1) To break down ideas around family structures and functions 2) To understand functionalist perspectives 3) To understand criticisms of functionalist perspectives
What type of theory is functionalism?
Consensus theory
What do functionalists regard society as?
As a system made up of different arts or sub-systems that depend on each other. Each social structure works together to keep the whole of society healthy.
Which writer compares society to a human body? And how is this linked to the family?
Just as organs such as the heart or lungs perform functions vital to the well being of the body as a whole, so the family meets some of society’s essential needs, such as the need to socialise children.
What is the term used to describe how ‘society is based on a fundamental agreement on ideas of right and wrong’?
Value consensus
What is Value consensus created through?
The socialisation process
What is the term used to describe a ‘sense of belonging’? And give the definition.
Social Solidarity-
Through value consensus people achieve a sense of belonging to their community.
Who are the 2 functionalists key writers who comment on the family mainly?
1) George Murdock
2) Talcott Parsons
What 4 essential functions does the family provide according to Murdock?
1) Socialisation
2) Economic provision
3) Reproduction
4) Regulation of sexual activity
How does the family provide regulation of sexual activity according to Murdock?
Stable satisfaction of the sex drive with the same partner ,preventing the social disruption caused by a sexual ‘free-for-all’. Furthermore, it allows people to express their sexuality in a safe way.
How is socialisation a key function which the family performs? According to Murdock
Socialisation of the young into society’s shared norms and values.
How is economic provision a key function which the family performs?According to Murdock
Meeting its member’ economic needs, such as food and shelter.
How is reproduction a key function which the family performs? According to Murdock
Reproduction of the next generation, without which society could not continue.
Which family structure do functionalists believe is the only social structure which can perform the 4 essential functions? And state the term used by Murdock.
Functionalists believe in the universal nuclear family whereby only the nuclear family is the only social structure that can perform the 4 key functions. Therefore it exists in all societies throughout time.
Give 3 criticisms of Murdock
1) Other family structures/social structures can perform the 4 key functions (e.g.extended, gay or cohabiting families and orphanages)
2) Not all societies have nuclear families (e.g. Nayar)
3) Marxists/Feminists reject Murdock’s ‘rose-tinted’ harmonious consensus view that all the family meets the needs of both wider society and all the different members of the family. They argue that functionalists neglects conflict and oppression.
What does Talcott Parsons theory focus on?
He focuses on the pre-industrial society(1955) and how the family used to perform many functions.
What were the 2 things that the family was, according to Parsons.
1) Unit of consumption-they use stuff
2) Unit of production-they make stuff
What 3 things did the state take over since the industrial revolution?
1) Education
2) Health care
3) Care for the elderly
What are the 2 irreducible functions of the family according to Parsons
1) Primary Socialisation
2) Stabilisation of adult personalities
How does the family fulfil the stabilisation of adult personalities according to Parsons?
The family is a place where adults can relax and release tensions, enabling them to return to the workplace refreshed and ready to meet its demands. This is functional for the efficiency of the economy.
How is ‘primary socialisation’ an irreducible function of the family?
Primary socialisation of children to equip them with basic skills and society’s values, to enable them to cooperate with others and begin to integrate them into society.
How has family structure changed since the pre-industrial?
Before the industrial revolution family structure was mainly extended to suit the needs of agricultural society. During the industrial revolution, the dominant family structure became nuclear to suit the needs of modern society.
What is the term used to describe ‘family structures changing to fit the needs of society’?
Functional Fit
What are the 2 reasons why family structure changed according to Parsons?And explain them both.
1) Geographical mobility- Before the industrial revolution families lived in the same village for life. The industrial revolution meant workers had to be able to move around to new factories, so families had to be smaller.
2) Social Mobility- Before the industrial revolution people’s position in society did not change over the course of a lifetimes. Eldest sons stayed living at home with their fathers. The industrial revolution promoted social
How is Parson’s function of stabilisation of adult personalities criticised?
Zaretsky: Family only gives emotional support so it’s members will continue working under capitalism
How do feminists criticise Parson’s function of stabilisation of adult personalities? And how does this show functionalists failure.
Stabilisation of adult personalities results in women becoming emotional punch bags for family members and subjected to violence or abuse which should be directed at external exploitation. This show that functionalists fail to account for some of the significant and detrimental functions of the family according to conflict theories.
Give 3 critcisims of Parsons
1) Parsons is too positive, failing to see the bad side of family life (e.g. domestic violence)
2) He has an overly socialised view of children, seeing them as passive.
3) His work is based on 1950’s white middle-class America. And so his work is outdated and ethnocentric.