Westward Expansion Flashcards
Daniel Boone
cleared a trail through Cumberland Gap
Lewis and Clark
explored the west reading the Pacific Ocean
interpreter for Lewis and Clark
Thomas Jefferson
bought the Louisiana Purchase and sent Lewis and Clark on their expedition
Andrew Jackson
supported the Indian Removal Act
General Santa Anna
Mexican leader at the Alamo
Samuel Morose
inventor of the telegraph
Abraham Lincoln
signed the Pacific Railroad Act
Brigham Young
Mormon leader seeing religious freedom
rushed to California in search of gold
fought the U.S. for their land in Florida
John L. O’Sullivan
first mentioned Manifest Destiny
Oregon Trail
mostly for people looking for Manifest Destiny (belief U.S. should extend from Atlantic to Pacific coasts, better land, escape hardships)
Santa Fe Trail
the earliest trail mostly for trade, moving cattle, and military
Mormon Trail
mostly used to find religious freedom
California Trail
mostly used by 49ers in search of gold
Seminole Wars
The United States battled with the Seminole people mainly over Florida land
Indian Removal Act
a law to move indigenous peoples from the southeast to west of the Mississippi River
Battle of the Alamo
General Santa Anna from Mexico battled with Texan citizens and won
Trail of Tears
the difficult journey indigenous peoples took when they were forced off their land
Oregon Treaty
it settles a land dispute between the United States and Great Britain. Great Britain gave up the land
Mexican-American War
a war fought over the land in Texas
Gold Rush
the beginning of people rushing to explore California when gold was discovered
Pony Express
riders traveled the trails delivering news and mail
an invention of an electric line that sends signals for communication
Pacific Railroad Act
a law funding a railroad across the west
Homestead Act
a law giving citizens free land in the west
Transcontinental Railroad
connected the U.S. from east to west