WHH S1 Final Exam Flashcards
- What idea do both Code of Hammurabi and Chinese Legalism both rely on?
Harsh punishment for Crime
- What are the Indus and Huang He (Yellow) rivers both closely associated with?
River Vally Civilizations.
- What is polytheism?
The belief in many Gods
- In the traditional Hindu society, what is a person’s caste determined by?
The Caste of someone’s parents.
- Why is ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh an important record?
It gives historians information about early civilizations.
- What are Civil Service exams, Filial Piety and the five relationships most often associated with?
- What is a major theme in Classical Greek philosophy?
The use of logic and reason to solve problems.
- What are the Four Noble Truths, Nirvana and Eight Fold Path associated with?
- Why did Confucianism appeal to Chinese authorities?
They liked the idea of respecting the person above you (Filial Piety)*.
- Why did authoritarian governments develop throughout history?
The one person in charge could make quick decisions to protect his people.
- What are the spread of the Latin language, trade routes, and the development of Hellenistic Culture all examples of ?
Cultural Diffusion
- How did Classical civilizations influence Western culture?
a) Citizens were involved with Law
b) Classical architecture inspired later styles
c) Citizens equal under the Law
- What were the economies of early river valley civilizations primarily based on?
farming & bartering
- Which civilization supported the concept of citizens electing representatives to make political decisions?
The Roman with their Republic.
- What is the legacy of Hellenistic culture?
The diffusion of classical learning.
- How did art reflect Greek values?
It Glorified individual and heroic achievements. (Arete)
- What did Lao Tse emphasize in the ‘Tao Te Ching’?
Should behave like animals (one with nature).
- What was the Pax Romana
200 years of peace and prosperity for the Roman’s who were lead by the Five Good Emperors.
- What civilization is Ancestor Worship, Bronze casting and Oracle Bones associated with?
Chinese Civilization.
- What was the underlaying objective that gave rise to Chinese philosophies of Confucius, Lao Tzu and the Legalists?
To create order after a series of civil wars.
- How did the Qin dynasty?
- punish critics
- protect China
- unify China
a) They Killed the critics
b) They built the biggest part of The Great Wall of China
c) They conquered the city states*
- How did cultural diffusion take place in:
- Mesopotamia?
- Ancient Greece?
- Roman Empire?
a) It was the cross-road of the ancient world (trade)
b) Cultural Diffusion all over Mediterranean
c) Cultural Diffusion by expanding all over Europe
- What individual was born a Prince, rejected the caste system and sought enlightenment?
Siddhārtha Gautama (Buddha).
- During the Zhou Dynasty, what was the Mandate of Heaven used for?
Rational for why a family should be the ruling family.
- What is a primary source?
An original source (from the time).
NOT: a history book, biography
- Which Neolithic Revolution development led to a surplus of food, division of labour and complex?
The Agricultural Revolution (Discovery of Farming).
- What did most early civilizations develop around?
Valleys with rivers.
- What was the significance of flooding in ancient China?
It gave fertility to land on which crops could be grown on. However it left loess which was bad.
- If you wanted to start a flourishing civilization, which geographical structure would be most important to you?
River or supply of fresh water.
- What was a key difference between Athens and Sparta?
Athens - Direct Democracy, Very artistic
Sparta - Military State,
- In the Hindu tradition , what a person’s goal for his her’s soul or atman is to?
Achieve moksha and join Brahmin.
- What was a major effect of the Aryan invasion of India?
Brought caste system which evolved into buddhism.*
- Which name identifies the region located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
- How did geography influence Egypt?
- protection
- farming
- trade
a) Deserts and the Mediterranean Sea
b) Nile flooded giving fertility to land
c) Traded along the Nile river, throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East
- How are the Five Relationships, the Ten Commandments and Eightfold Path similar?
They are all law codes that make society run smoothly.
- How are Moksha and Nirvana similar?
Both are about achieving enlightenment and eventual goals for their religions/ philosophies.
- Which institution served as the primary unifying force in medieval Western Europe?
The Catholic Church.
- What was the effect of signing the Magna Carta in 1215?
Was the first document to limit a monarch’s power.
