8.25.4 Module 8 Test Review Flashcards
Who became seen as the leading banker to the world after the World War I?
What occurred on October 29, 1929?
The U.S. Stock Market CRASHED!
Briefly discuss the causes of the Great Depression.
Over production and under consumption
– more products were being produced more than they can be sold, and factories were producing the products, but the people didn’t have enough money to buy them
Improper regulation of the stock market
– the value of stocks was ignored
people bought stocks when it was going up and then sold it at a higher price
stocks were traded far above their actual value
Florida land boom collapsed
– people would buy lad in Florida and then sell it for an even higher price, but after a hurricane people lost lots of money
Living on credit
– people spent lots of money say that they would pay it later and eventually they would have to pay all that money back.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisers supported what type of policy to end the Great Depression?
Pump money into the government without concern for a balanced budget.
United States President FDR and his adviser supported the economic theories of whom?
John Maynard Keynes
FDR’s New Deal created a pathway that led the United States toward the direction of what?
Becoming a more socialist nation
A nation dependent on government to grant prosperity
What groups made up the Fascist Coalition, and why did they support dictators like Mussolini?
Industrialists and Capitalists - frightened of a Communist take-over.
Military - veterans wanted more benefits
Labor Unions: Mussolini promised jobs
Which statement best describes the government of Germany after World War I?
Leaders signed the Versailles Treaty
Too many political parties
Government had enormous debt
Adolph Hitler wrote what book that outlined his plans?
Mein Kampf
When did Adolf Hitler first try to gain power?
At a beer hall event - he tried to start a coup but failed
The Nazi Party gained support mainly because ___.
they promised to strengthen Germany
they promised to restore pride in Germany
What event in Germany did the Nazi Party use to show that the Communists were anti-Germany?
burning of Reichstag
Adolf Hitler… (2 things are true)
Head of the most popular political party in Germany
Came to power legally
Came to power illegally
Wanted revolution in Germany
Head of the most popular political party in Germany
Came to power legally
What law gave Hitler absolute authority in Germany?
Enabling Act
What was the primary purpose of the Nuremberg Laws?
prevent Jewish influence from spreading
Which of the following best describes the Conference at Munich?
discuss German control of the Sudetenland
an attempt to avoid war
in the end…a failure
All are correct
discuss German control of the Sudetenland
an attempt to avoid war
in the end…a failure
World War II began with the invasion of what nation?
What statement(s) best describe the Battle of Dunkirk?
Hitler could have won the war here.
The Allies threatened to invade Germany.
338,000 soldiers had no cover but were rescued by civilian vessels.
Hitler could have won the war here.
338,000 soldiers had no cover but were rescued by civilian vessels.
What was the Battle of Britain (1940)?
Britain vs. Germany
(RAF vs. Luftwaffe)
fighting with airplanes
What was the plan for the German invasion of Russia named?
Operation Barbarossa
Why does Germany invade Russia?
to force Great Britain to surrender
needed oil / wheat from Russia
What was the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)?
civil war
communists vs. fascists
When World War II first broke out, what was the initial response from the United States’ President FDR?
We are neutral, we won’t act - but we don’t have to ignore the thought that Germany is being aggressive
On the eve of World War II, FDR began to say that the United States would not go to war unless what happened?
US had to be attacked first
United States involvement in World War II can be traced to which original event?
Manchuria being attacked by Japan
What event was a clear example of crimes against humanity and war atrocities?
“The Rape of Nanking”
Why did Japan attack the United States?
to get US navy out of the way so they could get at the Philippines
What date did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor?
My great-grandma’s birthday (12/7/41)
How did the United States respond to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? (2 things)
internment camps for Americans of Japanese descent
war declared on Japan
What statement(s) best describe the Battle of Dunkirk?
Hitler could have won WWII right then and there (but chose not to finish it up)
the Allied soldiers were rescued by civilian vessels
4th Neutrality Act (key phrase)
War material sold on cash/carry basis
1st Neutrality Act (key phrase)
Italian-Ethiopian War caused US to create this act
2nd Neutrality Act (key phrase)
No loans or lines of credit to warring countries
3rd Neutrality Act (key phrase)
No US citizens traveling on ships of warring nations
The Battle of Coral Sea (1942) is important because it was ___.
the first time ships fought without directly engaging one another
What is considered to be the turning point of World War II in the Pacific?
What was the point of “island hopping” during World W
Establish bases to allow the U.S. to get closer to Japan
What is considered to be the turning point of World War II in Europe?
The Allies open a second European front of attack against the Germans with the landings at Normandy. What is the date of this event?
June 6, 1944
What was decided at the meeting at Yalta?
France, Russia, United States, and England would divide Berlin.
There would be a need for a new international peace-keeping organization.
Why is the firebombing of Dresden, Germany seen as a vicious attack on civilians?
Russians used the incident as propaganda against the United States.
How does the meeting of the “Big 3” at Potsdam compare the meeting of the “Big Three” at Yalta? What changed?
At Yalta, The Big 3 agreed that Germany must be cleared of the Nazi regime with each allied nation occupying a section of Germany.
At Potsdam they met to work out a peace agreement and Japan’s surrender. The Big 3 changed—The big three now included President Truman (USA), Stalin (USSR), and Churchill UK representative, Churchill lost and was replaced by Clement Attlee. At this meeting it was clear that the United States and the USSR clearly distrusted one another.
The United States, in an attempt to force Japan’s surrender during World War II, drops two atomic bombs. On which two Japanese cities are these atomic bombs dropped?
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
What date is V-E Day? (Victory in Europe)
May 8, 1945
What date is V-J Day? (Victory in Japan)
September 2, 1945
What was decided at the meeting at Yalta?
There would be a need for a new international peace-keeping organization.
France, Russia, United States, and England would divide Berlin.
What are the five results of World War II? (re: how many died, who died)
53 million people died, some were civilians that died of starvation, bombings, and fighting.
What are the five results of World War II? (re: communists got what)
Communists received control of Eastern Europe and remained that way until the late 1980s and early 1990s.
What are the five results of World War II? (re: Germany)
Until the 1990s - Germany was divided
What are the five results of World War II? (re: U.N.)
The United Nations needed to prevent another world war and to handle international affairs.
What are the five results of World War II? (re: Russia and US relations)
The Cold War: US and Russia spent the better part of the twentieth century in war with one another.
What best describes the term “Holocaust?”
Term first used in the 1950s to define the genocide of the 1930s and 1940s
Burnt sacrifice, offered solely to God
Define and describe Kristallnact
Kristallnacht also known as “Night of Broken Glass” occurred in Germany and Austria.
Jewish shops were vandalized
Shattered glass covered the streets, giving the event its name.
In the nineteenth century, Jews began to be seen as ___.
genetically inferior
What phrase best describes the Einsatzgruppen?
Ordinary men with families
What was decided at the Wannsee Conference?
“The Final Solution”