What is a Balanced Literacy Program? Flashcards
What are the components of a Balanced Literacy Program?
- reading
- phonemic awareness and phonics
- literacy strategies and skills
- vocabulary
- comprehension
- literature
- content-area study
- oral language
- writing
- spelling
Children participate in a variety or reading experiences using:
- picture-book stories and novels
- information books
- books or poetry
- textbooks
- Internet materials
Phonemic awareness and phonics
Children learn to manipulate sounds in words and apply the alphabetic principle and phonics rules to decode words
Literacy Strategies and Skills
Children learn to use problem-solving and monitoring behaviors called strategies and automatic actions called skills as they read and write
Children learn the meaning of words through listening to books teachers read aloud and from content-area study
Children learn to use reader factors (comprehension strategies, text structures) to understand what they’re reading
Children become engaged readers who enjoy literature through reading and responding to books, learning about genres, text structures, and literary features
Content-Area Study
Children use reading and writing as tools to learn about social studies and science topics in thematic units
Oral Language
Children talk and listen as they work with classmates, participate in conversations, give oral presentations, and listen to teachers read aloud
Children learn to use the writing process to draft and refine stories, poems, reports, and other compositions
Children apply what they’re learning about English orthography to spell words, and their spellings gradually become conventional
What are the characteristics of a Balanced Literacy Program?
- Literacy
- Explicit Instruction
- Authentic Application
- Reading and Writing Strategies
- Oral Language
- Tools for Learning