chancellor of Bavaria to remove it. This happened following his release from prison
by how much did wages fall from 1929-1932? why?
39% due to the impacts of the wall street crash (i think)
what were some impacts of the wall street crash (on Germany?)
- wages fell by 39% from 1929-32
- over 10,000 businesses closed down every year
- 1/2 lawyers in Berlin were Jewish. They had higher paying jobs and were singled out by the Nazis, who already had an antisemitic basis, so Jewish people were used as their scapegoat. this kickstarted antisemitic propaganda
what were the SS and the SA? what is the difference between them? when established?
The Nazi’s paramilitary organisation that was used to inflict fear on the Nazi’s opposition (using illegal methods) to support them. the SS was a subdivision of the SA with 300 members until 1929. They acted as Hitler’s bodyguards
the SA was established in 1925 and had a reputation for being violent. they had 3,000,000 members by 1933
how did Hitler and the Nazis manage to get conservative support?
in the 20s, right-wing politicians were frustrated with Germany’s economic status and lack of authority held by the Weimar Republic. They were against communism and supported Hitler because they wanted to use him to get power. they underestimated Hitler.
what happened in 1923 to Hitler and his votes? who helped in response?
his votes went down so Von Papen, Oscar von Hindenberg (son of president Hindenberg- top general in WW1) backed Hitler to become chancellor
what were Hitler’s main aims?
to rearm the country, lebensraum, expand his empire, genocide
when did Hitler come into power in Germany?
what was rearmament?
thousands of unemployed workers were drafted into the army in the 30s. This not only reduced unemployment but grew the army and challenged the terms of the ToV.
the no planes went from 36-8250 and no soldier went form 100,000-950,000 and no warships went from 30-95 between 1932-1939.
Hitler also withdrew from the LoN.
in 1935 Hitler staged a military rally and in 1936 he reintroduced conscription to the army.
Re armament was popular and increased Nazi support
what was Hitler’s justification and the UK/France’s reaction to rearmament?
- H made a great public display of his desire to not rearm Germny and that he was only doing it because other countries refused to disarm
- he also used the excuse of high unemployment
- german people supported it
- Br thought that the limits of the ToV were too harsh and it would be a buffer against communism
- Br signed a naval agreement with Hitler in 1935, meaning G’s navy could be 35% of Britain’s
-France was angry
what happened in the Rhineland?
in March 1936, Hitler moved troops into the Rhineland, which borders Belgium and France. This violated the ToV and Locarno Treaty from 1925 (designed to protect France from Germany).
Hitler took a gamble with remilitarisation because he could’ve been forced to withdraw, making him look weak and humiliated + losing support from German army
- officers were ordered to pull out if the French retaliated because the German army was no match for the French army (lacking equipment and air support)
what was Hitler’s justification and the UK/France’s reaction to the Rhineland?
- Hitler claimed that Germany was under threat from the French and USSR treaty which was recently signed to protect each other from German attack.
- he argued that he should be able to place troops on his own frontier
- British people thought he had the right to do this so Hitler was fairly certain that Br wouldn’t intervene
-the league’s attention was on the Abyssinian crisis so they only condemned his actions - the French were divided on what to do and there was a french election and none of the french leaders wanted to put France into war and they refused to act without British support
what was the Saarland plebiscite? when was it?
it was in 1935. The LoN held the promised plebiscite for people to determine whether the region should return to German rule. Hitler was initially wary because many of his opponents had fled to the Saar. His propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, mounted a massive campaign in the Saar so the people would vote for the Reich. 90% of the population voted to return to German rule. this was due to propaganda, the area was mostly German, Hitler seemed to be restarting German greatness, and nazi intimidation. THis was entirely legal and was a morale boost for hitler.
It tells us the poeple liked him and he was able to get stronger
when did the Spanish civil war break out?
who was fighting in the spanish civil war?
the supporters of the republican government and the right-wing rebels of General Franco
why was the spanish civil war significant?
it gained an international dimension and because it was ina European state
who did Stalin support in the Spanish civil war? How? who else supported them and how?
the Republican government in the form of weapons, aircraft, pilots. Thousands of volunteers from around 50 countries joined international brigades to support the republicans.
who did Hitler and Mussolini support in the spanish civil war?
