IT152_Lecture_1._What_is_Multimedia_2013a Flashcards
Multimedia is…?
Using more than one media (Refers to the integration of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video” within a single digital environment)
Interactive Multimedia is…?
Visual, audio and textual information which can be presented separately or simultaneously to convey and present information interactively to users.
Text can be…?
used for titles, descriptions, narratives, captions, hypertext, prompts and navigational aids such as buttons or instructions.
Still Images can be…?
scanned from existing images or video, 2-D or 3-D diagrams, icons etc
Animated Images can be…?
either 2-D or 3-D, either simple movement of whole “sprites “ or genuine frame by frame animation
Sound usually is…?
digitally recorded (“sampled”) sound, but can also encompass MIDI instrument control instructions.
Just as real images can be “scanned, “ video signals can be digitally “grabbed” or “captured” and recorded digitally.
Web multimedia is when…?
it is delivered via the Internet. Offline when its not.
Multimedia project is often a complex…?
development requiring a wide range of creative, technical, organisational, and business skills.
A multimedia project shipped to end-users with or without instructions is called a…?
Multimedia Title.
The Phenakistoscope, an early optical toy invented by Joseph Plateau, lets viewers see moving horses or acrobats was created in…?
First popular animation Gertie the Dinosaur (consisting of 10,300 separate drawings) was released in…?
Jazz Singer – the first film to feature spoken dialogue released in…?
STEAMBOAT WILLIE was the first successful sound animated film; it made Mickey Mouse and launched Disney, this happend in…?
the Golden Age of Hollywood animation was…?
first full length animated film - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, released in…?
Orson Welles releases Citizen Kane, a skilful blending of varied media, it will perhaps be deemed the greatest film of all time, released in…?
Flinstones was the first Prime Time TV Series in…?
CDROM is introduced in..?
The Commodore Amiga combines advanced graphics, a/v to create the first true multimedia computer, in…?
Commerical cartoons saturate TV in …?
The Simpsoms started marks the resurgence of adult-oriented animation, in…?
Myst, released, the first successful interactive 3-D computer game. To date, it has sold more than 6.5 million copies, in…?
Toystory was the first full lenght 3D CG feature film, released in…?
DVD video was introduced; high quality full-lenght movies were distributed on a single disk, in…?
Nemo is the highest grossing animation film, in…?
The return of stop-motion, with Tim Burton’s the corpse bride and wallace and gromit, in …?
Disney buys out Pixar animation. The year sees a gult of feature animation: 14 films for US release alone, in…?
Avatar 3D released in Decemeber, biggest box office takings in history, in..?
Hype from computer industry led to…?
- Trade associations
- Books and magazines on multimedia
- New skill sets for a variety of occupations.
Multimedia has been intergrated into…?
traditional mainstream business.
Interactive Multimedia User Benefits:
User control….?
- Empowers and motivates users, enhances enjoyment, Active learning, Nonlinear access to materials, Engages all senses, individualization.
- Adjustable to different learning styles, Ajustable levels of difficulty.
Interactive Multimedia User Benefits:
User Action…?
Traditional media are used passively, Multimedia software is used actively, different media can reinforce 1 idea i.e. Simulations
Interactive Multimedia User Benefits:
Activates multiple senses creating rich experiences and can be more enjoyable and often means more learning occurs. Research shows users learn more when more involved in the content.
Stimulation by audio will result in a…?
20% retention
Audio-Visual stimulation will increase retention to…?
Interactive multimedia presentations where you really get involved can increase retention to as high as…?
People remember…?
20 percent of what they see
30 percent of what they hear
50 percent when they see and hear it
80 percent when they see it, hear it, and interact with it.
Examples of how modalities are put to use:
- Video teleconferencing.
- Distributed lectures for higher ed.
- Tele-medicine.
- Co-operative work environments.
- Searching in (very) large video and image databases for target visual objects.
- Augmented” reality: placing real-appearing computer graphics and video objects into scenes.
- Including audio cues for where video-conference participants are located.
- Using voice-recognition to build an interactive environment, say a kitchen-wall web browser.
- Virtual reality, enabling the training in simulators for Army Tank drivers, Aircraft Pilots, Surgeons, Maritime operations on large vessels, loading and unloading of container ships, etc.
- Computer / Playstation X-box Games
Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes….?
ranging from fine arts, to entertainment, to commercial art, media and software services.
Software engineers use multimedia in Computer Simulations for anything from…?
military or industrial training to software
Business use multimedia as a way to help…?
present information to shareholders,etc and is helpful for providing employee training, advertising and selling products via web-based technologies.
In Scientific Research, multimedia are used for…?
modelling and simulation.
In Medicine, doctors can get trained by…?
Using virtual surgery.
3D motion capture: used for multiple actor capture so that…?
multiple real actors in a virtual studio can be used to automatically produce realistic animated models with natural movement.
Digital fashion: aims to develop smart clothing that can communicate with other such enhanced clothing using…?
wireless communication, so as to enhance human interaction in a social setting.
Electronic Housecall system: an initiative for providing…?
interactive health monitoring services to patients in their homes.
