Well Logging Fiinal (Delete Reservoir) Flashcards
So far, only the NMR response to water-filled pore space has been discussed.
- 100% water is said to have an hydrogen index (HI) of ____.
- Oil, light oil, and gas have fewer hydrogen atoms per unit volume than water and are therefore said to have an hydrogen index (HI) of ____.
conventional electrode tools use an array of ___ electrodes with letters of ____
describe the azimuth convention on a tadpole plot
what is the pad contact CMR tool
What is NMR Echo Train – CPMG Pulse Sequence
Describe the Archie equation variable “n”
what are the different ways of presenting the results of a dipmeter survey
•By convention, when more than one curve is recorded on the same track, the ____ curve represents the response of the tool with the deeper radius of investigation.
what do hydrogen molucules look like without a magnetic field nearby
Describe the laminated shale method graphically
what is the resistivity ratio
describe the three basic NMR measurements
The vertical precision of NMR tools depends on
give a quick overview of the overlay of curves SP With Rxo/Rt
•When the lithology and, therefore, the matrix parameters (t_ma, ρ_ma, ∅_ma) are known, correct porosity values can be derived from these logs, in _____
The M-N crossplot requires a ___log, _____log, and ____log
•T1 Relaxation, also known as _____relaxation, or relaxation in the z-direction
what are the 2 limiations of conventional electrode-type devices
what is the archie equation for resistivity
Borehole imaging tools - desciribe Wireline Imaging Tools. Electrical Imaging
for a conventional electrode tool in the ____ arrangement, two electrodes are mounted on a sonde.
the term porosity tools includes…
what is the photoelectric capture cross-section
The very first logging device ever designed was made to measure _____.
describe the procedure to apply the overlay of curves SP With Rxo/Rt
what do hydrogen atoms look like when a magnetic field is applied to them
•The photoelectric absorption index (Pe) of an atom _____ with increasing atomic number Z.
what is Ohm’s law
what are the 4 clays types
what is a dip angle
•Accurate porosity determination is more difficulty when
describe how a basic downhole resistivity measurement works
what does F represent in terms of resisitivty
what are the types of methods to determine water saturaiton
what is an NMR tipping pulse
what is the Humble equation relating rock porsoity and resistivity
Wireline imaging devices rely on two measurement principles:
what is quick look log analysis
what is water saturation
what are laterologs used for
•In addition to the bulk density (ρ_b), lithology density tools also measure the ______of the formation.
Each practical logging tool involves a trade-off between ____, which can be extrapolated fieldwide only at great risk of inaccuracy, and ____, which is blind to local inhomogeneities
what is arps equation for equivalent resistivity for a given temp
what is a dip azimuth
what are laminated shales
what are compatible overlays of curves
The measurements of the neutron, density, and sonic logs depend on
F depends on the ____ and the _____ of the rock
what are the 2 ways to define shales
What are some salient features of a conventional electrode “electric log”
what is a dipmeter designed to measure
what is a convetional electrode tool “electric log”
name the classificiation of resistivity logs
what is a laterolog-3
what are azimuth frequency diagrams
how does a conventional electrode tool “lateral device” work
what is an orbital magnetic dipole moment
The effect of shale on the response of standard logging tools depends on:
•The NMR measurement of T2 is a distribution over time of a series of values that gives the analyst a picture of the ______and the _____
- Sonic log measures only ____porosity (intergranular & intercrystalline);
- Neutron and Density logs measure ____porosity;
describe the physics of NMR (sequience of events)
describe the basic NMR measurements and what they’re converted to
•______ can significantly influence the response of all three porosity logs (neutron, density, and sonic logs):
what is conductance
how does an induction log work