Welding Test Flashcards
Which light rays cause severe eye and skin problems?
Ultra violet
When protecting your shielded lens in your helmet, you should use_________ lens next to your face?
What shade of lens is for low amperage sheet metal?
Arc flash is?
When your eyes are exposed to ultraviolet rays
When you eyes are covered in blisters
The feeling of sand paper in your eyes
If you see weld spots after lifting your helmet, you should?
Use a darker shade of lens
You should avoid _________ to lessen your chance of shocks?
High temperature
High humidity
Damp wet conditions
Don not repair a splice within______feet of the stinger?
10 feet
Use GFCI when using _______, ______ and________
As constant current machine uses?
Shielded metal arc welding rods
Amperage is the measurement expressing the rate of the current flow ‘
True or false
Voltage is the force that causes the current to flow.
True or false
A welding machine with a duty cycle of 60 percent rated at 300 amperes will put out its rated amperage at the rated voltage for_______?
6 minutes of welding out of 10
Arc blow can be prevented by?
Ac welding
Using a short arc
Welding corners and edges first
Welding cables come in 8 sizes what number is the smallest and what number is the biggest?
4 smallest
4/0 biggest
The stinger is attatched to a ________. Which is lighter cable
When connecting a ground clamp next to a bearing make sure to?
Put it on the same side as you and away from the bearing
If you increase the voltage puddle ________and ________occur. And if you increase the amperage what will occur?
Puddle width and fluidity
Deeper penetration
A short arc is used for?
Deeper penetration
When using reverse polarity the electrode is connected to the _______ terminal
Straight polarity will cause________?
Shallow penetration
When checking polarity use a _____________ rod to check which terminal the electrode is connected to. Reverse polarity will be quoted than straight polarity
If slag gets into the weld it will cause it to fail.
True of false
A general rule for setting the amperage on the welding machines is?
Turning the rod metal width to a decimal.
Example 1/8 rod = .125 so 125 amps
Electrode coatings help by?
Protects the weld pool and molten end of electrode
Keeps out oxygen and nitrogen from he weld area
Form a slag to cover the weld deposite
The welding rod EWS E7018 the first two digits are what?
Tensile strength
The third digit in e7018 is?
1= all
2=flat horizontal
3=flat only
4= flat and down
Final digit in 7018 is the _________
Type of coating and polarity
A plug weld is_______?
Used in a hole where 2 plates are lapped over each other
A stringer bead width should be _______ times the electrode core wire diameter
2-3 times
What are the 4 types of passes?
Root-first past deepest penetration
Fill pass- heavy beads are laid, maybe stringer or weave
Cover pass- a thin weave coating used to produce a good blend with the plate and to eliminate undercut
Fill and finish pass- a heavy pass designed to fill the groove and produce a finished surface at the same time
Holding the electrode 90 degrees to the work piece will result in_________?
Less penetration
Stray arc strikes are considered ?
Major weld faults
When restarting an arc it is better to use which method?
Scratch or tapping
Tapping method would be best
Holding the electrode at 90 degrees to the work will result in?
Less penetration
You would find porosity in your welds if you had a greasy joint to weld?
True or false
GMAW uses what different types of gases?
Carbon dioxide
The shielding gas protects the weld from what three things?
Impurities in the air
When using GMAW on carbon steels you would use a_________ gas to cause an oxidizing behaviour in the weld area?
Carbon dioxide
The weld joint that has two pieces welded by their edges is a _______ joint
Fillet welds are sized by ___________?
Leg length of the smallest equal leg triangle that may be drawn within the cross section of the weld
What are the 5 basic joints?
Butt joint
Lapp joint
Corner joint
T joint
Edge joint
What are the 4 basic. Weld types?
Plug or slot
What are the 4 variations of fillet welds?
Chain intermittent
Staggered intermittent
What are some groove weld types?
The size of a plug weld refers to the the _________ of its hole at the base of the weld.
Which two welding symbols must always be listed?
Reference lines
Arrow line
What are the different arrow locations?
Arrow side
Other side
Both sides