Welfare at Slaughter 2 Flashcards
What is sticking and bleeding?
Sticking is when an animal’s neck is cut, using a very sharp knife, to sever the major blood vessels in its neck and chest that supply the brain, ensuring rapid blood loss and therefore death.
Bleeding involves severing the carotid arteries and jugular veins, or the blood vessels from which they arise. The animal then dies from loss of blood
What phase is sticking and bleeding done
Ideally tonic (rigid) before the clonic kicking
What does stun to stun mean
Stun to stun - death is result of bleeding = must stick and bleed
What is stun to kill
Death result of stunning method e.g. free bullet
What to different sticking points depend on?
sheep and goats?
cattle and pigs?
The BV that supply blood to the brain
Sheep and goats = 2 (carotid and jugular)
Cattle and pigs = 3 (Carotid, jugular and vertebral arteries)
Most effective sticking point for red meat
Chest stick - all major BV
cut brachiocephalic trunk = Jugular, carotid, vertebral
Sheep sticking methods
Can be 2
Same as Cattle and pigs OR
Deep transverse cut across throat close to head to sever 4 main BV in neck: Carotid X2 and Jugular X2 BOTH all 4 must be cut
• Only acceptable in sheep and goats because no direct blood supply from vertebral artery to brain
How does stress affect meat?
Affects quality
- stress affects metabolism of glycogen in muscles
- affected meat doesn’t eat or keep well
- Glycogen = energy source for muscle activity
- after slaughter, glycogen is catabolised to lactic acid = reduction pH
- amount of glycogen pre slaughter affects the pH achieved post slaughter
- chronic stress = depletes glycogen
- acute stress = increases metabolic activity
What does meat look like if fighting pre slaughter
fighting = acute stress
- Very fast drop in pH
- meat = pale, soft, exulative
- meat loses lot of fluid
- loss of weight in fridge
- loss of money
What does meat look if chronic stress
Dark and firm and dry
pH cannot drop as chronic stress has depleted glycogen = less catabolised to lactic acid
PSE - pale soft and exulative meat
Acute stress
AS increases metabolic activity of glycogen - lactic acid
pH drops rapidly
denaturation of proteins due to low pH and high temps
inability to keep fluids in cells = loss of fluid, weight in fridge and money
DFD - dry firm dark meat
Chronic stress
CS depletes glycogen = hihg pH = no denaturation proteins = fluid remains bound
Rules of CCTV in slaughterhouses
mandatory to have
Must keep CCTC images for 90 days
Must make the images available to FSA inspectors
Methods for poultry stunning
Gas most common
Waterbath electrical- head only in water = stunned
whole body = cardiac arrest = stun to kill
different shackle methods for gas or electrical in poultry
Electrical = SHACKLE then stun either to stun or kill
Gas (most common) = stun then shackle
ONLY stun to kill
Electrical stunning of poultry- which method is moat often used in commercial abattoirs
High frequency AC current
- produced immediate and effective stun
- without causing damage to rest of carcass
- improves meat quality
signs of effective electrical stun in poultry
- Eyes open
- Neck arched with head held vertically
- No rhythmic breathing
- Rigidly extended legs (although not appropriate indicator when shackled)
- Constant rapid body tremors
- Wings held tightly against body
Advantages and disadvantages electricals stunning in poultry
Ad: v rapid relatively chepa to implement Dis: Proportion of birds miss stunning high frequency stunning doesn't kill- potential to reach scald tank conscious if neck cutting missed
Ad and dis of gas Stunning poultry
Gas most common
Ad= minimal pre slaughter handling and no need for live shackling
Improved health adn safety of persons hanging birds
no possibility of pre stun shocks
No possibility of missing stunner or inadaquate stuns
improved carcase quality (reduced incidence of broken bones and internal haemorrhaging)
Dis -
Expensive initial outlay
Possible danger of leaks
May be associated with initial discomfort