General Franco
what did Hitler hope to achieve in the Spanish civil war?
- if Franco was successful then Spain would become a German ally. This would provide a hostile presence on France’s SW border and hopefully provide naval bases for German Navy
-Germany’s armed forces, especially Luftwaffe, could be tested in what could be considered a dress rehearsal for a full scale European war - Since Mussolini was joining Hitler in assisting Franco, Hitler hoped that his joint action might provide the occasion to detach the Italian leader from his association with Britain and France and draw him into a german alliance
- Hitler hoped that a long drawn out civil war in Spain would distract western diplomats and officials from the affairs of central europe. Spain, could, therefore act as a smokescreen for Hitlers attentions elsewhere.
what did Britain and France do in response to the Spanish Civil War?
- they to intervene directly
- France supplied some weapons to the Republicans
what did Hitler and Mussoli do in response to the Spanish Civil War?
they agreed not to intervene but blatantly did so anyway. e.g., Mussolini sent thousands of soldiers (officially they were volunteers). Germany sent aircraft and pilots who took part in most of the major campaigns of the war including bombing raids on civilian populations
what were the consequences of the spanish civil war?
- strengthened bonds between Mussolini and Hitler
- encouraged Hitler to believe that Britain and France would not intervene against him if he took further actions against the ToV
- although Britain didn’t intervene, a huge amount of spending was put into the British armed forces, especially in the Royal Air Forces
- the USSR began to get suspicious of the UK and France because of their reluctance to get involved in opposing fascism
what are some examples of the damage done in the spanish civil war?
after 30 months, 3.4 million lives were lost and lots of damage was done
what did Hitler actually manage to achieve due to the Spanish Civil war?
What Hitler actually achieved
Following the surrender of Madrid to the Nationalists in March 1939, Spain failed to become an ally of the fellow fascist powers and instead opted for neutrality during the Second World Wai, allowing Franco to concentrate on Spain’s domestic problems.
The Luftwaffe was able to practise and perfect dive-bombing techniques in the ruthless assault on Guerica in the Basguc region of northem Spain.
Hitter succeeded in persuading Mussolini to abandon Britain and France. While stiti not a formal ally, Mussolini made li dear in a specch in November 1936, that Germany and Italy now formed an “axis”, the “Rome Berlin Axis”. This represented! an important staging post on the road to a formal alliance.
To a large extent this happened, as the Spanish Civil War lasted for the best part of three years. During this time Hitler was able to take successful action over Austria and Czechoslovakia in central Europe.
how did the spanish civil war end?
the Spanish Nationalists surrendered in March 1939
why did Franco and the Nationalists win the Spanish Civil war?
- they had a strong advanced army
- Germany and Italy supplied Franco with soldiers with arms (helped with transporting soldiers and foreign support)
- France and England did not get involved in or try to stop Franco
- the other side did not have volunteers which were as skilled as Franco’s army and they didn’t have enough soldiers or weaponry even with the aid on the USSR
why did the Spanish civil war help cause the collapse of international peace by 1939?
- Gave combat experience to Hitler and Mussolini’s armies
- USSR became increasingly suspicious of Britain and France because they chose not to intervene
- weakened power and legitimacy of LoN because they didn’t intervene
- showed that Br and France wouldn’t intervene with the war - good for Hitler
- encouraged Hitler to further break town the ToV
when does Hitler become chancellor?
when is the Saar Plebicite?
when is the Rhineland remilitarised?
when is the spanish civil war?
what was going on in Japan during the Spanish Civil War?
East Japan was under the control of hardline nationalist commanders such as General Tojo which also had the support of business leaders in Japan. They wanted to extend their empire into Asia so it could compete with other world powers.
what was cominterm?
the USSR’s organisation for spreading communism to other countries
what did Japan and Germany do in 1936? what happened in 1937? Why was this worrying?
in 1936 Germany and Japan signed the Anti-Cominterm Pact, to oppose communism. They did this because Hitler and Mussolini saw that they had much in common with the military dictatorship in Japan.
