Should there be an international lender of last resort? Flashcards


Should there be an international lender of last resort?

  • Role of lender of last resort
    o Domestic - CBs
    o International - no institution to do so
  • Potential benefits of an international
    LOLR -
    o Stabilisation of Global Markets - inject liquidity into economies, preventing regional issues from spreading
    o Avoidance of Currency Crisis - help countries defend their currencies from speculative attacks
    o Reduced Dependence on National LOLRs - quicker and more consistent help from global LOLR
  • Challenges and Criticisms -
    o Moral hazard - encourage risky behaviour as countries assume they’ll just be bailed out
    o Governance and Sovereignty Issues - countries might resist giving up control on economic policy
    o Funding and Resource Limitations - how funds are raised
    o Unequal Influence and Fairness Concerns - smaller countries may worry that major economic powers would dominate decision-making
  • Current Alternatives and Their Limitations -
    o IMF - limited resources and conditional loans
    o Currency Swap Arrangements - swap lines often limited to certain countries
    o Regional Financial Safety Nets - lack global reach and resources needed
  • Feasibility and Recommendations -
    o Strengthen the IMF as LOLR - by increasing resources and reducing reliance on austerity measures
    o Establish Clearer Swap Arrangements - could improve emergency liquidity support without need for new global institution
    o Develop a Global Reserve Fund - enabled faster crisis responses
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