Who We Are Flashcards
What is Canada’s form of government?
Canada is a constitutional monarchy
From which year dates the British North America Act?
What was the name of Canada’s original constitutional document?
The British North American Act
What does the British North America Act entail?
A belief in ordered liberty, enterprise, hard work and fair play
What is another name for Canada?
The “Great Dominion”
Who are the founding peoples of Canada?
- Aboriginal
- French
- British
What does the Royal Proclamation entail?
Territorial rights (aboriginal an treaty rights) established the basis for negotiating treaties with the newcomers
From which year dates the Royal Proclamation?
By whom was the Royal Proclamation made?
King George III
What does the term “Aboriginal peoples” refer to?
- Indian (First Nations)
- Inuit
- Métis
Who are the Inuit?
Means: “the people” in the Inuktitut language. They live in small scattered communities across the Arctic
Who are the Métis?
The Métis are a distinct people of mixed aboriginal and European ancestry, the majority of whom live in the Prairie provinces. They come from both French- and English-speaking backgrounds and speak their own dialect, Michif.
What is the distribution of the three groups of Aboriginal peoples?
65% First Nations
30% Métis
4% Inuit
Who was John Buchan?
The 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, a popular Governor General of Canada (1935-1940), proponent of immigrant groups retaining their individuality.
What are the two official languages of Canada?
- English (18 million Anglophones)
- French (7 million Francophones)
Where do the majority of Francophones live?
Quebec (1 million in Ontario, New Brunswick, and Manitoba)
Who are the Acadians?
Descendants of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604.
What is the “Great Upheaval”?
The deportation of more than two-thirds of the Acadians from their homeland, between 1755 and 1763, during the war between Britain and France.
Who are Quebecers?
Quebecers are the people of Quebec. Most are descendants of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and 1700s.
When did the House of Commons recognize that the Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada?
How was the basic way of life in English-speaking areas established?
By hundreds of thousands of English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish settlers, soldiers and migrants from the 1600s to the 20th century.