Governmental Audits Flashcards
How do reporting standards under Government Auditing Standards (GAS) differ from reporting standards under generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)?
GAGAS require the CPA to;
- Present the results of the auditor’s tests of controls
e. g. GAGAS incorporate AICPA standards but include additional reporting requirements for internal control
Furthermore, the CPA should communicate in the report on internal control significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal control
What is the Purpose of a Performance Audit under GAGAS?
To determine if the desired results of a program are being achieved
- They provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of sufficient appropriate evidence against stated criteria
E.g. specific requirements, measures, or defined business practices
What is the First step in a Performance Audit?
Identify the legislative intent of the program being audited
E.g. It attempts to measure the accomplishments and relative success of the undertaking
NOTE: the measurement depends on the actual intent of the legislation that established the program
What are the CPA’s responsibilities under the Single Audit Act?
Reporting on compliance with grant requirements
E.g. this type of report involves providing; an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements, a report on internal control, and a report on compliance with grant requirements
Under Government Auditing Standards (GAS), what should a report include if procedures have disclosed material instances of noncompliance with regulations?
The report should;
- Place the findings in proper perspective
What does this mean? - It means that the report SHOULD indicate;
- the instances identified related to the population or the number of cases examined and quantify in terms of monetary amounts
E.g. This gives the reader a basis for judging the prevalence and consequences of deficiencies
What type of service can a CPA conduct under Government Auditing Standards without impairing its independence with respect to the audited entity?
The CPA may Prepare tax filings
Why? Because this service does NOT involve;
(1) Providing nonaudit services involving management functions
(2) auditing one’s own work; or
(3) providing nonaudit services when the services are significant or material to the subject matter being audited
What are some examples of Noncash government assistance and what are the rules surrounding their assessed value?
Food stamps - must be valued at fair market value at receipt or the assessed value
Donated surplus property - must be valued at fair market value at receipt or the assessed value
What are the ELEMENTS OF a finding for a financial audit under Government Auditing Standards?
- Condition - a situation that exists
- Cause - the reason or explanation for the condition
- Effect - a clear, logical link to establish the impact or potential impact of the difference between the situation that exists (condition) and required or desired state (criteria)
What is considered a “quality control requirement” under government auditing standards?
A CPA seeking to enter into a contract to perform an audit should;
- provide the CPA’s most recent external peer review report to the party contracting for the audit
E.g. an audit organization conducting an audit in accordance with these standards must undergo an external peer review at least every 3 years
What must a CPA report under the Single Audit Act?
- Specifically involving questionable findings?
The auditor must report a schedule of findings and questioned costs
The findings result from;
(1) a violation or possible violation of a law
(2) inadequate documentation of costs
(3) costs that appear unreasonable and do not reflect the actions a prudent person
What governmental body issues standards for audits of recipients of federal awards?
The Government Accountability Office (GAO)
- This federal agency is concerned with accounting and auditing standards for U.S. government programs and services
NOTE: They issue GAGAS = Generally Accepted Government Accounting Standards
What is the purpose of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB?
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board promulgates standards for financial accounting and reporting by state and local governments
What should the auditor do in relation to the OMB Audit Requirements for the Federal Awards (2 CFR 200) Compliance Supplement under the Single Audit Act?
They should determine;
- whether the recipient has engaged in activities to which particular types of compliance requirements apply
What written report should be completed by a CPA that is auditing an entity’s financial statements in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards?
The CPA’s report should include a written report on the their testing of internal controls
What should a report for a financial statement audit under Government Auditing Standards include?
The report should state whether the evidence supports an opinion on internal control
e. g. The report (or separate reports) on financial statements should describe the scope of the auditor’s testing of internal control over financial reporting (ICOFR); and
- compliance with laws and regulations and grant or contract provisions
NOTE: An opinion on internal control is not expressed unless sufficient appropriate evidence is obtained