What is family? Flashcards
To understand the range of family structures, households, and marital relationships.
What is a nuclear family?
A two-generational family of a man and woman and their dependent children, own or adopted.
What is an extended family?
Any group of kin (people related by blood, marriage or adoption) extended beyond the nuclear family.
(e.g. A couple and their children living with or near their aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, nieces and nephews, etc.)
What is the definition of Single-parent or Lone-parents family?
A family consisting of one parent and a child or children who live together.
What is the definition of a reconstituted family?
A step family, in which one or both partners has children from previous relationships.
What is the definition of an empty nest family?
A home or a family in which only a parent or parents remain after the children grow up and leave. (e.g.A married couple after their children move away for university)
What is the definition of a beanpole family?
A family that is vertically extended but not horizontally extended ( e.g. grandparents, parents and children, but not aunts, uncles and cousins)
Name the 6 types of family structures?
1) Nuclear
2) Extended
3) Single Parent/Lone-parent
4) Reconstituted
5) Empty nest
6) Beanpole
What is the definition of monogamy?
A type of marriage or sexual relationship involving a singular, permanent partner.
What is the definition of polygamy?
Any condition or practice of marriage that consists of multiple spouses at the same time.
What is the definition of polygyny?
A type of marriage in which a man has multiple wives at the same time.
(e.g. The Mormon Church (also called Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints) initially encouraged men to have multiple wives. However, the practice was banned in 1890 when Utah applied for statehood in the United States Despite this, the practice continues in some fundamentalist sects of the church.)
What is the definition of polyandry?
Any condition or practice of a female having multiple husbands at the same time.
(e.g. he Toda people who live in southern India traditionally practice polyandry but the practice is waning. The Todas specifically practice fraternal polyandry (also called adelphic polyandry) in which a female marries two brothers.)
What is meant by an ‘empty shell’ marriage?
This is where the married couple live together but there is no love or affection. They have little in common.
What is meant by matrilenial descent?
Tracing descent through the mother’s side of the family.
What is meant by patrilineal descent?
Tracing descent through the father’s side of the family.
What is the definition of martifocal household?
It is a concept referring to households that consist of one or more adult women and their children without the presence of fathers.
(e.g. Single-parent families headed by women are matrifocal since they day-to-day life of the family is organised around the mother.)
What is the definition of patrifocall household?
It is a concept referring to households that consist of one or more adult women and their children without the presence of mothers.
(e.g. Single-parent families headed by men are patrifocall since they day-to-day life of the family is organised around the father.)
What is the definition of matriarchal?
A family or group dynamic where a mother or female exerts the most power and authority.
What is the definition of patriarchal?
A family or group dynamic where the father or male exerts the most power and authority.
What is the definition of a household?
One or more people who live together in a common space, share meals, and combine economic resources.
(e.g. Two university friends sharing an apartment.)
What is the definition of family?
A socially recognised group of two or more individuals joined by kinship (adoption, blood, fictive kin, or marriage).