WH LUOA Module 6 (Cam/Hannah) Flashcards
What needed to occur first before there could be a change in agriculture and industry?
Change in a person’s thoughts and actions
What describes the new work ethic felt on the eve of the Industrial Revolution?
People began to value hard work and responsibility.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, what made greater agricultural production possible?
New technology
The change in Industry sparked in what nation?
What best describes the enclosure movement?
Large land owners removed tenants to raise sheep.
The wool industry became profitable.
Poor tenants moved to the cities.
What one invention was a catalyst in the establishment of slave labor in the United States?
Cotton Gin
How did the Industrial Revolution impact literature?
Oliver Twist was a book that gave examples of the harsh conditions of working in a factory.
Why did the Mexican civilians rebel against the Spanish in 1810?
To show displeasure with Napoleon’s choice of Spain’s king
To attempt to gain independence from Spain
What stopped Spain from attempting to regain her colonial possessions in the Western Hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine
What is the “July Revolution?”
Charles X of France dissolved the legislature to avoid criticism, so the people rebelled.
Who was Simon Bolivar?
Liberated Bolivia
Why did Belgium rebel resulting independence in 1830?
They resented being ruled by the Dutch.
Why is the year 1848 considered to be the year of revolutions?
More than 50 revolutions broke out in Europe that year
What was the ultimate result of the revolution in France in 1848?
Election of Napoleon III
The Second Empire of France was established
Who is considered to be the “Father of Italian Unification?”
What was Otto von Bismarck’s policy to unite all the German lands?
Blood and Iron
The formation of the second German Reich occurred at the end of what war?
Franco-Prussian War
Why did the Mexican civilians rebel against the Spanish in 1810?
To show displeasure with Napoleon’s choice of Spain’s king
To attempt to gain independence from Spain
What stopped Spain from attempting to regain her colonial possessions in the Western Hemisphere?
Monroe Doctrine
What is new imperialism?
create a colony for economic exploitation
List and discuss the three reasons for New Imperialism.
Your Answer:
Economic—nations are looking for cheap raw materials and cheap markets
Nationalism—each nation wanted their own place of prominence in global affairs
Religion—people believed it was their religious obligation to spread the Gospel and civilize the rest of the world
What is the Pax Britannica?
nearly 100 years of British peace
England led the world, in the 19th century, in dividing up what continent for its natural resources? Hint: By 1914, 90% of this continent was divided amongst the powers of the world.
Looking at the map of Africa, which nation controlled the largest piece of land after Great Britain.
What statement is inaccurate in regard to France’s empire?
More people lived under the French flag overseas than actually in France
France obtained West Africa in 1874
Mexico was a French province
Madagascar and Morocco were French provinces
“Mexico was a French province” is inaccurate.
To ensure Germany received a piece of Africa, what did they strengthen?
What best describes China when other nations began to lay claim to Chinese territory?
China was weak.
Why did the “Boxers” rebel against foreign nations?
They were proud to be Chinese.
They were angry over numerous nations harassing China.
The United States began to build an empire after what war?
Spanish-American War
What is new imperialism?
creates a colony for economic exploitation
What was the Industrial Revolution?
a time of dramatic change in agriculture, industry and technology
people began to apply science to industry
an explosion of new technology that changed the world
How did people act and think regarding industry/agriculture leading up to the Industrial Revolution?
- superstition and fear of forces of nature
- crime
- immorality
What is crop rotation?
(a different crop planted in a field each year), it was better for the soil because it did not deplete the earth of its nutrients
Who developed a lot of the EARLIER inventions during the Industrial Revolution?
the English
What are some of the most important American inventions during this time?
John Deere’s steel plow
Cyrus McCormick’s reaper
the combine (a reaper + a thresher)
What system dominated manufacturing before the I.R.?
the domestic system (small private shops in a craftsman’s home)
What system dominated manufacturing during the I.R.?
the factory system
What are two things that happened to the population during the I.R.?
It grew rapidly
People moved to the cities
What are the CONs of working in factories?
long hours
poor working conditions
child labor
What are the PROs of working in factories?
better wages than on a farm
stable employment (not weather-dependent)
What inventions helped the textile industry boom?
Flying shuttle (allowed one person to weave cloth, doing the job of 2 people)
Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney / removed tiny seeds from cotton)
What two sources of power were used in factories?
James Watt did what?
Developed a practical way to power factories better: a coal-burning steam engine
The British Isles were rich in ____ (a natural resource).
Henry Bessemer did what?
