When? Flashcards
When did Louis XVI succeed the throne?
When did Louis XVI declare war on England?
When was the Assembly of Notables called?
February 1787
When did France begin supplying aid to America?
Turgot’s Six Edicts
Turgot ordered to resign
May 1776
When was Necker appointed as Director-General?
June 1777
Official alliance with America
Necker’s resignation
May 1781
Treaty of Paris
Calonne appointed Controller-General
Parliament lectured by King at Versailles
Calonne reform package
Calonne dismissed and exiled
April 1787
Brienne appointed
May 1787
Assembly of Notables dissolved
May 1787
Paris Parlement petitions for Estates-General
July 1787
Paris Parlement banished to Troyes
August 1787
Parlement returns
September 1787
Royal session and Estates-General promised if loans let through
November 1787
Parlement issued Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom
May 1788
May Edicts forced through with lit de justice
May 1788
Revolt of the Nobles
May - August 1788
Day of Tiles in Grenoble
June 1788
Bankruptcy declared and Brienne dismissed
August 1788
Necker reappointed
25th August 1788
Estates General would follow old rules
September 1788
Double representation
December 1788
What is the Third Estate?
January 1789
Cahiers des doleances compiled
Early 1789
Reveillon Riots
April 1789
Procession of Estates General
4th May 1789
First session of Estates General
5th May 1789
Dauphin dies
4th June 1789
Third Estate to be called National Assembly
17th June
Clergy and some liberal nobles join National Assembly
19th June 1789
Tennis Court Oath
20th June 1789
Louis refuses to accept National Assembly
23rd June 1789
4800 extra troops based in Paris
26th June 1789
Louis recognises National Assembly
27th June 1789
Necker dismissed
11th July 1789
Breakdown of order in Paris
12-13th July 1789
Storming of the Bastille
14th July 1789
Commune and National Guard set up
July 1789
Louis addresses Parisians from Hotel de Ville
17th July 1789
The Great Fear
17th July - 3rd August 1789
Constitution decided
July - August 1789
Abolition of feudal rights
4th August 1789
August Decrees
4-11th August 1789
26th August 1789
King given suspensory veto
September 1789
King of the French
October 1789
October Days
5-6th October 1789
National Assembly moves to Paris
20th October 1789
Old provinces abolished
November 1789
All Church property nationalised
2nd November 1789
Active/ passive citizens and assignats
December 1789
Monastic property starts being sold
February 1790
Salt tax (gabelle) abolished
March 1790
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
12th July 1790
Oath to the Civil Constitution
27th November 1790
Louis accepts the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
December 1790
Pope issues papal bull against CCC
April 1791
Failed Palace of Saint-Cloud
18th April 1791
Le Chapelier Law
June 1791
Flight to Varennes
20th June 1791
Louis’ temporary suspension
16th July 1791
Champ de Mars Massacre
17th July 1791
Legislative Assembly meets for the first time
1st October 1791
Flight to Varennes
20th June 1791
Declaration of Pillnitz
27th August 1791
Decree against emigres
9th November 1791
Refractory priests must take the oath or be treated as traitors
29th November 1791
Austria and Prussia make formal alliance
February 1792
All forms of religious dress banned.
April 1792
French declaration of war on Austria
20th April 1792
French troops massacred their own officer
28th April 1792
Refractory priests could be deported
May 1792
Assembly ordered the disbanding of the King’s guard as they celebrated military setbacks
29th May 1792
Assembly set up a federe camp to expand the force of the National Guardsmen
8th June 1792
1st Journee
20th June 1792
La Patrie en danger
11th July 1792
Brunswick Manifesto
25th July 1792
Robespierre makes republican speech
29th July 1792
Sans-culottes take over the Hotel de Ville and set up a revolutionary Commune
9th August 1792
2nd Journee
10th August 1792
The First Terror
17th Aug - 6th September 1792
September Massacres
2nd-7th September 1792
National Convention formed
September 1792
Abolition of monarchy by National Convention
21st / 22nd September 1792
CGS formed
October 1792
Universal Male Suffrage
June 1793
Assignats at 1/3 of face value
August 1793
Savoy gained
October/November 1792
Grain supply to Paris 1/4 of usual supply due to hoarding
August 1793
Armoire de fer
November 1792
Decree of Fraternity
19th November 1792
Louis put on trial
December 1792
Discussion of expansion of natural frontiers
January 1793
Louis executed
21st January 1793
Convention declared war on Britain and Netherlands
1st February 1793
Dumouriez defeated by Austrians at Neerwinden then defects and plots with Austrians.
