When IT Gets Tough II Flashcards
Which computer-assisted auditing techniques allows fictitious and real transactions to be processed together without the knowledge of client operating personnel?
The Integrated Test Facility (ITF)
It allows “dummy” transactions to be processed at the same time as live transactions; and can test transactions without the computer operator knowing
WHAT may an auditor provide negative assurance on in a comfort letter engagement?
Whether the entity’s unaudited interim financial information complies;
- as to form with the accounting requirements of the Securities Act of 1933
What may be a reason for a significant drop in the accounts receivable turned over ratio from Year 1 to Year 2?
Fictitious sales in Year 2
Why? - Because a “Fictitious sale” would increase both the numerator and the denominator
Remember - Any adding an equal amount to the numerator and denominator decreases the fraction WHEN it is greater than 1.0
What is a possible reason for in increase in Accounts Receivable from Year 1 to Year 2?
The company is more aggressively collecting customer accounts
Why? - Because more aggressive collection policies will result in the entity effectively collecting more of their accounts which will reduce Accounts Receivable and INCREASE the A/R Turnover Ratio
HOW would the CPA (i.e. the auditor) best test the reasonableness of dividend income from investments in issuers (i.e. Public Companies)?
Meaning - What evidence would allow him the ability to re-compute the dividend income?
BY electronically accessing the details of dividend records on the Internet
Why? - Because standard investment advisory services publish dividend records for all listed stocks which is available on the internet
Thus this allow the auditor to independently re-compute the client’s reported dividend income
WHAT is an example of an engagement in which a CPA is required to comply with the provisions of Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements?
WHEN providing assurance on investment performance statistics prepared by an investment company on established criteria
WHY? - Because in an attest engagement, a CPA is engaged to issue or does issue an examination, a review, or an agreed-upon procedures report on subject matter, or an assertion about the subject matter, that is the responsibility of another party (i.e. investment performance statistics prepared by an investment company)
Remember: SSAEs apply only to attest engagements for which no specific standards (e.g., SASs or SSARSs) apply
A written management representation letter on WHAT would be the auditor’s best source of corroborative information of a client’s intention?
Information of a client’s intention to:
- Discontinue a line of business
Why? - Because discontinuing a line of business is an example of a matter about which other procedures may provide little evidence - Meaning this “written representation” may be necessary as confirmation of management’s intent
Remember - Written management representations complement, but do not substitute for, other auditing procedures
WHAT is one purpose of establishing quality control policies and procedures for deciding whether to accept new clients?
To provide reasonable assurance that the firm has the resources to undertake new engagements
Meaning - A CPA firm should have policies and procedures to determine whether to accept or continue a client or to perform a specific engagement
Note - This “consideration” should also involve the CPA firms reasonable assurance of their ability to comply with applicable requirements
WHAT procedure would an auditor usually NOT perform related to newly identified related party transactions outside the normal course of business?
Obtaining an;
- Understanding of the controls over authorization and approval of such transactions
Why? - Because these significant transactions outside the normal course of business most likely have a high assessed risk of material misstatement
Meaning - The auditor would be very limited in his test of controls and would focus more on substantive testing of transactions
What are examples of audit documentation generated by the client?
Shipping documents and receiving reports
Why? - Because Shipping documents and receiving reports are a result of the operations of the client
Meaning, shipping document are prepared by the client as goods are shipped; and
- A receiving report is prepared by the client as goods are received from vendors
WHAT total is used as a batch control to verify the accuracy of posting cash remittances in updating a computerized accounts receivable file?
Cash deposits plus discounts taken by customers
WHY? - Because this total should include the total amount of reductions in accounts receivable (i.e. discounts taken)
THUS, the total of the cash deposits plus the discounts taken by customers should equal the total reduction in accounts receivable for the batch of transactions processed
HOW can a CPA (i.e. the auditor) best test if user identification and password controls are functioning as designed?
BY examining a sample of password holders and access authority to determine whether they have access authority incompatible with their other responsibilities
WHY? - Because employees with access authority to process transactions that change records should not also have asset custody or program modification responsibilities
THUS, the auditor should test whether that password authority is consistent with other assigned responsibilities
WHAT is a reliable analytical approach to verification of the year-end financial statement balance of a wholesale business?
Verifying commission expense by multiplying sales revenue by the company’s standard commission rate
WHY? - Because if the wholesaler uses a standard commission rate, commission expense should be related to sales revenue
NOTE: The auditor should also compare actual with budgeted and prior year amounts
WHAT would be least likely included in legal counsel’s response to the auditor’s letter of inquiry?
An evaluation of the ability of the client to continue as a going concern if the verdict is unfavorable and maximum damages are awarded
Why? - Because the client’s Legal Counsel neither has the knowledge nor the expertise to make such a judgment. This is the CPA’s Responsibility
What is an important consideration regarding the use of external confirmations to obtain audit evidence?
A factor for an auditor to consider when designing confirmation requests is the assertion being tested
Why? - Because this is affects the design of the external confirmation request directly relate to the response rate and the reliability of the evidence obtained
WHAT would be considered literature officially established accounting principle, according to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?
The FASB Accounting Standards Codification
Why? - Because this is considered a source of authoritative guidance for all public and nonpublic nongovernmental entities
What is a matter generally included in an auditor’s engagement letter?
Management’s responsibility for the entity’s compliance with laws and regulations
NOTE: The Engagement Letter’s primary purpose is to provide written record of the agreement with the client as to the services to be provided by the auditor
What would be considered a good reason an auditor should consider observing a client’s distribution of regular payroll checks?
Separation of payroll duties is not effective enough to reduce control risk
Why? - Because a surprise observation of the client’s payroll distribution is especially desirable when;
- the various phases of payroll are not sufficiently segregated
What would NOT be included in the accountant’s documentation of a preparation engagement?
A statement about whether the statements were fairly presented
WHY? - Because the Preparation Engagement does not involve an expression of any form of an opinion (e.g. gathering evidence about the fairness of the financial statements)
WHAT would be considered an Attest Engagement?
Issuing a report about a firm’s compliance with laws and regulations
Remember: These types of engagements usually involve the auditor reporting on the responsible party’s written assertion (i.e. compliance with laws and regulations)