Welding Safety (110103e) Flashcards
If your clothing catches fire what should you do?
- Stop moving
- Drop to the ground
- Roll several times to put the flames out
Radiant energy given off by oxyfuel torch and electric arc welders are?
Visible light
Ultraviolet rays
Infa-red rays
The most dangerous type of light ray emitted by welding is?
Infrared ray
What are the dangers of infrared rays?
They can cause temperature increases and burns to exposed skin.
They may also penetrate the interior of the eye and cause retina damage potentially causing cataracts
What causes arc flash?
This is when eyes are burned by ultraviolet rays
What do aluminum fumes do to the body?
Cause irritation of the respiratory system
What is the use of acetone in a cylinder?
Acetone has the ability to absorb c2 h2 gas and is used in acetylene cylinders to make the cylinders safe at high pressures
What color is an oxygen connection and what hand thread is it?
Oxygen is green and right hand thread
Acetylene is what color and hand thread?
Acetylene is red and left hand thread
What protects an oxygen cylinder from an extreme pressure rise caused by heat or fire?
A metal rupture disc
Should you touch a person who is still in contact with a conductor of electricity?
No do not touch switch off the electrical supply or pull the plug
Welding glasses protect your eyes from what percentage of harmful rays?
99 percent
What are important safety rules for handling cylinders?
- store cylinders in a cool dry well ventilated location
- store oxygen and acetylene separately
- store and use cylinders in vertical position
- make sure they have valve protection caps
What are the best clothing materials for welding and cutting?
What are the three parts of the fire triangle?
Fuel as in combustible material
Heat (source of ignition)
Oxygen air to support combustion