In 1937, Italy also signed it. The new alliance was called the Axis Alliance. There was very little Br and Fr could do about it, but it was worrying because Britain did not have the resources to fight in Japan and in the Far East and Germany in Europe.
what is an Anschluss?
a political union
why did Hitler want an Anschluss? what happened in 1934? why was it different now?
Hitler wanted an Anschluss for power and he believed the 2 states should be 1 nation. In 1934, he tried to take over Austria, but Mussolini stopped him. In 1938, the situation was different because he and Mussolini were allies
how did Hitler manage to take over Austria? when was it?
- there was a strong Nazi party in Austria
- Hitler encouraged them to stir trouble with the gov and hold demonstrations demanding union with germany
- Hitler then told the Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg that only an Anschluss would sort out these problems
- Schuschnigg appealed to Fr and Br but didnt recieve any support so he felt he had no choice but to hold a plebiscite to see what the Austrian people wanted
- hitler didn’t want to risk it so he sent troops into Austria in march 1938 to ‘guarantee a trouble free plebiscite’.
- with the Nazis there, 99.75% voted for anschluss
did br and fr intervene with the anchluss with Austria? Why?
no - there was no military confrontation
Chamberlain felt that the Austrians had the right to be united and the ToV was wrong for separating them.
HOWEVER, chamberlain increased Britain’s rearmament further and made plans for compulsory military service and prep for air raid defenses
what were the benefits for hitler for getting Austria?
- power
- no br or fr intervention
- new/ more soldiers
- weapons
- rich deposits of gold and iron ore (which were added to Germany’s increasingly strong army and industry)
who was the British Prime Minister in 1938?
how does Hitler justify? getting Austria?
they have lots of history together + common language (German)
who becomes the leader of Austria after the anschluss? why?
Seyss - Inquart
this is because in Feb 1938, Hitler summoned chancellor Schuschnigg to Hitler’s house in the Alps and forced him to agree to demands including appointing Seyss - Inquart to be the minister of intention
what was britain’s policy called in 1938?
what were the pros and cons of britain’s appeasement policy of 1938?
- Hitler was not the only concern to Britain and its allies. Communism was more important in their eyes because they belived it posed a threat to world peace (+ the spread of communism). therefore, Hitler acted as a buffer the the threat of spreading communism
- br and fr didn’t want to repeat the atrocities of WW1 and wanted to avoid it at any cost
- britain was not ready to go to was with hitler. it only started rearming in 1935 and intelligence suggested they were some way behind the germans
- they didn’t have the support of the USA (in 1919 they introduced a policy of isolationism).
- Britain needed support of other countries in the empire/commonwealth and it wasn’t guaranteed that they would all support it + Japan could threaten British interests in Asia like India/Singapore
- many thought the ToV was unfair so once some of the mistakes went back to normal, everything would be ok
- br and fr were still in very large economic debts (many from ww1) and huge unemployment as a result of the depression- couldnt afford another war
- every time Hitler said that this was all he wanted, yet he often went back on those promises. Appeasement was based on the mistaken idea that Hitler was trustworthy
- Hitler was able to rearm ( better than Br or Fr), claiming he was trying to catch up with other countries
- at some point, br and fr would have to make a move if Hitler kept on trying to do more and more
- Hitler didn’t hide that he wanted to expand eastwards + taking russian land. - br and fr did nothing and so appeasement sent a message to Stalin that they would do nothing it USSR was invaded
who was the leader of Czechoslovakia in 1938?
Edvard Benes
why were the czech worried in 1938? what did they do in response?
they were horrified by the Anschluss and were worried about being the next country that Hitler targeted.
Benes sought guarantees from the British and French that they would honor the commitment if Czechoslovakia was invaded by Hitler. France was bound by a treaty and reluctantly agreed. Britain also agreed, feeling that they had to support France. Br asked H if he was going to invade and H promised he wouldn’t
what part of Czechoslovakia did Hitler want? why?
the Sudetenland. Before the ToV it was part of the Austria-Hungaria empire. There was a large no of Germans living there.
