What role did monetary policy play in the Great Depression and other crises? Flashcards


What role did monetary policy play in the Great Depression and other crises?

  • Monetary Policy as a trigger in GD
    o tight monetary policy in late 1920s - Fed increased IR to stop speculation - slowed economy down and contributed to GD
    o failure to act as a lender of last resort - Fed didn’t provide enough support to failing banks - made banking crisis worse
  • Deflationary Spiral Due to Monetary
    o GS constraints - stopped CB from printing more money to combat GD
    o debt deflation - prices fell = increased real value of debt = harder to pay loans back
  • Role of monetary policy in other fc
    o Post WW2 and Bretton Woods era - Fixed ER set post WW2 but led to crisis in 70s - CB couldn’t balance ER stability with domestic needs - led to collapse of BW
  • Monetary Policy in 2008 FC
    o Loose mon pol before crisis - CB kept IR low - cheap credit = risky lending = housing bubble
    o response to crisis - CB lowered IR and established QE to stabilise markets - recovery but raised asset prices
  • Eurozone crisis
    o ECB limited response - slow due to focus on controlling inflation
    o unconventional policy tools - LTROs and OMT
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