What are the differences of PAC and LC Flashcards
Differences. Part One
Public account committees are one of the oldest committees in the house of commons after being created in 1862. Chaired by Meg Hillier, they scrutinise the expenditure and finances across government departments, public bodies and private businesses that deal with public services.
They meet twice a week and pay attention to if the money allocated by parliament to different departments is spent effectively, efficiently, and economically. They receive high media coverage as it is taxpayers’ money that is being scrutinised.
Differences. Part Two
While public account committees were created in 1862, Liaison committees were established in 2002 and are made up of chairman of all select committees in the house of commons.
They are different to public bill committees as they don’t deal with the expenditure of money but instead deal with factors that affect select committees, they consider the overall work of select committees and make reports on matters of general concern from these committees.
Differences. Part Three
. While the public account committee meet twice a week, the liaison committee have only called the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to account twice a year since 2002.
The main difference is that the public account committee scrutinises government departments on their expenditure and don’t deal with if policies are right or wrong meanwhile the liaison committee considers matters affecting each select committee and don’t deal with money.