Wellness Flashcards
What is wellness?
Optimal state of health of individuals and groups
Everybody has their own definition; it is an active process of becoming aware and making choices toward a successful existence.
List the dimensions of wellness.
- Social wellness
- Emotional wellness
- Occupational wellness
- Intellectual wellness
- Environmental wellness
- Spiritual wellness
- Physical wellness
What are the fundamental freedoms?
1 Conscience & Religion
2 Peaceful Assembly
3 Association
4 Thought, Belief, Opinion & Expression
What rights are Canadians entitled to?
- Democratic Rights
- Mobility Rights
- Language Rights
Define victim.
4 things make a vitim
A person harmed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action
Individuals may identify as a victim if:
- Any of their rights or freedoms are violated
- A law is broken against them
- Theft, assault, fraud, etc. - They are diagnosed with an illness
- They were not the cause of a harmful situation &
were under no obligation to prevent the harm**
(natural disaster)
Oxford English Dictionary
What is narcissism?
Extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance
marked by
characteristic of excessive admiration of or
infatuation with oneself”
What are the two types of narcissism?
- Grandiose
- Vulnerable
Characteristics of grandiose narcissism include:
- more common
- Pursue power for status and attention
- Less sensitive to criticism
- Extroversion
- High confidence
- Attention seeking
Characteristics of vulnerable narcissism include:
- Strong sense of entitlement
- Easily threatened or slighted
- Care about others’ opinions
- Introversion
- Emotional sensitivity
- aggressive and defense when thoughts are challnaged
Define gaslighting.
Persistent psychological manipulation making someone question their own reality, memory, perception, and sanity
What are the three types of gaslighting?
- The ‘Black and White’ Comparison-there are only two options when there are several * “You’re either with me or against me”
- Emotional Appealing-play on emotions rather than using logic and reasoning * “How dare you question me! After all I’ve done for you.”
- Ridicule- Mocking /humiliating another person or their requests or feelings * “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard
What is the difference between narcissism and altruism?
- Narcissism: Excessive interest in oneself and extreme selfishness
- Altruism: Selfless concern for the well-being of others
List the stages of change.
1 Precontemplation
-Individuals do not intend to change their behavior any time soon
2 Contemplation
-Aware that a problem exists, but no commitment to action
3 Preparation
-People intend to take action in the immediate future
4 Action-People have made specific changes in their lifestyles, observable
5 Maintenance
-Sustained change is which new behaviors replace old
What is the upward spiral in the stages of change?
Each cycle completed leads to learning, making relapse less likely
What is stress?
The non-specific response of the body to any demand for change
Stress response usually triggered by stressors that come from anywhere/anything AND you can either adopt strategies to manage the stress (i.e. cope) or struggle“
Hans Selye 1936