What_is_a_critical_evaluation Flashcards
Act of ascertaining or fixing the value of worth
An appraisal of the value of something
Of or involving or characteristics of critics or criticism (Example “Critical acclaim”)
Marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws (Example: “A critical attitude”)
Characterized by careful evaluation and judgement (Example: “A critical reading”)
Critical Evaluation…?
The processing of appraising something, look at the errors and flaws.
Critical Evaluation can also be applied…?
in a positive way. So if you see something that improves the value or worth of something this should be commented on also.
Critical Evaluation:
We can add it is also looking for…?
facts and statements we can understand, or believe to be balanced and, or true.
Evaluation of Web Material:
How well the page functions. This may help you find info but makes no difference to the info itself.
Evaluation of Web Material:
Don’t be influenced by a page’s look and feel. It may be attractive but that makes little difference to the value of info.
Content of Web site:
There are an increasing number of Web-based directories and Databases that only…?
accept sites or links that meet content evaluation criteria. Why would they keep the info if it’s not valid or accurate?
Content of Web site:
Much of the material on the Internet is…?
not info, but incorrect which makes it disinformation or, deliberately misleading which makes it propaganda.
Content of Web site:
When making decisions or assumptions we need to know if we…?
can trust or believe the content we are reading. Otherwise we may pass on misinformation ourselves which may, in a business situation, make us liable for damages.
Some questions we need to ask are..?
How useful is the site? Can we believe it? Is it reliable and accurate? Is it information or just opinion? Is the article as good as what you might find in a journal, database or textbook?
Knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction.
A message received and understood.
A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn.
Knowledge communicated…?
concerning some particular fact, subject, or event; that of which one is apprised or told; intelligence, news. spec. contrasted with data.
What is NOT information…?
Propaganda may easily be based in fact, but facts represented in such a way as to provoke a desired response.
The systematic propagation of info or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instill a particular attitude or response. Also, the ideas, doctrines, etc.
The purpose of propaganda is to…?
‘instill a particular attitude’: to encourage you to think a particular wavy. Think for yourself: base your opinion on the facts, not the hype.
The action of misinforming or condition of being misinformed.
Erroneous or incorrect information.
Differs from propaganda in that it…?
always refers to something which is not true. It differs from disinformation in that it is “intentional neutral”: it isn’t deliberate, it’s just wrong or mistaken.
Evaluating web info:
all info, whether in print or by byte, needs to be evaluated by readers for…?
authority, appropriateness, and other personal criteria for value.
Evaluating web info:
if you find something that is too good to be true…?
it probably is.
Evaluating Web Info:
Never use info that you cannot verify…?
establishing and learning criteria to filter info you find on the Internet is as good beginning for becoming a critical consumer of info in all forms.
Evaluating Web Info:
Question it, look for other sources that can..?
Authenticate or corroborate what you find. Learn to be skeptical and then learn to trust your instincts.
Evaluating Web Info:
A simple checklist is CARS which stands for…?
Credibility - includes Author
Evaluating Web Info:
What to consider…?
Authorship, Publishing body, Point of view or bias, Referral to other sources, Venerability, Currency, How to distinguish propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation, the mechanics of determining authorship, publishing body, and currency on the Internet.
Authorship is the major criterion used in…?
Evaluating info.
When you find an Author you don’t recognize..?
The Web/Internet document you are reading gives biographical info, including the author’s position, institutional affiliation and address;
If none of the above, there is an address and telephone number as well as an e-mail address for the author in order to request further info on his or her work and professional background. An e-mail address alone gives you no more info than you already have.
Publishing body…?
also helps evaluate any kind of document you may be reading. In the print universe, this generally means that the author’s manuscript has undergone screening in order to verify that it meets the standards or aims of the organization that serves as publisher.
Point of view or bias…?
Reminds us that info is rarely neutral. Because data is used in selective ways to form info, it generally represents a point of view.
When evaluating info found on the internet, it is …?
important to examine who is providing the “info” you are viewing, and what might be their point of view or bias.
Referral to and/or knowledge of the literature refers to…?
the context in which the author situates his or her work. This reveals what the author knows about his or her discipline and its practices. This allows you to evaluate the author’s scholarship or knowledge of trends in the area under discussion.
Accuracy or verifiability of details..?
is an important part of the evaluation process, especially when you are reading the work of an unfamiliar author presented by an unfamiliar organization, or presented in a non-traditional way.
refers to the timeliness of info. In printed documents, the date of publication is the first indicator of currency. For some types of info, currency is important (e.g. T.S. Eliot’s essays on tradition in literature). For many other types of data, however, currency is extremely important, as is the regularity with which the data is updated.
Internet search engines aren’t like…?
databases found in libraries. Library databases include subject headings, abstracts, and other evaluative info created by info professionals to make searching more accurate. In addition, library databases index more permanent and reliable info.