He discovered a way to convert iron into steel using air currents (the Bessemer process)
What canal was completed in America to create better transportation for manufacturing?
the Erie Canal
What canal connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean via the Red Sea?
the Suez Canal
__________ changed water transportation when he invented the first steamship named the Clermont.
Robert Fulton
19th century - George Stephenson, an English inventor, built the first practical steam-powered ____________, which led to railroads being laid in US and Britain.
In 1896, Guglielmo Marconi developed the wireless_______________ that transmitted messages via electromagnetic waves instead of cables.
In 1796, Edward Jenner developed the first ____________ after he observed the people who were inoculated with the cowpox virus, a non-threatening disease, were immune to the deadly smallpox virus.
Louis __________ developed germ theory for infectious disease.
Joseph Lister used _________ for the first time.
In chemistry, Pierre and Marie __________ both experimented with ____________ and discovered radium.
In physics, Michael Faraday discovered the relationship between ________ and _________ that led to the electric motor.
electricity & magnetism
Because of the ________ enterprise in the United States, many captains of industry were able to profit and gain success.
Who are great examples of the importance of free enterprise in business?
John D. Rockefeller (oil) & J.P. Morgan (banking)
4 impacts of I.R. on the working class
- Some factory workers resented machines - they felt bound to a piece of machinery (Luddites destroyed machines because they were frustrated)
- Working class consciousness - bonding with fellow laborers
- Alcohol consumption was a way to deal with pressure at work
- Mothers working at a factory AND at home
2 impacts of I.R. on the middle class
- Got richer
2. Laissez-faire (“hands off”) policy of government regulation of business (Adam Smith)
2 impacts of I.R. on the nobility class
- Concerned about growing wealth of middle class
2. Missed the days when they were the top dogs - when they were the lords cared for the peasants
3 books by Charles Dickens and their importance are…
Oliver Twist (reveals harsh conditions of factories and workhouses)
Hard Times (describes poor conditions of factories)
A Christmas Carol (poverty caused by I.R.)
Wordsworth & Shelly (authors) and their importance during I.R….
Wordsworth (painted country as an escape from horrible city life)
Mary Shelly (warns man that technology can kill in )
What set off a chain of revolutions in Europe?
Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion and occupation of Spain and Portugal in 1808
Simon Bolivar, known as “the Liberator,” was famous for what?
fought against the Spanish and claimed independence for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This document warned that European powers were prohibited from intervening in Latin America, and if they did, the US would view that as an aggressive move toward the Western Hemisphere.
Who was elected leader of France in 1848 - a relative of a former leader?
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew to N. Bonaparte)
What did the people of Prussia want in 1848 from their King Frederick William IV?
their first written constitution
Count Cavour was famous for what in Italy?
He was “the pen of the revolution” who used diplomatic means to unify Italy
Giuseppe Garibaldi was famous for what in Italy?
He was “the sword of the revolution” who used military force to unify Italy (“father of Italian unification”)
__________ is known as the “father of German unification.
Otto von Bismarck
What happened in the Austro-Hungarian Empire around this time?
The Austrian / Hapsburg ruler, Francis Joseph I, became both king of Hungary and emperor of Austria.
Each country received its own official language and its own parliament.
Hungary got a bit of self-government, but still part of Austro-Hungarian Empire
What happened in Canada during Imperialism?
In 1867, the British North America Act made Canada a self-governing commonwealth.
Who controlled India during Imperialism?
What natural resources were in Africa?
_____ & ______ were the only two independent nations in Africa.
Liberia & Ethiopia
Who did the British fight with in Africa over land containing gold? (Hint: farmers)
the Boers (Dutch who farmed South Africa)
What happened in Australia during this time?
Australia was granted self-government in 1850 and became an independent commonwealth in 1901.
What happened in New Zealand during this time?
1840, the Maori chiefs signed a treaty and acknowledged Queen Victoria as their monarch
1852, New Zealand was self-governed
1907 had a parliament of its own
French colonies included…
parts of Asia
parts of West Indies
French West Africa
France couldn’t get _______ as a colony even though they tried.
Germany wanted a piece of Africa so it did what?
Strengthened its navy
By 1914 German colonies included…
Parts of Asia,
parts of Africa,
parts the Pacific
China fought five wars (and lost all five) with whom during the 19th century over imperialism?
Russia, Japan, France, Germany, Great Britain
What is the “Open Door Policy” that the US held (regarding China)?
This policy stated the United States would oppose the division of China - therefore, trade with China was to be open for all.
Russia and Japan fought over what important piece of land in China during the Russo-Japanese War?
What was a result of the Spanish-American War?
The US got Cuba, Puerto Rico, and a couple of islands out in the Pacific (for naval bases)
Phillipines were occupied by US
What islands did the US annex in the Pacific Ocean?
Hawaii & Samoa