What it means to be gendered Flashcards
Why do we apply gender to other people?
In hopes to more successfully manoeuvre in social interactions
What does it mean that gender is omnirelevant?
It is everywhere and captures everything. We see gender everywhere
Why might it be particularly important for women to gender others?
Because female interactions with male are potentially dangeruous
What is gender attribution?
When you assume a person’s gender by learning which traits culturally signify each gender in the binary system
How is the binary system polarised?
The two genders are seen as polar opposites
What do we mean by men being the standard gender?
We see people as men, until proven otherwise, in our patriarchal system. Femininity is understood as less desirable
What is gender display?
Through a culturally established set of behaviours, appearances, mannerisms, and other cues, we have learned to associate ourselves with one of two genders. We actively attempt to display a gender to match social expectations
How do we use the gender display of others?
To attribute a gender identity to that other person
What is gender self-identity?
The gender the individual identify as
What is percieved identity?
The gender others attribute to that person
Why cannot we avoid gender?
Our society is organised around gender. A person will always be put into the binary system, even when they don’t fit in that system
What is gender misattribution?
When someone is attributed a gender that does not correspond with their gender self-identity
What is gender blending?
When we pick up cultural gender traits from both genders, blending the gender display of the genders
What effects does gender blending have on the binary system?
it does not erode but rather preserve gender boundaries
How are those who do not adhere to the binary gender display seen?
usually, as incpompetent actors. They will pay the price for not giving people the appropriate cues on gender
Why do we adhere to binary gender, even if we don’t fit into it?
We often chose the path of least resistance. So, participating in any other idea than binary gender becomes too demanding