When did Hitler make it clear that he wanted the Sudetenland?
May 1938. He made it clear he was willing to fight for it
who had promised to support Chzechoslovakia?
br, fr, USSR
why was the Sudetenland useful?
had forts, railway, industy. Importantly, without it, Czechoslovakia would be defenceless
what were the crisis talks in 1938?
Crisis talks
In September the problem reached crisis point. In a last-ditch effort to avert war, Chamberlain flew to meet Hitler on 15 September. The meeting appeared to go well. Hitler moderated his demands, saying he was only interested in parts of the Sudetenland - and then only if a plebiscite showed that the Sudeten Germans wanted to join Germany. Chamberlain thought this was reasonable. He felt it was yet another of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that needed to be addressed. Chamberlain seemed convinced that, if Hitler got what he wanted, he would at last be satisfied.
On 19 September the French and the British put to the Czechs their plans to give Hitler the parts of the Sudetenland that he wanted. However, three days later at a second meeting, Hitler increased his demands. He said he
‘regretted’ that the previously arranged terms were not enough. He wanted all the Sudetenland.
what was the Munich agreement?
a final meeting was held on the 29th September. The leaders of Britain, Bergmany, France, Italy decided to give Hitler what he wanted.
without consulting Czechoslovakia or the USSR they decided to give Hitler the sudetenland.
the following morning, Hitler published a joint declaration which Chamberlain said would bring peace for out time
what are the pros and cons of the Munich conference?
for - chamberlain didn’t want to start a war (not prepared enough),
Britain’s air defences were incomplete and britain was vulnerable to a knock out from the Luftwaffe,
the British dominions were not united behind the prospect of war in 1938,
in 1938 it would’ve seemed like they were fighting against self-determination
against - Br and Fr abandoned Czechoslovakia,
Munich was seen as a supreme example fo appeasement,
if war had broken out in nov 1938, Br and Fr would have support of 36 divisions from Czechoslovakia,
in event of war, they woudl have had USSR neutrality or seven support
what were the consequences of the Munich agreement?
- Hitler had once again taken a gamble and won (Sudetenland)
- 1st October - soldiers marched into the Sudetenland
- At the same time, Hungary and Poland helped themselves to Czech territory, where Hungary and Poles were living
- The czechs had been betrayed
- Benes resigned and the country descended into chaos
- the rest of Europe was happy
what is the name of the area that Hungary and Poland took from Czechoslovakia?
Hungary - Slovak border areas and Ruthenia (NOV 1938-MARCH 1939)
Poland - Teschen (OCT 1938)
what happened in 1939 to the rest of Czechoslovakia?
taken under german control
what were Hitler’s motives for taking the Sudetenland?
there were 3 million German speakers in Czechoslovakia, Many of these were in the Sudetenland. The local Nazi leader in Sudeten land was called Konrad Henlein. He claimed that Sudeten Germans were not being treated fairly. He negotiated with the gov but it went nowhere.
what are the names of the leaders present at the Munich conference?
Neville Chamberlain - Br
Adolf HItler - Ge
Benito Mussolini - It
Edouard Deladier - Fr
when was the Nazi Soviet pact?
in 1938/1939, what was Hitler’s next target? what was he nervous about?
polish corridor. he was nervous that the USSR might intervene
why was the USSR unhappy about the league? when did they join? what did Stalin hope to achieve by joining?
in the 1930s, Stalin, Br, and Fr failed to come to any agreement
- in 1934, Stalin joined the LoN
- he hoped this would garuntee his security against the threat from Germany
- HOWEVER, he saw lack of action e.g., Abyssinian crisis, Spanish civil war
- br and fr had not resisted German rearmament in the 30s, insted they even welcomed a stronger germany that would fight communism
what was Hitler’s foreign policy?
Revise the Treaty of Versailles
Undo the restrictions imposed by the peace treaty that ended World War I, including recovering land lost in 1919
Unite all German-speaking people
Incorporate territories with German populations into the Reich, including reuniting Germany with Austria
Expand eastwards
Achieve “living space” (Lebensraum) for the German people in Eastern Europe at the expense of those Hitler considered inferior
Establish a new racial order
Dominate Europe with the German “master race”
why was Stalin suspicious of the British and French in the mid-1930s?
