To understand the reasons for and extent for and extent of domestic violence in the UK.
What are the 4 types of Domestic Violence?
1) Physical abuse
2) Emotional/psychological abuse
3) Sexual abuse
4) Financial abuse
What are the 4 new forms of Domestic Violence?
1) Female violence towards men
2) Same sex abuse
3) Elder abuse
4) ‘Honour’ based violence
The helpline for it does happen’ for female violence towards men received how many phone calls after a feature story on GMTV?
Donavon found roughly what percentage of people in same sex relationships report Domestic violence?And what else did he find?
Roughly 35% -
which were mainly emotional domestic violence.
Most victims were under 35 , low income, and in their first gay relationships.
‘Help the Aged’ reports found out that 50% of the time elderly people had faced abuse from…
People related to them.
What is ‘Honour’ based Violence?
Victims are perceived by family to be shaming them, disrespectful to cultural customs, disobedient to parents, or too ‘westernised’. These were usually carried out by a man or group of males in the family.
The Forced Marriage units deal with how many cases per year?
Why is measuring Domestic Violence difficult?(2)
1) Domestic Violence and child abuse are some of the most under reported crimes, so information on patterns/extent of Domestic violence are notoriously inaccurate.
2) There is no crime called Domestic Violence
Why is British Crime Survey (BCS) a more accurate picture of Domestic violence?
- Each year 50,000 structured interviews are held with people over age 16
- 4,000 face to face interviews with children aged 10-15— as a result it is not as representative and so there are possible inaccuracies of these interviews.
Give patterns of domestic violence?
1) British Crime Survey: Domestic violence accounts for 1/6 of all violent crimes
2) Sociologist Mirless Black states
- There are 6.6. million domestic assaults per year
- Most known victims are women
- 99% of assaults against women are committed by men
- 25% of women experience domestic violence over the course of a lifetime; 1 in 8 repeatedly so.
How many children face physical abuse?
How many children face emotional or psychological abuse?
How many children face sexual abuse?
How many children face neglect?
On average how many children under 10 are killed each week by a member if his/hers family?