- Which geographic feature was most important in isolating the Greek city-states from one another?
- What is feudalism?
The social system of Medieval Europe*.
- How did the Jewish beliefs influence Christianity?
- Monotheism*
- Law Code
- Sacred Text
- How did Hammurabi’s Code treat crimes against different classes of people?
It was unfair, poor people where treated much worse and punished more severally.*
- What are important characteristics of ancient Judaism?
Monotheistic, sacred text, Covenant between God and the Jews.
- Egypt’s pharaohs were considered divine figures. This suggests what type of government?
- What are the key characteristics of Islam?
- 5 Pillars
- Monotheistic
- Allah
- Quran
- Mohammad (The Greatest and Last Prophet)
- What sacred texts associated with each religion?
- Confucianism
- Islam
- Christianity
- Hinduism
Analects - Confucianism
Quran - Islam
Bible - Christianity
Hinduism - Veddas & Upanishads
- What characteristic makes christianity different from other religions?
The belief that the Messiah (Jesus) has come.
- Why is Moses a significant figure in both Judaism and Christianity?
- Received the 10 Commandments
- Prophet in both faiths
- What is a mosque?
A Muslim place of worship (House of Allah).
- What was the result of the death of Muhammad?
- The Sani and Shia spilt
- Argued about who was the rightful successor
- What is the difference between a fossil and artifact?
Fossil - Nature Made
Artifact - Man-Made
- What is “People’s way of life influenced by their geography, religion, arts, politics, economics and social habits” known as?
- What does the term “Prehistoric” refers to?
Before recorded History.
- Where do Archeologists believe human life began?
East Africa
- What does the term Neolithic Revolution refer to?
People discovered agriculture which led to advanced civilizations.
- What are the results of the spread of Farming/Neolithic Revolution?
- People began to live together
- Advanced civilizations
- Farming over hunting
- What was an advantage village life had over hunting and gathering?
People had more time and developed key skills which led to advanced civilizations.
- What are the characteristics of a civilizations?
Geography, Art, Religion, Politics, Economics and Society.
- What are the similarities found in both Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations?
Polytheistic, RVC’s, the wheel, writing and hierarchical (arranged in order of rank).
- What are the basic principals behind Hammurabi’s Code?
Harsh punishment for crime.
- Which geographic feature served as a barrier that protected ancient China and was used as an invasion route by the Aryans into ancient India?
Mountains (Himalayas)
- What is a dynasty?
The ruling family.
- How did the Chinese religion differ from other early cultures?
No God, philosophy only.*
- What are the bonds that held Chinese society together?
a) Respect for elders/ ancestors (Filial Piety)
b) Respect for ruling family
c) No respect for Women
- Why did Daoism become popular among the common people of China.
It was an easy way of life. (Focused on nature, no taxes)
- Which teenage behavior would Confucius approve of?
Filial Piety
- How is Legalism different from Confucianism and Daoism?
- Legalism focused on harsh punishment for wrong doing
- Confucianism & Daoism are about Nature and Respect
- What is the Hindu idea of reincarnation?
Someone will be reincarnated as a different person based on who they where (Karma)
- What are similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism?
a) Reincarnation
b) From Indian subcontinent
c) Material desires keep you away from peace
d) Enlightenment/ Moksha
- What is the role of the caste system in Hinduism?
Kept order (Social status & ranks)
- What are the important characteristics of Buddhism?
a) Darma*
b) Life & Rebirth
c) Purpose: reach Nirvana
- Why is “Monotheism”an important characteristic of Judaism?
The First Monotheistic faith.
- What are three other important characteristics of Judaism?
a) Torah
b) Covenant between Jews and God
c) basis for Christianity
- What is the mutual promise that the Jewa held with their God called?
- What is one way in which ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ and ‘The Odyssey’ are similar?
Both tell a story of a Great flood.
- How did the geography of Greece influence that region’s development?
- Sea
- Land
- Climate
a) Trade, Transport and made greeks skilled sailors
b) 75% mountains
c) support outdoor life, Easy to live
- What are the Pre-Greek civilizations?
a) Mycenaeans
b) Minoans
c) Dorians
- In a Greek city-state, who were considered “citizens”?