Augmented Interaction applications: used to develop…?
interfaces between real and virtual humans for tasks such as augmented storytelling.
Major Categories of Multimedia:
Game developers pioneer new uses of multimedia
Multimedia developers add elements to go beyond games to entertainment
- Storytelling
- Mental challenges
- Sense of accomplishment
Major Categories of Multimedia:
Corporate communication…?
Marketing - Attracts attention - CD-ROM catalogs and magazines - Kiosks - Web sites Presentations - Electronic slide shows - CD-ROM employee training materials
Other Major Categories of Multimedia…?
- Training – realistic simulations
- Virtual Reality
- E-commerce - e.g. visual catalogues
- Reference – magazines, etc
Major Categories of Multimedia:
multimedia is used to produce computer-based training courses and reference books like encyclopaedia and almanacs. Edutainment is an informal term used to describe combining education with entertainment
- Accommodates different learning styles
- Can motivate learner
- Provides feedback to learner
- Some research to support greater learning via multimedia
Inappropriate Use of Multimedia…?
- Text-intensive content like a book
- Linear content =users starts at the beginning and have no choice until the end
- Flashing and,or audio distractions
Delivering Multimedia: Delivering Platforms:
is self-contained, does not interact with anything outside of its immediate environment except the user.
- CD-ROM (650MB) is the most cost-effective distribution medium for multimedia projects.
- Dual layer DVD (8.5 GB per side)
- Blu –ray Disc (25GB single layered, 50GB dual layered)
- Public kiosk
Delivering Multimedia: Delivering Platforms:
Online delivery methods…?
Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Mobile (WAP)
Delivering Multimedia: Delivering Platforms:
Hybrid, elements of more than one…?
- CD/ DVD with links to a Web site
- Interactive TV (iTV) – runs off set top box but can be downloaded first to play
Multimedia is similar to producing standard software except…?
- It is often more complex therefore more expensive
- It takes longer
- Since it involves creativity it is more subjective – ie how do you measure ‘good design?
- It involves many different kinds of people that require close management
Making Interactive Multimedia:
Main stages are:
1 planning and costing
2 designing includes producing a storyboard
3 producing using an authoring tool such as Flash or Director
4 testing
5 delivery
Developers need high-end ______ to produce multimedia
Multimedia content can be…?
Linear and nonLinear
Linear presentations – flow in a pre defined sequence, users are passive
Projects that are not interactive are called…?
Projects where users are given navigational control are called…?
non-linear and user-interactive
Projects that are interactive and non-linear are generally …?
more successful.
Who will produce the multimedia…?
- Almost all multimedia production is done in teams (8+)
- Often people from:
- graphic design,
- Video and Audio specialists,
- Business and Computing
- Either done in-house or contracted to specialist producers e.g. Pixar, Weta Digital
Industry skills: To work in multimedia you need to:
- know about team management
- Have good communication and team skills
- Be able to work independently and creatively
- Be able to work quickly and to a time limit*
- Demonstrate skills like: perseverance, initiative, creativity, flexibility
- Knowledge and skills in authoring, interface design, graphic design, hardware (cameras, tablets,MACs, PCs,etc), pedagogy (how people learn)
- A variety of software tools ranging from project management software to authoring tools such as Director
Management related positions skills…?
Management skills, high-level communication skills, the ability to see the big picture, understanding of Web-based multimedia tools, knowledge of copyright and other laws, negotiation skills, and human resource skills.
Production related positions skills…?
Skills in markup, scripting and programming languages, as well as Web-based multimedia authoring programs; excellent graphic and typography skills; artistic talent and a good understanding of design; good communication skills; and expertise with Web-based multimedia programs and creation tools.
Art related positions skills…?
Good graphic editing skills; a talent for layout and design; expertise in working with various drawing and painting programs; and a basic knowledge of Web authoring tools.
Content related positions skills…?
Excellent writing, editing, and planning skills; research skills; and attention to detail.
Support related positions skills…?
Communication skills; attention to detail; and excellent human relations skills.
Multimedia positions:
Management Roles…?
Project managers and producers to control the project.
Multimedia positions:
Production Related roles…?
- Audio/Video specialist
- Computer programmer
- Developer who use tools like Flash, or by programming.
- Web developer/master
Multimedia positions:
Art-related positions….?
- Animation Specialist
- Graphic artist/designer
- Interface designers, design the navi and content.
- Information designers, decide on how the info will be structured inside and across the projects.
- Interaction Designers, create the way the user will interact with the content.
- Photographer/Videographer
Multimedia positions:
Content related positions…?
- Instructional designers, design the educational content and know about learning theories.
- SME (subject matter experts) work to understand the subject.
- Writers/editors
- Developers must consider costs and development time
- E.g. $100 per hour (charge rate) x 50 hours = $5,000!!
- Small CDROMs can cost upwards from $20,000 e.g. Chch Art Gallery
- Large-scale CDROMs from $200,000++ e.g. Americas Cup
- You need to work quickly and efficiently
See Exam questions on slideshow.