March 1793
France declares war on Spain
March 1793
Revolutionary Tribunal
March 1793
Representants en mission
March 1793
France pushed back into its own territory
March 1793
Series of attacks on Girondin printing presses.
9-10th March 1793
Summary Execution Decree
19th March 1793
First Coalition
March - September 1793
Levy en masse for 300,000
March 1793
Catholic and Royal Army of the Vendee formed
14th March 1793
Vendee Rebellion
March - December 1793
Robespierre speech challenging property rights
April 1793
Petition to expel Girondins
5th April 1793
CPS formed
6th April 1793
Girondins produce indictment for Marat’s arrest
12th April 1793
8000 sans culottes demand price controls on bread
3rd May 1793
Robespierre invites insurrection
26th May 1793
Jacobin leaders in Lyon forced out of office
29th May 1793
Insurrection of Girondins
2nd June 1793
New Jacobin Constitution with Universal Male Suffrage
24th June 1793
Marat murdered
13th July 1793
Destruction of Vendee decreed
1st August 1793
Levee en masse by CPS
23rd August 1793
Military victories at Dunkirk that boost moral
September 1793
Sans culottes marched on Convention demanding lower bread prices and higher wages
5th September 1793
Revolutionary Army formed
9th September 1793
Law of Suspects
17th September 1793
Law of General Maximum
29th September 1793
Popular Terror
September - December 1793
Dechristianisation made a policy
October 1793
Beginning of show trials
October 1793
Marie Antoinette brought before Revolutionary Tribunal
14th October 1793
Marie Antoinette executed
16th October 1793
21 expelled Girondins guillotined in 36 minutes
31st October 1793
Exectution of duc d’Orleans
6th November 1793
Archbishop of Paris sported bonnet rouge and resigned
7th November 1793
Closure of all churches in Paris
November 1793
Law of 14 Frimaire II
4th December 1793
Army of the Vendee destroyed
December 1793
Coup de Thermidor
July 1794
Law of 14 Frimaire
4th December 1793
First Law of Ventose
January 1794
Arrest and executions of Herbertists and Indulgents
March 1794
Danton and Desmoulins executed
5th April 1794
When did the Terror come to an abrupt end?
July 1794
When was the Law of 22 Prairial?
10th June 1794
Armistice of Cherasco (Sardinia left First coalitio)
April 1796
NB’s advance into Austrian Empire dictated peace terms to the Archduke Charles
April 1797
Treaty of Campo Formio (Austria withdraws from First Coalition)
October 1797
British naval victories against French allies at Cape St Vincent and Camperdown
October 1797
Battle of the Nile
August 1798
Siege of Acre
June 1799
War of Second Coalition
Rhine campaign
September to February 1797
Vendemiare Rising
October 1795
Babeuf Plot
Spring 1796
Brottier Plot
Jan 1797
Oath to defend the constitution
Mar 1796
Mandats introduced
Feb 1796
Metal coins became only legal currency
February 1797
Weights and measures standardised
Reorganisation of taxation system
Ramen renounced 2/3 of France’s national debt by a one-off bond payment
September 1797
Early Royalist threat
Coup de fructidor
September 1797
Coup de Floreal
May 1798
Coup de Prairial
June 1798
Two Thirds Law
August 1795=
Coup de Brumaire
9th/10th November 1799