it is state of health and growth well being and more specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupation and daily activities, carry out activities without undue fatigue
physical fitness
physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate physical exercises and sufficient rest
2 categories/components of physical fitness
• health related components
• sports/motor skills related components
direct relationship to good health and reduces the risk of hypokinetic diseases
health related component
involved skills that will enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports event
sports/motor skills related components
health related components (5)
• cardiovascular endurance
• muscular strength
• muscular endurance
• flexibility
• body composition
ability of the body to supply oxygen and energy for an extended period of physical activity
circulatory and respiratory system provide the working muscles with adequate oxygen
cardiovascular/respiratory endurance
example of cardiovascular endurance training
aerobic exercise
amount of forces that can be exerted by a muscle in a single effort, the amount of force applied on muscles can produce
muscular STRENGTH
muscular strength example
heavy lifting
ability of a muscles group to exert force against a submaximal of time or number of repetition
muscular ENDURANCE
muscular endurance example
• push up
• curl up
range of movement that you can achieve with joints and muscles, move through unrestricted, pain free range of motion
flexibility example
• sit & reach
• shoulder flexibility
proportion of team body mass to body fat, it includes amount of muscles
body composition
the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue
body mass index (bmi)
sports/motor skills related fitness components (5)
• agility
• speed
• balance
• coordination
• reaction time
ability to change and control the direction quickly, move or shift efficiently
example of agility
• ladder drills
• shuttle run
• side step the touch
ability to perform a movement within a short period of time quickly as possible
example of speed
ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving
example of balance
tap objects on the floor w your foot
ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement, determine and direct the smooth movement of the body