weimar germany Flashcards
what year did the kaiser abdicate
who was the leader of three new government
Fried rich Ebert
what did Ebert want
Democratic government
who led the Spartacist League and when was it created
Led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg
Created in 1916
What was the membership of the Spartacist League
Who led the USPD and when was it created
Led by Hugo Hasse
Created in 1918
What was the membership of the USPD
Who led the DDP and when was it created
Led by Friedrich Ebert and Philip Scheildemann
Created in 1875
How many members did the DDP have
1 million
Who did the DDP appeal to
the working class
How often was a president elected
every 7 years
What could the president use and do
They could use Article 48 and call new elections, dismiss and elect new ministers
What was article 48
Article 48 allowed the president to pass laws without consulting the Reichstag and should only be used in emergencies
when was the Treaty of Versailles signed
June 28th 1919
What did german people see the Treaty of Versailles as
unjust and a dictated peace
How many days was Germany given to sign the treaty
Seven days
What would happen if Germany refused to sign the treaty
The allies would resume fighting
Who had German lost land to
France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland
What was the disarmament policies for Germany
Army limited to 100,000 men
6 battleships
0 tanks planes or submarines
What was the amount of reparations that Germany had to pay
£6.6 billion
What are of Germany was demilitarised
The Rhineland
What did Germany have to accept
The War Guilt Clause- total blame for the war
Who was Germany forbidden to unite with
What could Germany not join
The League of Nations
What percentage of land did Germany lose
What where the German people denied their right to as a result of the Treaty Of Versailles
self determination
What was France’s opinion of the treaty
Germany was treated too leniently
What was Britain’s opinion of the Treaty
they felt satisfaction at the fact Germany had been weakened
What was the USA’s opinion of the Treaty
thought Germany had been treated too harshly
What happened to prices in the years 1919-20
they quadrupled
Who did inflation benefit
businessmen as it stimulated investment
What was a major cause of the 1923 hyperinflation
600,000 troops invaded the Ruhr as Germany had missed a reparations payment
What did French troops do in the Ruhr
extracted reparations payments in the form of goods
What did the Cuno government do
declared policy of passive resistance to workers in the Ruhr so that they could strike and still be payed
Who where the winners of hyperinflation
those with debts and mortgages
businesses who borrowed then payed back when money devalued further
Who where losers of hyperinflation
war widows
unskilled workers
the sick and disabled
When and where was the Kapp Putsch
March 1920
What was the Kapp Putsch
armed revolt against the government, the putsch collapsed after four days of
When was the Munich Putsch
November 1923
What was the Munich Putsch
attempt from NSDAP to seize power,led a march in Berlin to overthrow the government
What happened to Hitler in the Munic Putsch
he was arrested for treason and suffered nine months in prison even though it was meant to be five years
Why did the Putsch fail
because Hitler failed to secure support from the police
the army commander changed sides
When was the Nazi party founded
When did Hitler join the Nazi party
What did the Nazi party believe in
anti-weimar republic