Unit II: Late Middle Ages: Africa and the Middle East Flashcards
- The Abbasids build a combination library, academy and translation center called the _________________.
House of Wisdom
- The “rightly guided caliph”was replaced by the __________.
- ‘Caliph’ is a tittle that means __________.
“successor or deputy”
- Under Abbasids, the capital was moved to __________.
- The body of Islamic Law is called _______.
- How were the conquered peoples treated by the Muslim Empire?
Their religions were tolerated, but restrictions and taxes were imposed.
- What was the preferred method of Muslim scientists?
Experiments in Laboratory settings
- Why did the Muslim way of praying lead to advances in astronomy?
Muslims wanted to know the precise location of Mecca.
- How did Muslim scholars help preserve European culture?
By translating the works of Aristotle and Plato.
- What led to initial conflict after the death of Muhammad?
Muhammad had neither specified a successor, nor indicated how to chose one.
- What was the chief means of social organization?
lineage groups.
- The Swahili language developed from a mixture of what language?
Arabic and Bantu
- How did the rulers of Ghana grow rich?
By taxing goods traders carried through their territory.
- What were the most important items in the West African Kingdoms?
Salt and Gold
- In African tribes, how were conflicts most commonly settled?
through Consensus
- Most traditional tribes made a living by _________.
subsistence farming
- The best example of cultural diffusion throughout Africa is _________?
the Bantu migration
- Which would NOT be true of a typical African village?
Most traditions were passed down through books and an extensive system of library systems.
- By 1000 A.D, which material had Africans not only adapted to their land, but also improved upon more than Eurasia, at the time?
- Due to the lack of indigenous historical records of sub Saharan Africa, social scientists mostly rely on what sources to learn about the region?
oral histories
- What did you have to be in order to be in the highest class of the Muslim society?
Be born a Muslim
- What was the common language of the Islamic Empire?
- Describe the restrictions places on Islamic artists.
No living things.
- Which African Kingdom eventually broke away from Mali’s empire and gained control of their trade routes?
Songhai Kingdom
- What is the best source about the rise of the Mali
The Sundiata
Wisemen in the Village
Letter of credit, origin of ‘Check’
The people that were strictly Muslim during the rise of Islam
Age Set System
Once you reach a certain age you receive something.
eg. Confirmation, baptism, marriage
Five Pillars
- Charity
- Prayer
- Pilgrimage
- Fasting
- Declaration of faith
Time Period
Task Word