it is an active lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions toward a more balanced and fulfilling life
ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without fatigue, stress and strain
confidence in one’s personal ability to take care of health problems
physical wellness
they have an adequate amount of sleep, eats a balanced nutritious diet, engages in exercise for 150 mins
physically well person
it is the ability to understand ourselves and cope w/ the challenges, acknowledge and share feelings in a productive and harmonious manner
emotional wellness
they can identify, express and manage the entire rage of feelings
emotionally well person
it is the ability to relate to and connect with other people, establish and maintain positive relationships with people
social wellness
they have a network of support based on interdependence mutual trust and respect, develops a sensitivity and awareness towards the feelings of others
socially well person
ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of our nature, make a positive impact on the quality of our environment
environmental wellness
they are organized and has respect for nature
environmentally well person
ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives, faith and hope, spiritually aware, religious practices
spiritual wellness
they seek harmony and balance by openly exploring the depth of human purpose, meaning and through dialogue and self reflection
spiritually well person
ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to life, think and learn from experience, learn new concepts and skills
intellectual wellness
they seek to foster critical thinking, develop moral reasoning, expand worldviews and engage to education for the pursuit of knowledge
intellectually well person
explore your relationship with money, meaning and its importance, writing a budget, set up a savings account, learn about your financial matter, stable income
financial wellness
they are fully aware of financial state and budgets, saves and manage finances in order to achieve realistic goals
financially well person
ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields
occupational wellness
engages in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment, consistent with values and goals
occupationally well person