How costly are financial crises, and have they grown more frequent or severe over time? Flashcards
How costly are financial crises, and have they grown more frequent or severe over time?
- Measuring the costs of financial
crises -
o output loss - financial crises = recessions
o unemployment - due to businesses contracting and investment falling
o Bailouts & stimulus packages
o Debt Accumulation - interventions can increase public debt
o Inequality
o Political instability
o Global spillovers - can distrupt global trade and financial markets - Have financial crises grown more
frequent -
o Historical trends
o Empirical evidence - Reinhart and Rogoff (2009), Bordo et al (2008) - Have financial crises grown more severe -
o Severity of modern crises
o Factors contributing to increased severity - globalisation, leverage and risk-taking, larger financial systems
o Improved crisis responses
o Bordo et al (2008) - Costs over time -
o 19th & early 20th century crises
o Modern crises