Land owning men born in the city-state
- What were the unifying factors of Greece?
a) Infanticide
b) Mythology
c) Epics (that reflected Arête)
- What do Athens and Sparta have in common?
Both are Greek Greek city-states.
- What were the characteristics of Athen’s direct democracy?
a) Limited political Power for its citizens
b) Laws were proposed by its citizens
- What was the result of the Persian War?
The Golden Age of Greece.
- What were the characteristics of Pericles’ Golden Age for Athens?
a) Glorified Athens
b) Strengthened Empire
c) Strengthened Navy
- What were the effects of the Peloponnesian Wars?
a) Greece was weakened
b) Beginning of Spartan hegemony
c) Athenian philosophers began to question life
- Why was Macedon able to conquer Greece?
a) Greece was weakened by Peloponnesian Wars
b) Macedonian Army built on Greek fails
c) Greek city-states did not take Macedon seriously and did not unify
- What is a similarity between Gravitas and Arête?
Both focus on striving for excellence and perfection.
Gravitas - Roman
Arête - Greek
- Of all ancient civilizations, which gave Women the most freedoms/rights?
- What was a difference between Greek direct democracy and early Roman republic?
Greek Direct Democracy - ruled by citizens
Roman Republic - ruled by representatives (who were elected by citizens)
- How was Rome’s location beneficial to their development
a) Protected by Alps
b) (Sea) Far enough for protection, close enough for trade
c) located next to a river
- What is a republic?
Supreme power is held by representatives.
- What are the Major differences between plebeians and patricians?
Plebeians: Patricians:
- less power - more power
- poorer - richer
- Citizens - Citizens
- more - less of them
- What changes took part in the final years of the Roman REPUBLIC?
a) Octavian became Emperor
b) Period of civil War (more taxes)
c) Gap between Rich & Poor
- What was the Pax Romana?
200 years of Peace and prosperity in the Roman World.
- What were some characteristics of society in the Roman EMPIRE?
a) Rich & Poor Gap
b) Luxury Goods from Asia
c) frequent banquets
(The Rich did not care about the poor!)
- By the end of the Roman EMPIRE, what was the main religion of its people?
- What were the political problems during the decline of the Roman EMPIRE?
a) Split into West/East
b) corruption
c) more imports than exports
d) problems with emperor’s successor
- Why did the Germanic tribes succeed in invading the Roman EMPIRE?
The Roman EMPIRE was weakened by internal factors.
- What achievements did the Byzantines make with each category?
- Religion
- Law
- Architecture
a) Spread orthodoxy
b) Justinian’s Code of Law
c) Hellenism with Roman architecture
- What achievements did Justinian make for the Byzantines?
a) reconquered some of the land conquered by the Barbarians
b) Justinian’s Code of Law
c) Unified and Glorified Constantinople
- Muhammad’s flight the “Hijra”was from which city? (considered to be the holiest city in Islam today)
MECCA to Medinah
- What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?
- ) Charity
- ) Prayer
- ) “Allah is the one God”
- ) Hajj (Pilgrimage)
- ) Ramadan (Fasting)
- What are the characteristics of feudalism?
a) Lord protects you
b) You are the Lord’s slave (Servant)
c) Village is your World
- What is the difference between a kingdom and an Empire.
Kingdom - 1 country, one language ex. France
Empire - Many countries, languages and diverse people ex. Roman Empire
- What was the most important force in providing unity and stability throughout Western Europe during the Middle Ages?
The Catholic Church
- What was Christendom’s MAIN motivation behind starting the crusades?
To recapture The Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims.
- What were the consequences of the Crusades?
a) Religious tolerance
b) decrease in the power of the Byzantine Empire
c) decline in feudal nobility
- How did the bubonic plague affect economic development in the Middle Ages?
Shut down trade, everyone died.
- How did the plague affect?
- political Power
- Trade
- Population
a) Dispersed political power
b) shut it down
c) Killed 1/2 to 1/3 of population of Europe.
- Find:
- Hinduism - Islam
- Judaism
- Buddhism
- Christianity