- in 1935 he signed a treaty with France that said France would help the USSR was invaded by Germany - but Stalin was worried that the French would not stick to it especially when they failed to stop troops moving into the Rhineland, their own border
- The Munich agreement in 1938 increased Stalin’s concerns. he was not consulted about it and Stalin concluded from the agreement that Br and Fr were powerless to stop Hitler and was worried that they were even happy for eastern Europe takeove
what happened in March 1939?
the three countries, Br, Fr, USSR, met. however, chamberlain was suspicious of the USSR and reluctant to commit to it.
From Stalin’s point of view, they even made things worse when they gave Poland a guarantee that they would defend it if invaded. Chamberlian meant the guarantee as a warning to Hitler whereas Stalin saw it as support for one fo the USSR’s potential enemies
Negotiations continued through spring and summer of 1939
what was also going on in spring 1939 apart from discussions between the USSR and Fr, Br
Stalin received visits form Nazi foreign minister - Ribbentrop. they discussed the Nazi-Soviet pact
what happened in summer 1939? what was the exact date?
on the 23rd August 1939, Hitler and Stalin, signed the Nazi-Soviet pact and announced the terms to the world.
they agreed not to attack one another and PRIVATELY, they also agreed to divide Poland between them
why did Stalin sign the Nazi-Soviet pact?
Hitler promised the Russians they could have some of Poland, the Baltic state - giving him territory which had once been a part of Russia
The pact also gave Stalin time because S did not expect H to keep his word as he was H’s no.1 target yet he couldn’t trust Br and Fr as they were not strong or reliable enough
Stalin also gained:
Time to rebuild the military
The Soviet military was weakened by the purge of the Red Army officer corps in 1937. The pact gave Stalin time to rearm and focus Soviet industry on producing armaments.
Spheres of influence
The pact included a secret protocol that gave the Soviet Union influence in Eastern Europe, including parts of Poland, the Baltic states, and Romania.
Trade agreement
The pact included a trade agreement that promised millions of tons of Russian grain, oil, and other war materials in exchange for German technical equipment and assistance.
The pact kept the Soviet Union at peace with Germany. Stalin hoped that Germany would focus on fighting Britain and France, allowing the Soviet Union to avoid a two-front war.
what did Hitler gain from the Nazi- soviet pact?
- half of Poland
- ensured he would not have to face a war on two fronts
- Raw materials
The Soviet Union provided Germany with vital raw materials to help with rearmament.
Economic benefits
Germany benefited economically from the pact for a year and a half, with the Soviet Union exporting grain and oil in exchange for manufactured goods.
Access to naval base
The Soviet Union granted Germany access to the naval base of Basis Nord, allowing the Germans to bypass the British naval blockade.
Isolation of Poland
The pact left Poland isolated.
Destruction of Western attempts
The pact destroyed attempts by the West to bring the Soviet Union into an alliance against German
what is the Soviet Nazi pact also known as?
the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
when was the Nazi-Soviet pact terminated? how?
June 22, 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa
what were the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?
- it was made clear that Hitler would invade Poland
- on 1st September 1939, german army invaded Poland from the west, where they were met with little resistant
- Br and Fr demanded withdrawal but Hitler didn’t as he was sure they would not do anything about it
- on the 3rd September, war was declared as Br and Fr kept to their pledge to defend Poland against potential Soviet attack
was appeasement justified?
at the time many people were for appeasement however once the war was declared, most changed their minds, some claiming that they had supported it all along. those who were for appeasement were then seen as weak and naive.
If Chamberlain had stood up to Hitler in 1938 over Czechoslovakia, then they would have won the war.
one of the strongest arguments for appeasement. was that it bought time for the rearmament in Britain. however, it was later fond that the German forces were only 45% that of the British ones. yet, chamberlain did not think that british soldiers were ready for war, which was supported by military advisors and intelligence services.
Chamberlain also didn’t have any realistic alternatives and he probably just underestimated Hitler at the time