Weimar Berlin: Introduction Flashcards
Who or what is Weimar?
South east town in Thuringia Weimarer Klassic Goethe and Schiller Important for German culture and history in the 18th century
9th of November 1918 - Republic is announced Kaiser Wilhelm forced to abdicate 1919 Battle of Berlin Chaos, fighting, Revolution So the parliament settle in Weimar because it was safer Versailles Treaty signed in the hall of mirrors From the very beginning there were enormous political tensions Left wing (commies) and NSDAP (Nazis) Violent political clashes - time of turmoil Lots of political assassinations Hyperinflation and reparations 1926-1928 - the golden 20s 1929 Berlin hit by the Great Depression
Modernity and Technological PROGRESS
Speed! Faster is better - traffic and communications The world’s first highway is opened Tempelhof airport Deutsche Funkausstellung - radio exhibition - Funkturm 1926 Television introduced Einstein was in Berlin Scientists working on tech developments
Modernism Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz 1929 - Shows clash of modern development and tradition and various subcultures in Berlin Women’s literature - The new women of the 20s - 1919 they got the right to vote - Women no longer hiding their bodies - New ideas of femininity - Lit that appeals to these modern women Erich Kästner: Emil und die Detektive 1929 - Children’s book Kurt Tucholsky - Satirist - Short stories about Berlin Christopher Isherwood: Goodbye to Berlin 1939
Metropolis Berlin, die Sinfonie der Großstadt Menschen am Sonntag M Kühle Wampe oder: Wem gehört die Welt Strong modern development
Käthe Kollwitz: Brot
Her husband was a medical doctor treating the poor One of her sons died in the First World War Full of empathy for suffering mothers and children Art that was meant to make people react Committed art that tried to change something

George Grosz: Ausschweifung/ Berlin night club 1922
Grotesque, obscene Depiction of debauchery Working class could not afford cigars = drunk guy is part of the ruling class Looks at the seedy and ugly side of night life Kurfürstendamm 1925 War invalids - 1,000000 soldiers wounded in the First World War Violent clashes between very rich and very poor Rich people in smart hats and suits and then in the back you have beggars Political art

Otto Dix: Der Krieg
About the First World War (he was in the war) Horror, violence, bloody mess
Otto Dix: Anita Berber
Sinful, lustful, part of Berlin nightlife She is not beautifully painted, unnatural, mask-like Shaped the idea we have about 1920s German painting

Otto Dix: Grossstadt 1928
More wounded soldiers on the periphery, prostitutes Middle is flamboyant jazz club
Christian Schad:
Agosta der Flügelmensch und Rasha die schwarze Taube Lotte Modern woman example New objectivity - neue Sachlichkeit

Rudolf Schlichter: Hausvogteiplatz
Two prostitutes, gallows in the background

Berolinahaus / Alexanderhaus, Berlin Wohn-und Geschäftshaus, Ku-Damm, Erich Mendelsohn 1926 Hufeisensiedlung, Bruno Taut
Berolinahaus / Alexanderhaus, Berlin
- Plain, unadorned, clear shapes - Trying to create the “new Berlin”

Wohn-und Geschäftshaus, Ku-Damm, Erich Mendelsohn 1926
More round shapes
Still there = shaubune

Hufeisensiedlung, Bruno Taut
Modern apartments/settlements as opposed to the earlier, shittier apartments with no lights or bathrooms and whatnot Designed the apartments themselves and not just the fronts How people should live

Theater, Dance, Caberet
Die Dreigroschenoper (Bertold Brecht/ Kurt Weill), Theater am Schiffbauerdamm
Anita Berber
Outrageous and new forms of dance
Die Sünden der Welt
Sports, Everyday Culture
High culture replaced by mass entertainment
Speed! - races
Bike races
Boxers as Stars
Mixing of intellectual and mass culture
Brecht loved boxing
More physical
The New Woman in the 20s
Drastic changes compared to what was before
Women smoking
Women in men’s clothing