What and when (1) Flashcards
- The Flooding Smile
Look at face for half a second longer, absorb personality, then big responsive smile (whole face). Split second delay is key.
- Sticky Eyes
Eyes are glued to partner. When you must look away, do so slowly, reluctantly.
- Epoxy Eyes
Watch target person no matter who is speaking.
- Hang by your teeth
Circus Iron-jaw bit - bite - raise up shoulder, posture and entire body.
- The Big-Baby Pivot
Warm smile, total body turn, undivided attention. 100% Pivot.
- Hello, old friend
Pretend the person you meet is someone that you have tried to search for so long, and out of the blue, they appear - speak normally, but the change is interior.
- Limit the fidget
Don’t fidget during any important conversation
- Han’s Horse Sense
Dual track - while talking, keep an eye on other people’s movements (indicating their behaviour)
- Watch the scene before you make the scene
Plan using all the techniques before doing them
- Make a mood match
Take voice sample, photograph mentally identify - bored? tired? nervous? Match mood and tone - even if only for a second
- Prosaic with Passion
Empathetic mood, positive demeanour, passionate delivery
- Always wear a whatzit
Wear/carry something unusual to give someone an excuse to approach
- Whoozat
Ask party giver to make an introduction to the person. Utilise info to turn facts into incebreakers.
- Eavesdrop
Listen for a word or two then use as excuse for conversation
- Never the naked city
Learn about where you’re from - city/country etc learn diverse facts about